People Born on July 1st Personality,Stars,Numbers

Last updated onJuly 01, 2024

Planetary Influences:Ruling planets:Moon;Second decan:Personal planet is Mars. Virtues:Sensitive, just, intuitive. Vices:Sacrificing, suppressed, insecure. Careers:Social worker, human-rights activist, spiritual leader, charity worker, artist. Skills & Aptitudes:Imaginative talents, introspection, abstract thinking, intuiting the emotions of others. Compatible with:July 6–11

Adventurous go-getter

People Born on July 1st Personality,Stars,Numbers

People Born on July 1st Personality Reference

Profound determination, sensitivity, and insight indicate that although you are shy and retiring, there is an unyielding nature behind your gentle smile. As a Cancerian, you are impressionable, intuitive, yet hardworking. Caring and protective, you are often a devoted parent and a loyal friend; nevertheless, at times you are likely to be moody or commanding, troubled by conflicting emotions. This indicates that inclinations toward depression or self-torment should be avoided. Nevertheless, your composed and unwavering nature gives you the impetus to overcome great challenges. This power to begin again by initiating new projects and ideas is one of your greatest assets.

The subinfluence of your decanate ruler, Cancer, suggests that although you are ambitious and independent, you need privacy, and a peaceful life is much desired. Although sociable, you attempt to hide some of your movements and resent any interference from others.

Leadership abilities and the need to be active suggest that you do not procrastinate for long periods of time. By developing your natural insight, you grow to learn the value of wisdom gained from life’s experiences. If restrictions are imposed on you, you stand your ground by displaying a rebellious streak. An idealist, you can be a force to be reckoned with once you are inspired.

After the age of twenty-one, when your progressed Sun moves into Leo, there are likely to be many opportunities to develop strength, creativity, and self-expression. The emphasis on your growing confidence is likely to continue until around fifty-one, when your progressed Sun moves into Virgo and your focus changes to a more pragmatic and rational desire to be of service.

Stars of People Born on July 1st


Sun: Cancer

Decanate: Scorpio/pluto

Degree: 9°45’-11° Cancer

Mode: Cardinal

Element: Water

Fixed Stars

Star’s name: Alhena or Al-Hena, also called the Bright Foot of Gemini Degree position: 8°7’-9°7’Cancer between the years 1930 and 2000 Magnitude:2 Strength: ******** Orb:2°10’ Constellation:Gamma Gemini Applicable days:June 28, 29, 30, July 1, 2 Star qualities:Mercury/Venus or Moon/Venus with Jupiter Description:a brilliant white star in the left foot of the southern Twin

Primary Star’s Influence

Alhena’s influence can bestow prominence in the art world and denotes a refined, lovable, and affable nature. You may be interested in spirituality or art and science. This star also indicates that you take pride in achievement, whether great or small. A love of ease and luxury is also suggested.

Linked to your Sun’s degree, this star denotes artistic inclinations, interest in the sciences, and prominence in the study of astrology or metaphysics. You have a charismatic personality and can prosper through social affairs and all dealings with the public. You are motivated by a desire for pleasure and luxury. This star is also associated with Achilles’ heel and therefore warns against foot injuries.

• Positive:tactful, the joy of living, sociability, stylish with film-star mannerisms

• Negative:lazy, overindulgent, wasteful, conceited, proud

Secrets of People Born on July 1st

A need for personal or intimate relationships is a vital key to your happiness. You have good communicative skills, and by avoiding suspicion and jealousy you can have many good friends. Learning to stand on your own two feet gives a great boost to your confidence and indicates that you can overcome the fear of being alone or abandoned.

Your leadership ability and capacity for hard work mark you out for advancement in any field of endeavor. A perfectionist with highly idealistic and romantic notions, you have a strong need for love and affection. Since you often set high standards for yourself and others, at times these high expectations are hard to achieve. By having a meaningful cause to support, you are able to successfully channel your high ideals, quick insight, and compassion to help others.

Occupations suitable for individuals born on July 1st

With an innate understanding of the general public, you can succeed in people-related careers. You like to be in control rather than subservient to others, so you often excel in management and executive positions or may prefer to work for yourself. You can be sympathetic and intuitive, and yet when necessary be strong and authoritarian—an excellent combination for a career in politics. Certainly others will value your ability to take charge and your approach to new and original ideas. If drawn to the theater or film, you can be a good actor and director, or your strong individuality and imagination may seek expression in art, music, or dance. Alternatively, your humanitarian inclinations may attract you to the caring professions or working with children.

Famous people who share your birthday include Princess Diana, sportsman Carl Lewis, actors Dan Aykroyd and Charles Laughton, singer Deborah Harry, actresses Pamela Anderson Lee, Leslie Caron, and Olivia de Havilland, choreographer Twyla Tharp, and cosmetics tycoon Estée Lauder.

