People Born on June 11th Personality,Stars,Numbers

Last updated onJune 11, 2024

Planetary Influences:Ruling planet:Mercury;Third decan:Personal planets are Saturn and Uranus. Virtues:Vigorous, focused, incisive. Vices:Stubborn, isolated, neglectful. Careers:Scientific researcher, graphic or visual artist, sportsperson. Skills & Aptitudes:Intellectual skills, ability to immerse themselves in one subject area, strong focus and sense of purpose. Compatible with:October 8–12

Inspired thinker

People Born on June 11th Personality,Stars,Numbers

People Born on June 11th Personality Reference

Your birthdate indicates that idealism and practicality play equal parts in your life story. With your good judgment and reasoning powers, you present an astute yet sensitive front to the world. Possessing a strong desire for honesty, you can manage to be subtle yet direct, and you have discerning common sense.

The influence of Aquarius, your decanate ruler, accents your independence and versatility. This also suggests that you are friendly, outgoing, and people-orientated. Nevertheless, you may also have a more unusual or eccentric side to your nature. Being interested in many different subjects, your excellent mind suggests an original approach and possibly that you are even an inspired thinker. Quickly getting to the heart of a matter, you usually enjoy learning and can be farsighted. You may have to overcome a tendency to be irritable, which can spoil your charms and alienate you from others.

Although charismatic and attractive to many different types of people, you may have to avoid drifting or getting too caught up in other people’s dramas. Inspired by many ideas, once you have set a definite goal you can be determined and organized, with a strong sense of purpose. Having the added advantage of natural intuition can be a tremendous benefit, as you are likely to have a sixth sense about people and situations.

After the age of ten, when your progressed Sun moves into Cancer, issues around emotional security, home, and family start to play a more important part in your life. This influence continues until the age of forty, when your progressed Sun moves into Leo. This starts a thirty-year period of confidence, increased self-expression, and increased sociability. When you reach the age of seventy, your progressed Sun moves into Virgo, and you will want to be more analytical, practical, and reflective.

Stars of People Born on June 11th


Sun: Gemini

Decanate: Aquarius/uranus

Degree: 20°-21°30’ Gemini

Mode: Mutable

Element: Air

Fixed Stars

Capella, also called Little She-Goat and Amalthea; Bellatrix, also called the Female Warrior; Phact; El Nath

Primary Star

Star’s name: Capella, also called Little She-Goat and Amalthea Degree position:20°52’-21°48’ Gemini between the years 1930 and 2000 Magnitude: 1 Strength: ********** Orb: 2°30’ Constellation:Alpha Aurigae Applicable days:June 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 Star qualities:Mercury/Mars Description:a large bright white star located on the body of the Goat in the arms of Auriga

Primary Star’s Influence

Capella grants an energetic nature, in- quisitiveness, and a love of learning. This star encourages an interest in research and new inventions. It imparts honor and prominent positions of trust. You may also acquire wealth and success.

Linked to your Sun’s degree, this star indicates a tendency to be verbose and suggests that you avoid being too talkative. Capella advises learning to listen to others in order to avoid misunderstandings.

o Positive:trustworthy, loyalty, inquisitive mind, comprehensive knowledge

• Negative:argumentative, indecision, worry, lack of interest, wasted mental energy

Secrets of People Born on June 11th

Sensitive and imaginative, you have a mind rich with ideas but might have to avoid a tendency to worry. It is important to build up your confidence, which may be strengthened by your ability to express yourself in all areas in your life, but particularly through music, art, or the written word. Your home is likely to be your safe haven, where you can find peace or security. Although you want harmony, be careful not to compromise too much of yourself in the process

An inner challenge may be an unconscious discontent that springs from frustration or disappointment with your situation or with others. By facing these uncertainties and dealing with them, you are able to make decisions that help you stay detached and positive. Once released of undue worries, you are free to reveal your creative spirit and project the joy of life.

Occupations suitable for individuals born on June 11th

Being bright and versatile and possessing excellent communication skills, you are able to adapt to any career opportunity. It may just be necessary to avoid scattering your forces, as you are likely to be multitalented. When interested in a project or cause, however, you are likely to work extremely hard. This will assist you in the worlds of business or social work, or in politics. You may also be drawn to science, law, the civil service, or the clergy. Alternatively, your natural ability to deal with people can aid you in a career in sales or the service industries. Being good with your hands, you may choose to use this skill creatively or practically. By developing your innate artistic talents and expressing your need for inspiration, you may be drawn to film, painting, or music.

