People Born on July 27th Personality,Stars,Numbers

Last updated onJuly 27, 2024

Planetary Influences:Ruling planet:Sun;First decan:Personal planet is Sun. Virtues:Positive, progressive, energetic. Vices:Controlling, overprotective, domineering. Careers:Analyst, CEO, marketing executive. Skills & Aptitudes:Leadership skills, enthusiasm, determination. Compatible with:April 17, April 26–30

Competitive winner

People Born on July 27th Personality,Stars,Numbers

People Born on July 27th Personality Reference

Friendly and understanding, with a sixth sense, you are a receptive Leo with strong character. Creative, with a thirst for knowledge and a strong need to explore, you are endowed with an imaginative and curious mind. You have a need to express yourself in thoughts and words or to initiate new ideas.

A determined and progressive thinker, you seek mental stimulation and recognize good ideas when you come across them. Quick on the uptake, you rarely miss an opportunity to keep up with the latest information and are usually a collector of books, magazines, or computer technology.

The subinfluence of your decanate ruler, Leo, indicates that you possess a lively personality, with charm and good looks. Being friendly, you enjoy intimate conversations and the personal touch. Nevertheless, you are often an extremist by nature and need to learn how to balance the generous side of your nature with a tendency to be overly sensitive, insecure, or stubborn.

Since you are social and gregarious, with forceful speech, you like to deal with the public at large and are good at diplomacy and public relations. When inspired, whatever you do, you usually start with great enthusiasm but not always enough preparation. This tendency can explain why you are inclined to get bored easily or lose heart, and suggests that having too many interests can distract your otherwise focused mind.

Being intuitive and practical, you are a productive idealist, and with your enthusiastic personality, erudition, and fertile imagination can produce impressive original thought. You may, however, need to learn how to turn your wonderful ideas into tangible concepts.

After the age of twenty-six, when your progressed Sun enters Virgo, you start to become less dominant as you center your attention on becoming more analytical, practical, and reflective. As your duties increase you will also find that you want to produce your work more perfectly and efficiently. From the age of fifty-six, when your progressed Sun moves into Libra, there is a change of emphasis in your life, and you become more easygoing, adaptable, and diplomatic.

Stars of People Born on July 27th


Sun: Sun

Decanate: Leo/sun

Degree: 4°45’-5°30’ Leo

Mode: Fixed

Element: Fire

Fixed Stars

Although your Sun’s degree is not linked to a fixed star; some of your other planets’ degrees certainly will be. By having an astrological chart calculated, you can find the exact position of the planets on your date of birth. This will tell you which of the fixed stars listed in this book are relevant to you.

Secrets of People Born on July 27th

Although personally ambitious, you may find your greatest pleasure comes from sharing with others. As you can be both independent and codependent, you may need to balance the emotional extremes of your nature in order to establish close and deep relationships. It may be necessary for you to pay special attention to ensure that all your associations are on an equal give-and-take basis.

You can be warm, loving, and highly idealistic. This may take you to high points of emotional inspiration, whether through art, music, or spirituality. The contrast between these heights and the mundane world and people’s everyday personalities may sometimes cause inner tension. By spontaneously giving without expecting people to do things your way, you can avoid disappointment.

Occupations suitable for individuals born on July 27th

With your quick intelligence, exceptional memory, and leadership abilities, you can make a valuable contribution in almost any career. Given your attraction to people-related occupations and activities, you may excel as a salesperson, trainer, propagandist, or agent, or in public relations. Equally, you can excel as a writer, teacher, or administrator. If in business, you will probably want to direct the show, so you need to be self-employed or in a management position. Sharing your expertise can extend to being a lawyer or counselor, and you may find yourself working for a cause. Alternatively, you can also be attracted to careers that involve your appreciation of color, beauty and form, or music.

Famous people who share your birthday include country singer Bobbie Gentry, singer/actress Maureen McGovern, and poet Hilaire Belloc.

