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People Born on July 27th: Destiny, Future

Last updated onJuly 27, 2024

July 27th Birthday Numerology

No. 9:An old soul that looks to spiritual awareness to solve life’s problems and likes to help others to do so in the same way.

July 27 VS Leo, 9, Competitive winner

People Born on July 27th: Destiny, Future

July 27th Birthday Destiny

There are some people who seem to be the glue that keeps a group, whether work, family or socially, together. For those born on this date, it’s often a key feature of how they operate in the world. With a determined and dynamic character, you probably don’t do anything by halves, but throw yourself into all your commitments and responsibilities with the energy of a lion. Self-assured, committed and idealistic, you are here to win, but that’s not as selfish as it sounds because whatever the winnings, you will be happy to share and use your resources to make things better for everyone around you. You’ll be naturally competitive in nature, even if you keep this hidden, and if you did opt for any sort of sporting career, you’re more than likely to have a corporate back-up plan because one of your priorities is to make sure your family and those you love most are taken care of. In intimate relationships you have the characteristic Leo need for constant reassurance and attention, so look for a partner who understands that stroking your ego is likely to be an essential part of the deal between you.

July 27th Birthday Future

The regal lions born on this day are self-assured, enterprising, and ambitious. You are outgoing and magnanimous, with a generous nature and a genuine understanding of people and their problems. Your sociability and compassion make you extremely popular with friends and associates. Their acceptance, recognition, and praise mean rhe world to you. However, your frank, outspoken manner and the inclination to say whatever you're thinking may not go over so well. You are intuitive to the point of being a visionary, and your psychic-like perception allows you to tune in to prevailing conditions. As a result, you pick up on things that others tend to miss.

Despite the sensitivity of lions born on this day, no one would ever accuse them of being shy or retiring. Ambitious and determined to get ahead in the world, you have an abiding faith in your own abilities and a tendency to see yourself as the star of the show. High-minded and idealistic, you believe that you have something important to contribute to the world. You are inherently courageous and aggressive, and you think and act quickly and decisively when carrying out your ideas and ideals.

In intimate relationships, you are fiercely loyal, passionate, and generous, but you're equally jealous and demanding. Your ego requires a lot of stroking, and it can take constant attention and repeated assurances of love and affection from your partner to keep you happy.

July 27th Birthday Tarot

The Emperor:This is a strong card because while there may be threats to the Emperor’s throne, he’s not rattled and won’t be handing over his power any time soon. His power in this card is depicted by the sceptre and orb, symbols of monarchy, held securely in each hand. As a fire sign, it’s the energy of the lion that gives you a strong self-belief, but this card amplifies your strength of purpose and commitment. It doesn’t matter what others think, as you are secure in your own judgement.

July 27th Famous birthdays

Jo Durie(British tennis player); Roxanne Hart(American actress); Indiana Evans(Australian actress and singer-songwriter); Born Today:

Christopher Dean (skater); Alexander Dumas, Jr. (writer); Leo Durocher (baseball manager); Peggy Fleming (skater); Bobby Gentry (singer); Norman Lear (fV producer); Maureen McGovern (singer/actress); Sir Joshua Reynolds (artist); Alex "A-Rod" Rodriguez (baseball player); Charles Vidor (director)

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