Famous people who, share your birthday include actor Gene Wilder, marine explorer Jacques Cousteau, composer Richard Strauss, writer Ben Jonson, sportsman Joe Montana, and painter John Constable.

June 11th Birthday Numerology

Shows resilience and power in gentleness, often provides the role of mediator, and linked to psychic abilities. The special vibration of the master number 11 birthday suggests that idealism, inspiration, and innovation are highly important to you. A blend of humility and confidence challenges you to work toward self-mastery both materially and spiritually. Through experience you learn how to deal with both sides of your nature and develop a less extremist attitude by trusting your own feelings. Usually you are highly charged and enjoy vitality, but must avoid becoming overly anxious or impractical. The subinfluence of the number 6 month indicates that you are highly intuitive but need to focus on your goals. Although ambitious, you may need to develop a more realistic perspective in order to make your dreams come true. Take your time to build strong foundations. Thoughtful and understanding, you can be an inspiration to others. However, guard against being moody, overly sensitive, or irritable. To turn your ideals into tangible reality, stay with the tried and tested until you know of a better way.

• Positive:balanced, focused, objective, enthusiastic, inspirational, spiritual, idealistic, intuitive, intelligent, outgoing, inventive, artistic, service, healing ability, humanitarian, psychic

• Negative:superiority complex, dishonest, aimless, overemotional, easily hurt, highly strung, selfish, lack of clarity, dominating

Love & Relationships of People Born on June 11th

Charismatic and charming, you have the power to attract people from all walks of life. With this ability often comes the necessity to exercise a certain amount of discrimination, as you are likely to draw toward you people who will either lean on you or distract you from your purpose. Often you have high expectations from relationships, and if these are not met, you become restless and dissatisfied with yourself and others. A need to be appreciated suggests that you are willing to make sacrifices for the ones you love, yet want a great deal of love and acknowledgment for your efforts. You are generally very fortunate in your dealings with people.

The dream lover of someone born on June 11th

You may find longer-lasting relationships and stability with those born on the following dates.

Love & friendship:Jan. 5, 9, 18, 19, Feb. 3, 7, 16, 17, Mar. 1, 5, 14, 15, 31, Apr. 3, 12, 13, 29, May 1, 10, 11, 27, 29, June 8, 9, 25, 27, July 6, 7, 23, 25, 31, Aug. 4, 5, 21, 23, 29, Sept. 2, 3, 19, 21, 27, 30, Oct. 1, 17, 19, 25, 28, Dec. 13, 15, 21, 24

Beneficial:Jan. 1, 6, 17, Feb. 4, 15, Mar. 2, 13, Apr. 11, May 9, June 7, July 5, Aug. 3, Sept. 1, Oct. 31, Nov. 29, Dec. 27

Fatal attractions:Dec. 11, 12, 13, 14

Challenging:Jan. 2, 16, Feb. 14, Mar. 12, Apr. 10, May 8, June 6, July 4, Aug. 2, Dec. 30

Soul mates:Jan. 11, 31, Feb. 9, 29, Mar. 7, 27, Apr. 5, 25, May 3, 23, June 1, 21, July 19, Aug. 17, Sept. 15, Oct. 13, Nov. 11, Dec. 9

June 11th Birthday Personology Summary

Although they share the same quality of restless curiosity with many of their Gemini fellows, the thirst for knowledge of those born on June 11 takes a less wide-ranging form, for once they have found a subject that truly absorbs them (and this may occur in childhood), they typically concentrate their attention and energy upon it almost exclusively. Indeed, they have an enviable facility totally to immerse themselves in their work, allowing nothing to distract them from their quest, their objective being to learn as much as they possibly can as a prelude to attempting a pioneering breakthrough.

Their strong focus, determination and energy give them the outstanding potential to achieve their goals, whether they be in the realms of scientific research, artistic innovation or sporting pursuits—all areas to which June 11 people are naturally attracted. They will flourish best when operating as independent agents, however, for they will usually feel unbearably stifled by the procedures and constraints of conventional organizations.

Although they possess great personal charm, and have a profound desire both to protect their loved ones and bring them fun and enjoyment, those born on this day may find it difficult to sustain a settled family life. It is not that they lack genuine care and concern for those closest to them, but rather that the lure of outside interests may prove irresistible, leading to a neglect of family affairs. This propensity is partic- ularly marked in the case of June 11 men, especially those who are in any case not enamored of domestic chores and responsibilities.

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