July 27th Birthday Numerology

An old soul that looks to spiritual awareness to solve life’s problems and likes to help others to do so in the same way. The number 27 birthdate indicates that you are idealistic and sensitive. Intuitive and analytical, with a fertile and creative mind, you can impress others with your original thoughts. Although at times you appear secretive, overly rational, or detached, in fact you may be hiding inner tensions. In developing good communication skills, you can overcome a reluctance to express your deeper feelings. Education is essential for number 27 persons, and by developing depth of thought you become more patient and self-disciplined. The subinfluence of the number 7 month indicates that you are charismatic, with an imaginative mind and strong instincts. You are often forceful, determined, and observant and can pay a great deal of attention to details. By developing a positive attitude and learning to listen to others, you can overcome a tendency to be skeptical and suspicious. To gain a deeper understanding of life’s wisdom, you may choose to ignore the advice of others and learn through personal experience.

• Positive:versatile, imaginative, creative, resolute, brave, good understanding, mentally capable, spiritual, inventive, mental strength

• Negative:disagreeable, quarrelsome, easily offended, argumentative, restless, nervous, mistrustful, overemotional

Love & Relationships of People Born on July 27th

Although you are dynamic and forceful, you often think as a twosome. Friendly and sociable, you can attract others with your sunny personality, though you might prefer the intimacy of only a few close friends. Ambitious and self-motivated, you are usually attracted to hardworking individuals who are self-made. For happiness and long-lasting relationships, you may need to overcome a tendency to be too possessive or temperamental. However, in relationships you can be charming, loyal, and supportive.

The dream lover of someone born on July 27th

Your chances of finding a loving partner are increased with those born on the following dates.

Love & friendship:Jan. 1, 4, 27, 29, Feb. 2, 25, 27, Mar. 23, 25, Apr. 21, 23, May 19, 21, 29, June 17, 19, 27, July 15, 17, 25, Aug. 13, 15, 23, Sept. 11, 13, 21, Oct. 9, 11, 19, Nov. 7, 9, 17, Dec. 5, 7, 15

Beneficial:Jan. 3, 10, 15, 18, Feb. 1, 8, 13, 16, Mar. 6, 11, 14, 29, 31, Apr. 4, 9, 12, 27, 29, May 2, 7, 10, 25, 27, June 5, 8, 23, 25, July 3, 6, 21, 23, Aug. 1, 4, 19, 21, Sept. 2, 17, 19, Oct. 15, 17, Nov. 13, 15, Dec. 11, 13

Fatal attractions:Jan. 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, Apr. 30, May 28, June 26, July 24, Aug. 22, Sept. 20, Oct. 18, Nov. 16, Dec. 14

Challenging:Jan. 9, 14, 16, 25, Feb. 7, 12, 14, 23, Mar. 5, 10, 12, 21, 28, 30, Apr. 3, 8, 10, 19, 26, 28, May 1, 6, 8, 17, 24, 26, June 4, 6, 15, 22, 24, July 2, 4, 13, 20, 22, Aug. 2, 11, 18, 20, Sept. 9, 16, 18, Oct. 7, 14, 16, Nov. 5, 12, 14, Dec. 3, 10, 12

Soul mates:Dec. 29

July 27th Birthday Personology Summary

Those born on this day are blessed with prodigious energy, passion and commitment, as well as highly developed practical and organizational skills—a formi- dably effective combination of characteristics that July 27 people utilize to the full. These are dynamic indi- viduals who rarely do things by halves, throwing them- selves into the active pursuit of their professional and private visions with single-minded determination and dedication, fueled by the desire to make tangible prog- ress. Although their choice of career clearly depends upon their individual preferences, most will thrive in any profession in which they can work directly toward the achievement of their goals, supervising a well-or- dered team and implementing their soundly consid- ered promotional strategies in the process. Such incli- nations and talents augur particularly well for their success as corporate players, but their natural flamboy- ance and creativity, adventurousness and vigor further- more equip these individuals with outstanding artistic potential—and especially so if they were also born in the Chinese year of the dragon.

Within the domestic sphere, those born on July 27 will usually assume the role of the familial linch pin around whom others revolve. Typically extraordinarily affectionate toward their nearest and dearest, they do their utmost to safeguard the well-being and happiness of those closest to them—particularly their children— while at the same time injecting an enlivening sense of fun into their relationships. It is important, however, that they should judiciously moderate their desire to exert their benevolent influence over those to whom they are most strongly attached, and allow them to make, and thus learn from, their own mistakes.

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