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People Born on July 23rd: Destiny, Future

Last updated onJuly 23, 2024

July 23rd Birthday Numerology

No. 5:Impulsive and restless by nature, spontaneous and likes to discover the world through the senses.

July 23 VS Leo, 5, Fiery idealist

People Born on July 23rd: Destiny, Future

July 23rd Birthday Destiny

You are likely to have such energy in life, it’s as if the Lion (Leo) has waited patiently all this time, then been released and pounced. Idealistic and high-minded, you see yourself as starring in the movie of your own life where you are also the writer, director, producer and publicist. You stick to the narrative that you are here to blaze a trail that others will follow. What may not be immediately clear is that this narrative is also about doing the best for others, too. This in part encapsulates all it means to be born a Leo. The shadow side of a sunny nature and generous, leonine courage and strength, however, is likely to be a big ego, a whole lot of vanity and a tendency to self-indulge. You probably have a natural gift for performance and will do well in a career that plays to this strength. For a meaningful, long-term relationship, seek out a partner who will reciprocate your loving loyalty, but who will also understand your need for the space and freedom to go it alone from time to time, not just in body but also in mind. All that powerful energy needs some time out.

July 23rd Birthday Future

Lions born on this day are creative, imaginative individualists who are bent on doing things their own way. You are naturally outgoing and friendly, with an upbeat, sunny disposition. However, it's your fiery zest for life that draws the interest and admiration of those around you. Idealistic and high-minded, you envision yourself as a noble hero whose destiny it is to blaze a path for others to follow. On one level, you are a socially conscious humanitarian concerned about people and their problems. But on another level, you're a lot more interested in making your own way in the world.

Blessed with intuition, originality, and a flair for the dramatic, July 23rd individuals are natural born performers. Your inherent interest in progress and new ways of doing things can help you create career opportunities for yourself and others. You could be successful in just about any job or occupation as long as you love what you are doing. Those areas most likely to attract your interest include the media, the arts, entertainment, the sciences, education, politics, and professional sports.

With your independent spirit, you can't be truly happy in a romantic relationship that is emotionally or mentally confining. Once you've found your soul mate, you make a loyal, loving partner, as long as you're given a little freedom and some breathing room.

July 23rd Birthday Tarot

Strength:Not surprisingly, this card speaks of leonine energy but also of the strength, or fortitude, of the woman holding the lion. It’s as well to remember that for strength to endure, it sometimes needs to be tempered by gentleness and working with others to achieve outcomes that support everyone. It can take a gentle gesture to realise this, and helps us to understand that working with, rather than against, our best interests sometimes involves pausing to consider the whole picture.

July 23rd Famous birthdays

Woody Harrelson(American actor and playwright); Daniel Radcliffe(British actor); Alison Krauss(American singer and musician); Born Today:

Coral Browne (actress); Bert Convy (actor/TV game show host);Gloria De Haven (actress); Don Drysdale (baseball player); Don Imus (radio talk show host); Nomar Garciaparra (baseball player); Woody Harrelson (actor); Max Heindel (theosophist/ Rosicrucian leader); Harold "Pee Wee" Reese (baseball player)

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