People Born on June 17th Personality,Stars,Numbers

Last updated onJune 17, 2024

Planetary Influences:Ruling planet:Mercury;Third decan:Personal planets are Saturn and Uranus. Virtues:Progressive, imaginative, tenacious. Vices:Forceful, temperamental, radical. Careers:Religious leader, political activist or reformer, writer. Skills & Aptitudes:Sound investigative and organizational skills, revolutionary ideas, powers of persuasion. Compatible with:October 14–18

Solitary change-maker

People Born on June 17th Personality,Stars,Numbers

People Born on June 17th Personality Reference

Your birthday suggests that you are a cerebral and dynamic individual who recognizes the power of knowledge and utilizes it to advantage. With an independent mind and a strong character, you like to be in control. Your developed perception makes you quick to assess people and situations.

The added influence of Aquarius, your decanate ruler, indicates that you have an original approach to life and like to be objective in your views. You may just have to be careful of being so detached at times that you even appear cold. With your quick responses and reactions, you are well able to stand up for yourself and may even enjoy a little friendly rivalry or debate. Since you can be responsible and are a good organizer, you are often put in charge of others. Both men and women of this date may have to avoid being bossy.

The good fortune indicated by your birthday is enhanced by a straightforwardness and honesty that others see in you as natural confidence. Your need for order and security suggests that you like to build a base or home that is practical and financially solid, away from the busy life outside. At times you can appear to be quite conservative; at other times, strangely unconventional. You have the potential to use patience and strategy to look at long-term investments and through hard work and discipline can rise to exceptional heights of achievement.

From the age of four, when your progressed Sun moves into Cancer, issues around your emotional relations, security, home, and family have prominence in your life. This influence continues until the age of thirty-four, when you enter a period of strength, power, and confidence as your progressed Sun moves into Leo. Another turning point occurs around the time you are in your mid-sixties, when your progressed Sun moves into Virgo, and you develop a more analytical, perfectionistic, and pragmatic approach to life.

Stars of People Born on June 17th


Sun: Gemini

Decanate: Aquarius

Degree: 26°-27° Gemini

Mode: Mutable

Element: Air

Fixed Stars

Alnilam, also called Al Nitham or the String of Pearls; Al Hecka; Polaris, also known as Al Rukkabah or the Pole Star

Primary Star

Star’s name: Alnilam, also called Al Nitham or the String of Pearls Degree position:22°29’-23°22’ Gemini between the years 1930 and 2000 Magnitude: 2 Strength: ******** Orb:2°10’ Constellation:Epsilon Orion Applicable days:June 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 Star qualities:varied influences: Jupiter/Saturn and Mercury/Saturn Description:A bright white star located in the center of the belt of Orion

Primary Star’s Influence

Alnilam bestows fleeting fame and wealth or public honors. The influence of this star is therefore likely to be of short duration. This star grants a keen and daring personality, but it warns against being headstrong or rash, or changing direction without a suitable strategy.

Linked to your Sun’s degree, this star denotes a strong character, full of energy and determination. Alnilam encourages you to undertake large projects’ or to be enterprising, although it also suggests that you must think before making any statements. Often by avoiding stubbornness and frustration you can use your enormous vitality on something positive and worthwhile.

• Positive:daring, energetic, ambitious, gains and victory

• Negative:rashness, instability, making sudden changes when convenient to yourself

Secrets of People Born on June 17th

You are a hard worker who has the capability to overcome obstacles. You need to share your knowledge, and through interacting with others you come to learn to evaluate your own power. This may take the form of not letting others get away with things, or even of insisting on doing it your way. However, you may have to learn how to use your power by being just and fair. Ultimately you may find that it is your depth of knowledge that is your true strength. If you couple your inner intuition with your rigorous determination, you are able to accomplish a great deal.

Impressive as you may be in action, you still need others. You can be far more sensitive than you may show on the outside. Since you can be idealistic, with strong opinions, you often fight for what you consider to be of value. You may do this well if you do not lose sight of your sense of humor and manage to stay detached and composed.

Occupations suitable for individuals born on June 17th

With your quick mind and ability to lead, you usually have many career opportunities. Although you are independent, others appreciate your capacity for hard work and responsibility, so you often rise to prominent positions. Alternatively, being self-reliant, you may be drawn to work for yourself. You are particularly suited for intellectual professions such as law, interpreting, teaching, science, research, or writing. Your organizational skills and natural communication abilities would be an asset to you in the business world. An inborn humanitarian streak may lure you to be a reformer, whether in society or religion, or to work in the health sector. A desire for creativity and to express your individuality could lead you to the arts, the theater, and particularly music.

