People Born on July 3rd Personality,Stars,Numbers

Last updated onJuly 03, 2024

Planetary Influences:Ruling planets:Moon;Second decan:Personal planet is Mars. Virtues:Intuitive, intellectual, sensitive. Vices:Isolated, passive, overly critical. Careers:Psychologist, psychiatrist, physician, graphic artist, author. Skills & Aptitudes:Intellectual interest in the human psyche, powers of observation and analysis, imagination. Compatible with:July 6–11

Astute analyst

People Born on July 3rd Personality,Stars,Numbers

People Born on July 3rd Personality Reference

Imaginative and creative, with practical skills, you are a security-conscious Cancerian with powerful feelings. The subinfluence of your decanate ruler, Scorpio, often indicates that since you are a humanitarian with strong emotions, idealism and vision can play an important role in your life. Nevertheless, a preoccupation with material concerns may keep your feet firmly on the ground.

Observant and perceptive, with a good sense of form and style, you are quickly able to turn your interests and creative talents into successful commercial enterprises. With your organizational skills and intuitive powers, you often possess good judgment and have strong material values. With your desire for the good life, however, you may have to avoid overindulgence or extravagance.

Generous, proud, and sensitive, yet critical and all-knowing, is how others may often describe you. This indicates that due to emotional inhibitions you sometimes hide your true feelings and insecurities. Nevertheless, with your dynamic and friendly personality and gift for words, you can be very persuasive.

After the age of nineteen, when your progressed Sun moves into Leo, you become less shy or security-conscious. The Leo influence aids you to gain in confidence and strengthen your performance capacity in your chosen field. From age forty-nine onward, your progressed Sun moves into Virgo and you will have a more practical and discriminating attitude, with service to others becoming a more important part of your life.

Stars of People Born on July 3rd


Sun: Cancer

Decanate: Pluto

Degree: Ll°45’-13° Cancer

Mode: Cardinal

Element: Water

Fixed Stars

Star’s name: Sirius Degree position: 13°6’-14°2’ Cancer between the years 1930 and 2000 Magnitude: 1 Strength: ********** Orb:2°30’ Constellation:Alpha Canis Major Applicable days:July 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Star qualities: variedinterpretations: Moon/Jupiter/Mars Description:a brilliant white and yellow binary star, located in the mouth of the Great Dog; linked to the Egyptian god Osiris

Primary Star’s Influence

Sirius bestows an optimistic, broad outlook and the ability to make loyal friends in high places. With this star’s influence, you can enjoy prosperity and success and can act as guardian or have a custodial position. Often, and without much effort, you can receive favors from superiors. Sirius may indicate honor, wealth, and fame as well as an opportunity to exercise power and leadership qualities. Sirius may also encourage rebellious or daredevil behavior, and it thus warns against the, danger of pushing ahead prematurely.

Linked to your Sun’s degree, this star suggests success in business, domestic happiness, and an inclination toward the arts, astrology, philosophy, or higher learning. If honor comes too This star also indicates that you are trustworthy and can act as custodian of other people’s property

• Positive:faithfulness, important responsibilities, joy of living, love of enterprise, successful, creative activities

• Negative:the urge for freedom at any cost, misuse of power and positions of trust

Secrets of People Born on July 3rd

Although you can be expressive and creative, your greatest challenge may be an inclination to scatter your energies across too many interests. This suggests that indecision and worry, particularly about money matters, may undermine your great potential. Despite a lucky streak, you should avoid speculative ventures or get-rich-quick schemes, as it is through determination and perseverance that you might achieve success. As a rule, you are charitable and generous with your time and energy.

Your potential for greatness arises from your superior intellect and ability to perceive ideas on a grand scale. When inspired, you have the talent to organize big events and work hard for a worthwhile cause. This eventually will bring you the recognition that you deserve.

Occupations suitable for individuals born on July 3rd

You are likely to shine when in positions of authority, and as you can be fair and just, this makes you an excellent manager or administrator. Altruism and an ability to push through some kind of reform may attract you to leadership in such organizations as trade unions, parental groups, or charity work. Those who are not freedom fighters may be interested in education or some other form of public or social interest. An innate understanding of money and values may draw you to business, where you can do particularly well, especially when using your creative skills, such as being an antiques dealer, chef, restaurant worker, art dealer, or administrator. A need to express your individuality and creativity may draw you to the world of art or entertainment.

