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People Born on June 17th: Destiny, Future

Last updated onJune 17, 2024

June 17th Birthday Numerology

No. 8:Sees the big picture and aims for it, linked to abundance and material wealth, and uses financial success to give back to others.

June 17 VS Gemini, 8, Solitary change-maker

People Born on June 17th: Destiny, Future

June 17th Birthday Destiny

For many born on this day, there’s a tussle between liking the good life and wanting all the material rewards and knowing that you can’t buy what really matters in life. This is the dual aspect, again, of Gemini, and it can take time to work out that feeling connected to something meaningful doesn’t automatically lie in material possession but must be balanced emotionally. This is also the birthday of a change-maker. Sometimes to achieve change, it’s necessary to forge a solitary path in order to harness all your imagination, vision and energy. The good news is that you are entirely comfortable about making what sacrifice might be required in the short term, to achieve the greater good. Those you love will recognise your commitment to creating a better world, but take care you don’t inadvertently sacrifice them in your pursuit of this dream. There is also likely to be a strong streak of kindness running through you which can help protect from this, making you both a tender lover and very caring parent.

June 17th Birthday Future

Gem1n1 natives born on this day are seriously concerned with making a success of their lives and careers. Although you have a vision of what you want, you're not always sure how to achieve it. Fueled by ambition, you are so intent on reaching your goals that you may not be aware of the spirit of rebellion lurking beneath your seemingly conservative far;ade. Although you give the impression of having it all figured out, the carefree twins' love of excitement and change can exert itself at any time, prompting you to try to kick over the traces and break away.

Your sociability and warm, outgoing manner make you well liked and popular with just about everyone. Although you enjoy a scintillating conversation as much as any of your Gemini Sun counterparts, you're less inclined to pass along rumors, gossip, or other information obtained from questionable sources. You are imaginative and artistic, and your innate common sense gives you the ability to turn your creative ideas into solid realities. You could be successful in various fields of endeavor, including those related to art, music, the media, architecttue, publishing, and athletics.

In love and romance, you are ardent, affectionate, trustworthy, and dependable. Gemini's roving eye is greatly mitigated by the number seventeen's desire for companion-ship and for the lasting rewards of a serious, long-term commitment.

June 17th Birthday Tarot

Six of Pentacles:This card suggests that you are likely to achieve considerable material success over your working life, which is something of an irony since money has never been your god or goal. Happily, what this financial security will allow you to do is invest in the worthy projects you believe in. In this card, we see an older merchant with balancing scales in one hand and a pile of gold coins in the other which he is dispensing to the two men kneeling before him. Today we might interpret this as two app developers looking for venture capital to develop an app that will benefit others in some way, receiving the necessary investment to do so.

June 17th Famous birthdays

Venus Williams(American tennis player); Igor Stravinsky(Russian composer and pianist); Barry Manilow(American singer-songwriter); Born Today:

Art Bell (radio talk show host); Ralph Bellamy (actor); James Brown (singer/songwriter); Andre Derain (artist); John Hersey (writer); Dan Jansen (speed skater); Alfred Knopf, Jr. (publisher); Barry Mani low (singer/songwriter); Joe Piscopo (comedian); Igor Stravinsky (composer); Venus Williams (tennis player)

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