People Born on June 28th Personality,Stars,Numbers

Last updated onJune 28, 2024

Planetary Influences:Ruling planet:Moon;First decan:Personal planet is Moon. Virtues:Empathetic, intuitive, people-oriented. Vices:Pessimistic, impulsive, contradictory. Careers:Nurse, caretaker, charity or humanitarian organizer, teacher. Skills & Aptitudes:Intuitive and emotional response to outside events, desire to implement progress, people-oriented sensitivity. Compatible with:July 18–22

Good listener

People Born on June 28th Personality,Stars,Numbers

People Born on June 28th Personality Reference

Your birthday reveals you to be idealistic yet pragmatic, an astute and highly intuitive individual with a sharp mind and a natural sense of humor. Having keen reasoning powers and being able to quickly grasp ideas and articulate them show an innate talent for language and communication. As a Cancerian, you are both affectionate and impressionable, with a need for the security of strong family ties and home comforts. Your proud, confident, and assertive front often hides a sensitive soul, and although you possess a caring nature, with strong maternal or paternal instincts, the added influence of the Moon may cause fluctuating moods. Keeping yourself constantly occupied may prove to be an antidote to your low boredom threshold. However, your strong convictions and natural ability to quickly assess people and situations, when coupled with an enterprising spirit, can ensure your success.

Being socially oriented, you often mix with people from many different walks of life and thrive on the personal touch. Nevertheless, guard against being too provocative or manipulative, as it can lose you the many benefits that come from collaborative efforts. Learning to balance cooperation with the desire to be independent and self-sufficient can bring great personal satisfaction and increase your feel-good factor.

A strong influence of the Moon in the first decanate of Cancer carries a double impact throughout your childhood and youth. This influence suggests that although in early life you were shy and sensitive, there was still a longing to be at the center of things. After the age of twenty-four, when your progressed Sun moves into Leo, you are likely to receive a much- needed boost of creativity, strength, and confidence. As your progressed Sun moves into Virgo, when you are age fifty-four, you become less dominant, more thoughtful, and analytical. This brings a growing desire for an orderly life.

Stars of People Born on June 28th


Sun: Cancer

Decanate: Cancer/moon

Degree: 6°-7°30’ Cancer

Mode: Cardinal

Element: Water

Fixed Stars

Alhena or Al-Hena, also called the Bright Foot of Gemini; Dirah, also called Nuhaiti

Primary Star

Star’s name: Alhena or Al-Hena, also called the Bright Foot of Gemini Degree position: 8°-7’-9°7Cancer between the years 1930 and 2000 Magnitude:2 Strength: ******** Orb:2°10’ Constellation:Gamma Gemini Applicable days:June 28, 29, 30, July 1, 2 Star qualities:Mercury/Venus or Moon/Venus with Jupiter Description:a brilliant white star in the left foot of the southern Twin

Primary Star’s Influence

Alhenas influence can bestow prominence in the art world and denotes a refined, lovable, and affable nature. You are often interested in spirituality or art and science. This star also indicates that you take pride in achievement, whether great or small. A love of ease and luxury is also suggested.

Linked to your Sun’s degree, this star denotes artistic inclinations, interest in the sciences, and prominence in the study of astrology or metaphysics. You have a charismatic personality and can prosper through social affairs and all dealings with the public. You are motivated by a desire for pleasure and luxury. This star is also associated with Achilles’ heel and therefore warns against foot injuries.

• Positive:tactful, the joy of living, sociability, stylish with film-star mannerisms

• Negative:lazy, overindulgent, wasteful, conceited, proud

Secrets of People Born on June 28th

With your profound determination and the ability to initiate new projects, you present a proud and dynamic personality. Preferring a direct approach, you usually call a spade a spade; nonetheless, you may need to develop the art of when to keep silent. At your best you serve as an advisor and authority figure whom others admire and respect.

On one hand, you seek depth of understanding, making you serious, security-conscious, reflective, and thoughtful. On the other hand, your satirical wit, spontaneity, and lively repartee allow you to express the theatrical side of your personality, making you the life and soul of the party. With your thirst for knowledge and shrewd intellect, you enjoy a good debate, but guard against becoming too argumentative or sarcastic.

On an inner level, you may reach the lowest depths only to learn to rise up and overcome all obstacles in your path. Your tenacity combined with a strong need for self-awareness can at times result in a desire for total transformation.

