People Born on June 24th Personality,Stars,Numbers

Last updated onJune 24, 2024

Planetary Influences:Ruling planets:Moon and Mercury;First decan:Personal planet is Moon;First cusp:Cancer with Gemini tendencies. Virtues:Energetic, determined, realistic. Vices:Preoccupied, neglectful, withdrawn. Careers:Science or technical researcher, management consultant, sportsperson, musician. Skills & Aptitudes:Driven, humanitarian leanings, innovative imagination. Compatible with:July 12–17, October 1–5

Nurturing diplomat

People Born on June 24th Personality,Stars,Numbers

People Born on June 24th Personality Reference

As a Cancerian, you are easygoing, with a friendly though reserved personality. Your conservative approach suggests that you are a good mediator. With your natural flair for people, you prefer to use diplomacy instead of direct confrontation.

The double influence of the Moon often implies that concerns with home and family matters may take a great deal of your time. Should you seek only the security of home comforts, however, you are not likely to realize your true potential.

The necessity for harmony and tranquility implied by your birthdate must not be taken as a sign of weakness, but as an indication of a finely tuned mind. Your clear vision and a natural practical approach make you a good strategist. With your powers of concentration and the willingness to take on difficult and challenging work, you can be hardworking and dedicated. Responsibility and a strong sense of duty can be some of your greatest attributes, and advancement in life comes through your own efforts and fortitude. If inspired, you are willing to work long hours without instant rewards.

Although you can have an exceptionally perceptive mind, your fluctuation between ambition and inertia challenges your otherwise great potential. This warns that only by combining the two sides of your personality are you able to achieve balance and establish equilibrium.

Up to the age of twenty-eight, issues relating to home, security, or family are likely to play a large part in your life. However, after your progressed Sun moves into Leo, you become more daring as your power, creativity, and confidence increase. At the time your progressed Sun moves into Virgo, when you are age fifty-eight, you become more discriminating and efficient in your life, with the likelihood of developing more of an interest in health matters or being of service to others.

Stars of People Born on June 24th


Sun: Cancer

Decanate: Cancer/moon

Degree: 2°30’-4° Cancer

Mode: Cardinal

Element: Water

Fixed Stars

Star’s name: Tejat, also called Tejat Prior Degree position:2°27’-3°26’ Cancer between the years 1930 and 2000 Magnitude:3 Strength: ****** Orb: 1°40’ Constellation:Eta Gemini Applicable days:June 23, 24, 25, 26 Star qualities:Mercury/Venus Description:an orange-red binary, variable star located on the left foot of the northern Twin

Primary Star’s Influence

Tejat imparts confidence, pride, dignity, and a refined nature. The influence of this star denotes a wealth of feelings, a sense and appreciation of beauty, and artistic and literary abilities. Tejat also grants cheerfulness, a sense of humor, and the knowledge that two heads are better than one. Many benefits can come from cooperation, associative thinking, and developing a diplomatic yet persuasive manner. Tejat, however; warns that this talent can be used negatively to be cunning, overly confident, or inconsistent. It also warns against possible legal difficulties.

Linked to your Sun’s degree, this star bestows appreciation for beauty, artistic talent, literary skills, and unusual interests. Tejat bestows a light-hearted nature, yet it also warns against a lack of drive and a tendency to be inconsistent. With this star you may experience some instability or change.

• Positive:thoughts of love, artistic sense, love union, writing skills

• Negative:inclination to squander; light-hearted living, vanity, conceit

Secrets of People Born on June 24th

Although home and family are important, you love power and can be very businesslike and determined. By realizing that you may not operate well alone, you may make cooperative efforts a major part of your life. At times it can be hard to get you out of a comfortable rut, but once you become resolute and goal-oriented, you can be extremely hardworking and skillful at commercializing your talents.

Do not allow anxiety, particularly about money, to undermine your ability to overcome obstacles, as it is generally unfounded. Once anxious, you may be inclined to hide your head in the sand rather than deal with things at the right time. It is therefore important to have a plan of action that can enable you to get moving and make a stand for the recognition you need and deserve.

Occupations suitable for individuals born on June 24th

You may be drawn to express the more caring side of your nature through careers such as counseling or raising money for good causes. Interests in mental pursuits could lead to teaching, lecturing, research, or writing. Your easy charm and natural flair for form and color could draw you to the theater, music, and the arts. Having a natural understanding of people, you may be attracted to occupations that involve personal contact or being an advisor, such as therapy or personnel. You can excel equally well in business, particularly sales, promotions, and public relations. This birthday can also produce good managers and executives, as well as give you the opportunity to profit from all careers to do with the home.