Famous people who share your birthday include composer Igor Stravinsky, singer Barry Manilow, church leader John Wesley, and actor Dean Martin.

June 17th Birthday Numerology

Sees the big picture and aims for it, linked to abundance and material wealth, and uses financial success to give back to others. With a number 17 birthday, you are shrewd, with a reserved nature and good analytical abilities. An independent thinker, you benefit from being well educated or skillful. Usually you utilize your knowledge in a specific way in order to develop your expertise and can achieve material success or a prominent position as a specialist or researcher. Private, introspective, and detached, with a strong interest in facts and figures, you frequently present a serious and thoughtful demeanor and like to take your time. By developing your communication skills, you can discover much more about yourself from others. The subinfluence of the number 6 month indicates that you need to develop a balance between self-reliance and dependence. You benefit from being aware of others’ needs and taking responsibility for your words and actions. Practical and supportive, you can help and inspire others. Learn to be flexible and accept changes.

• Positive:thoughtful, specialist, good planner, good business sense, attracts money, individual thinker, painstaking, accurate, skilled researcher, scientific

• Negative:detached, lonely, stubborn, carelessness, moody, sensitive, narrow-minded, critical, worry

Love & Relationships of People Born on June 17th

Sincere and romantic, you are a loyal and reliable partner who can be very protective of those you love. A strong need for a stable relationship means that you are attracted to faithful individuals who are emotionally honest and direct. Nevertheless, guard against being too arrogant or bossy with your partner by learning to be patient and respecting the opinions of others. With your intuitive understanding, knowledge, and sensitivity, you can be very supportive, especially when giving practical help.

The dream lover of someone born on June 17th

For that someone special, you might want to look among those born on the following dates.

Love & friendship:Jan. 11, 13, 15, 17, 22, 25, Feb. 9, 11, 13, 15, 23, Mar. 7, 9, 11, 13, 21, Apr. 5, 7, 9, 11, 19, May 3, 5, 7, 9, 17, 31, June 1, 3, 5, 7, 15, 29, July 1, 3, 5, 27, 29, 31, Aug. 1, 3, 11, 25, 27, 29, Sept. 1, 9, 23, 25, 27, Oct. 4, 7, 21, 23, 25, Nov. 5, 19, 21, 23, Dec. 3, 17, 19, 21, 30

Beneficial:Jan. 1, 5, 20, Feb. 3, 18, Mar. 1, 16, Apr. 14, May 12, June 10, July 8, Aug. 6, Sept. 4, Oct. 2

Fatal attractions:Dec. 17, 18, 19

Challenging:Jan. 6, 22, 24, Feb. 4, 20, 22, Mar. 2, 18, 20, Apr. 16, 18, May 14, 16, June 12, 14, July 10, 12, Aug. 8, 10, 31, Sept. 6, 8, 29, Oct. 4, 6, 27, Nov. 2, 4, 25, 30, Dec. 2, 23, 28

Soul mates:Jan. 6, 12, Feb. 4, 10, Mar. 2, 8, Apr. 6, May 4, June 2

June 17th Birthday Personology Summary

Many of the characteristics of those born on this day appear to be curiously paradoxical. Although they are geared toward benefiting human society and yearn to establish caring and committed personal relationships, they may have difficulty in becoming intimate with others; and while they possess highly developed organizational skills, their behavior may appear radical or impulsive in the extreme. When they are successful in reconciling these characteristics,

June 17 people make remarkably effective agents of progress, but the task proves impossible for many.

Perhaps the primary motivation for those born on this day is their urge to realize the unusual visions that they have for improving human society; these may take the form of political or religious ideologies or of original forms of artistic endeavor. Although they make inspirational leaders when their often revolu- tionary ideas receive acceptance, other times they may find themselves plowing a lonely furrow.

Despite their considerable powers of persuasion, the forceful—often domineering—approach that these individuals adopt may meet with variable success, sometimes causing them to resort to more unortho- dox—even unethical—methods. Because they may often experience disappointment in their professional ventures, June 17 people find profound solace in the unquestioning support and affection of their nearest and dearest, and reciprocate with loyalty and love the belief that their long-standing family members and friends show in them. Their tendency to distrust the motivations of more recent acquaintances, however, may hinder the development of new relationships.

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