July 1st Birthday Numerology

A powerful entity and results-oriented force, all about initiating action and getting things done. As a number 1, you are more inclined to be individual, innovative, and courageous, with plenty of energy. Often there is a need to establish a strong identity and develop self- confidence or assertiveness. The pioneering spirit indicated here encourages you to make your own decisions or strike out alone. Full of enthusiasm and original ideas, you often show others the way forward. With a number 1 birthday, you may also need to learn that the world does not revolve around you; avoid an inclination to be self-centered or dictatorial. Winning is important, and initiating new ideas can lead to success. The subinfluence of the number 7 month indicates that you are highly sensitive, with strong intuition and inner wisdom. You need to learn to trust your own instincts and develop faith and understanding. As an individual with strong values and sound judgment, you aspire to great accomplishment. Your ambitious nature and power to heal others suggest that you can work for the betterment of humankind.

• Positive:leadership, creative, progressive, forceful, optimistic, strong convictions, competitive, independent, gregarious

• Negative:overbearing, jealous, egotistical, too proud, selfish, weak, vacillating, impatient

Love & Relationships of People Born on July 1st

Your desire for security and financial stability often plays an important role in your choice of partners. You may be sympathetic and supportive of those in your care, but often you like to be in charge and take control by making your own decisions. You may prefer a few close friends to many acquaintances, and loyalty and trust play an important role in close friendships. Family life and taking care of your responsibilities may at times clash with your own personal desire for freedom and independence.

The dream lover of someone born on July 1st

You may come closer to finding your true partner with people born on the following dates.

Love & friendship:Jan. 11, 20, 25, 27, 29, Feb. 9, 18, 23, 25, 27, Mar. 7, 16, 21, 23, 25, Apr. 5, 14, 19, 21, 23, May 3, 12, 17, 19, 21, June 1, 10, 15, 17, 19, July 8, 13, 15, 17, Aug. 6, 11, 13, 15, Sept. 4, 9, 11, 13, Oct. 2, 7, 9, 11, Nov. 5, 7, 9, Dec. 3, 5, 7

Beneficial:Jan. 9, 26, Feb. 7, 24, Mar. 5, 22, Apr. 3, 20, May 1, 18, 29, June 16, 27, July 14, 25, 29, 30, Aug. 12, 23, 27, 28, 31, Sept. 10, 21, 25, 26, 29, Oct. 8, 19, 23, 24, 27, Nov. 6, 17, 21, 22, 25, Dec. 4, 15, 19, 20, 23

Fatal attractions:Jan. 1, 2, 16, Feb. 14, Mar. 12, Apr. 10, May 8, June 6, July 4, Aug. 2, Dec. 30, 31

Challenging:Jan. 8, 29, 31, Feb. 6, 27, 29, Mar. 4, 25, 27, 28, Apr. 2, 23, 25, 26, May 21, 23, 24, June 19, 21, 22, July 17, 19, 20, Aug. 15, 17, 18, Sept. 13, 15, 16, Oct. 11, 13, 14, 30, Nov. 9, 11, 12, 28, Dec. 7, 9, 10, 26

Soul mates:May 30, June 28, July 26, Aug. 24, Sept. 22, 30, Oct. 20, 28, Nov. 18, 26, Dec. 16, 24

July 1st Birthday Personology Summary

Although many of the personal qualities mani- fested by July 1 people—their deep sensitivity, their capacity for profound thought and their propen- sity for introspection—may identify them as intro- verted types, they are also endowed with extroverted tendencies, as evidenced by their strong wish to please others and marked enjoyment of social occasions.

Despite their natural orientation toward exploring the realm of abstract themes, their innate priority is to understand every aspect of the human condition, a predilection that may lead them not only to explore such areas as spirituality and alternative philosophies, but also to actively immerse themselves in human- itarian work. For many, the defining quality that inspires their actions is an overwhelming empathy with others—especially those whom they perceive as having been forgotten or abused by society. Their inclinations and intuitive talents may lead them into careers devoted toward helping others or pushing society forward—for example as social workers, or as artists of all kinds.

To all their endeavors, be they of a professional or private nature, those born on this day bring their deeply empathetic and generous, but also imagina- tive and prescient, qualities. Yet despite—or perhaps because of—the prodigious emotional and physical energy that they typically devote to others, be they the disadvantaged or their friends and relations, July 1 people generally have a tendency to suppress their own emotional requirements, possibly as a result of a misplaced sense of insecurity. Indeed, it can appear is as if people born on this day need the recognition of others to validate their worth.

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