Famous people who share your birthday include boxer Jack Dempsey, politician Bella Abzug, and aviator Amelia Earhart.

June 24th Birthday Numerology

Empathic and nurturing, can problem-solve in an emotional and physical way, responsible and cares deeply about family and friends. The emotional sensitivity associated with the number 24 birthday suggests that you may need to establish harmony and order. Usually honest, dependable, and security-conscious, you need the love and support of a partner and enjoy building a strong foundation for yourself and your family. A pragmatic approach to life also gives you a good business sense and an ability to achieve material success. With a number 24 birthday, you may have to overcome periods of instability and a tendency to be stubborn or fixed in your ideas. The subinfluence of the number 6 month indicates that you are conscientious and responsible. Though often career- oriented, you can also be an excellent homemaker and a devoted parent. Kind and idealistic, you can be determined yet supportive, with a caring nature. Despite your dislike of routine, you seek stability and reassurance. You may also need to overcome a tendency toward discontent, caused by worry and misplaced sympathies.

• Positive:energy, idealist, practical skills, strong determination, honest, generous, love of home, active

• Negative:materialism, too economical, dislikes routine, lazy, domineering, stubborn, resentful

Love & Relationships of People Born on June 24th

Your strong instincts and passionate nature often reveal a dramatic personality. The parental influence associated with your birthday suggests that you are a devoted parent and a loving partner. The emotional power associated with your birthday implies that you may need to avoid becoming overly sensitive or melodramatic. Nevertheless, you are hospitable, charming, and friendly, with strong links to home and family. Your need for self-expression often suggests that you may be drawn toward creative and theatrical people or can raise funds for some worthwhile cause.

The dream lover of someone born on June 24th

For that someone special, you might want to look among those born on the following dates.

Love & friendship:Jan. 18, 22, 28, Feb. 16, 20, 26, Mar. 14, 18, 28, Apr. 12, 16, 26, May 10, 14, 24, June 8, 12, 22, July 6, 10, 20, 29, Aug. 4, 8, 18, 27, 30, Sept. 2, 6, 16, 25, 28, Oct. 4, 14, 23, 26, 30, Nov. 2, 12, 21, 24, 28, Dec. 10, 19, 22, 26, 28

Beneficial:Jan. 6, 10, 25, 30, Feb. 4, 8, 23, 28, Mar. 2, 6, 21, 26, Apr. 4, 19, 24, May 2, 17, 22, June 15, 20, 30, July 13, 18, 28, Aug. 11, 16, 26, Sept. 9, 14, 24, Oct. 7, 12, 22, Nov. 5, 10, 20, Dec. 3, 8, 18

Fatal attractions:May 29, June 27, July 25, Aug. 23, Sept. 21, Oct. 19, Nov. 17, Dec. 14, 23, 24, 25

Challenging:Jan. 13, 29, 31, Feb. 11, 27, 29, Mar. 9, 25, 27, Apr. 7, 23, 25, May 5, 21, 23,June 3, 19, 21,July 1, 17, 19,Aug. 15, 17, Sept. 13, 15, Oct. 11, 13, Nov. 9, 11, Dec. 7, 9

Soul mates:Jan. 6, 25, Feb. 4, 23, Mar. 2, 21, Apr. 19, May 17, June 15, July 13, Aug. 11, Sept. 9, Nov. 7, Dec. 5

June 24th Birthday Personology Summary

Despite the quietly profound affection and unques- tionable commitment that characterizes their approach to their nearest and dearest, the attention of June 24 people is typically less absorbed by their personal liaisons than by their professional activities, which frequently have a humanitarian slant. Although their sensitivity endows them with genuine empathy with those who are less fortunate than themselves, their compassion is manifested less by passive sym- pathy than by their urge to actively implement strate- gies to achieve progress. Because they are blessed with keen intellectual talents and innovative imaginations, their visions may be extremely original, although rarely unrealistic, for these are down-to-earth individuals who possess highly developed technical and practical skills. Despite the often inspirational effect that they have on others—who may elevate them to positions of leadership—these responsible people generally per- form best when undistracted by the demands of others, although they recognize that they cannot always attain their aims single-handedly.

Professionally, June 24 individuals have a special aptitude for those fields in which they can combine their talent for analysis and theoretics with the oppor- tunity to set the results of their research in motion. Careers as scientific or technical researchers and man- agement consultants are thus especially highlighted, as are sporting and artistic pursuits (as hobbies if not professionally). Reflecting their vigor, those born on this day need periods of privacy in which to indulge in periods of inner reflection and to recharge their mental batteries.

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