Famous people who share your birthday include actor Tom Cruise, director Ken Russell, and playwright Tom Stoppard.

July 3rd Birthday Numerology

Creative with the gift of imagination and an ability to communicate in writing, art or speech. A need for love, creativity, and sensitivity are all indicated by the number 3 birthday. Easygoing and a good companion, you enjoy friendly social activities and many interests. Versatility and a need for self-expression lead you to seek numerous experiences. An inclination to get bored easily, however, may cause you to become indecisive or spread yourself too thin. Although with a number 3 birthday you can be enthusiastic and charming, with a good sense of humor, you may have to develop self-esteem to guard against worry and other emotional insecurities. Personal relationships and a loving atmosphere are of prime importance to you, as they endow you with hope and inspiration. The subinfluence of the number 7 month indicates that although you are analytical and intuitive, at times you can be skeptical. You usually have a way with words and develop the art of asking subtle questions without letting anyone know what you really think.

• Positive:humorous, happy, friendly, productive, creative, artistic, power to wish, freedom- loving, talent with words

• Negative:easily bored, vain, overimaginative, exaggerate, unloving, boastful, self- indulgent, lazy, hypocritical

Love & Relationships of People Born on July 3rd

Inclined toward people who are creative and communicative, you often find friendship and love when you can feel at ease with the other person. Generous and proud, you like to display a confident and smart appearance. Your many interests lead you to experience different types of relationships. If insecure, you may find that financial worry and indecision can cause stress in relationships. At times your restlessness and an inability to settle down also suggest that you can have a change of heart, but once you settle down you can be very loyal and caring.

The dream lover of someone born on July 3rd

To find your ideal partner; you may want to look for someone born on one of the following dates.

Love & friendship:Jan. 13, 29, Feb. 11, 27, 29, Mar. 9, 25, 27, Apr. 7, 23, 25, May 5, 21, 23, 29, June 3, 19, 21, 27, 30, July 1, 17, 19, 25, 28, Aug. 15, 17, 23, 26, Sept. 13, 15, 21, 24,Oct. 11, 13, 19, 22, 29, Nov. 9, 11, 17, 20, 27, Dec. 7, 9, 15, 18, 25

Beneficial:Jan. 11, Feb. 9, Mar. 7, 31, Apr. 5, 29, May 3, 27, 31, June 1, 25, 29, July 23, 27, 31, Aug. 21, 25, 29, 30, Sept. 19, 23, 27, 28, Oct. 17, 21, 25, 26, Nov. 15, 19, 23, 24, 30, Dec. 13, 17, 21, 22, 28

Fatal attractions:Jan. 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, Feb. 10, Mar. 8, Apr. 6, May 4, June 2, Dec. 31

Challenging:Jan. 10, Feb. 8, Mar. 6, 29, Apr. 4, 27, May 2, 25, June 23, July 21, Aug. 19, Sept. 17, Oct. 15, 31, Nov. 13, 29, 30, Dec. 11, 27, 28

Soul mates:Jan. 18, 24, Feb. 16, 22, Mar. 14, 20, Apr. 12, 18, May 10, 16, June. 8, 14, July 6, 12, Aug. 4, 10, Sept. 2, 8, Oct. 6, Nov. 4, Dec. 2

July 3rd Birthday Personology Summary

July 3 individuals have more of an intellectual than emotional sensitivity toward other people. This is not to say that these people are not moved by the plight of those in need, but rather that the feelings that arise in their hearts are filtered through their heads before being given expression.

Despite their intense interest in other people, their easy charm and their urge to effect progress, those born on this day may sometimes appear to others to be somewhat remote. In part, this may be because they have learned that if they expose their emotions, they are vulnerable to being hurt: but it also indicates that many of these remarkably perspicacious individuals prefer not to become actively involved with people or situations until they have observed and analyzed them and thereby built up a detailed store of information to give them command of all of the available facts. Such inclinations and talents, as well as their soaring imag- inative powers, augur especially well for their success as artists, but also equip them admirably for careers as psychologists, psychiatrists and physicians.

Within their personal liaisons, July 3 people demonstrate their tireless involvement and loyalty toward those with whom they have formed deep emo- tional bonds. Their natural propensity for analyzing the human personality may, however, make it difficult for them to commit themselves to a life partner, for their perspicacity may lead them to envisage numerous potential problems in the relationship under consid- eration. Similarly, until they learn to couch their criti- cal comments in more diplomatic terms, they may be misperceived by others as being censorious types.

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