Occupations suitable for individuals born on June 28th

Being a natural psychologist, you may be drawn toward occupations that involve personal contacts, such as counseling, personnel, promotions, or public relations. With your brilliant mind, you may also be attracted to professions such as teaching or lecturing, journalism, health, and communications. Your need for self-expression and a love for the dramatic may lure you into the art and entertainment worlds. A desire to be creative in the home may draw you toward careers such as interior design or gourmet cooking. Alternatively, your leadership qualities, organizational skills, and strategic planning abilities may place you in the world of commerce, where you will enjoy the challenge of large projects.

Famous people born on your birthday include film director Mel Brooks, philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau, actor John Cusack, painter Peter Paul Rubens, and actress Kathy Bates.

June 28th Birthday Numerology

A powerful entity and results-oriented force, all about initiating action and getting things done. Independent, idealistic, and unconventional, yet pragmatic and determined, you are often a law unto yourself. An inner conflict between wanting to be independent and wanting to be part of a team is also indicated. Like a number 1 individual, you are ambitious, direct, and enterprising. Among your many attributes are resourcefulness, good judgment, and an ability to accumulate knowledge and use it to refine or solve problems. With a number 28 birthday, you often have common sense and can think clearly. Although you are success-oriented and ambitious, family and home life are very important to you. The subinfluence of the number 6 month indicates that you possess charm and firm convictions. While you are determined, with a strong sense of purpose, there is a skeptical and suspicious side to your nature. The key to manifesting your dreams into a tangible reality is to show your real generosity and flair for mixing business and pleasure. Your resourcefulness, combined with your managerial ability, is likely to promote you to positions of authority.

• Positive:compassionate, progressive, daring, artistic, creative, idealistic, ambitious, hardworking, self-reliant, strong-willed

• Negative:daydreamer, unmotivated, lack of compassion, unrealistic, bossy, hasty judgment, aggressive, lack of confidence, too dependent, proud

Love & Relationships of People Born on June 28th

Being friendly, witty, and charming, you have no problem in attracting admirers. Your need for fun and appreciation makes you naturally gregarious, but the tendency to become oversensitive or dwell on the past can present obstacles to the formation of new relationships. Finding someone with whom you can share stimulating intellectual interests is likely to create the ideal relationship.

The dream lover of someone born on June 28th

You may find a greater incentive to build long-lasting relationships with people born on the following dates.

Love & friendship:Jan. 6, 16, 22, 26, Feb. 4, 14, 20, 24, Mar. 2, 12, 18, 22, Apr. 10, 16, 20, 30, May 8, 14, 18, 28, June 6, 12, 16, 26, July 4, 10, 14, 24, 31, Aug. 2, 8, 12, 22, 29, Sept. 6, 10, 20, 27, Oct. 4, 8, 18, 25, Nov. 2, 6, 16, 23, 30, Dec. 4, 14, 21, 28, 30

Beneficial:Ian. 6, 17, 23, 31, Feb. 4, 15, 21, 29, Mar. 2, 13, 19, 27, 30, Apr. 11, 17, 25, 28, May 9, 15, 23, 26, June 7, 13, 21, 24, July 5, 11, 19, 22, Aug. 3, 9, 17, 20, Sept. 1, 7, 15, 18, 30, Oct. 5, 13, 16, 28, Nov. 3, 11, 14, 26, Dec. 1, 9, 12, 24

Fatal attractions:Dec. 26, 27, 28

Challenging:Jan. 24, Feb. 22, Mar. 20, 29, Apr. 18, 27, 29, May 6, 16, 25, 27, 30, June 14, 22, 25, 28, July 12, 21, 23, 26, Aug. 10, 19, 21, 24, Sept. 8, 17, 19, 22, Oct. 6, 15, 17, 20, Nov. 4, 13, 15, 18, Dec. 2, 11, 13, 16

Soul mates:Jan. 13, Feb. 11, Mar. 9, Apr. 7, May 5, June 3, 30, July 1, 28, Aug. 26, Sept. 24, Oct. 22, Nov. 20, Dec. 18

June 28th Birthday Personology Summary

While June 28 individuals may at one moment present an extroverted and optimistic face, encouraging and entertaining others, at the next they may eschew company and withdraw into a bleakly pessimistic, introverted world of their own making. Such extreme tendencies are a result of their pro- foundly intuitive, and hence emotional, responses to the circumstances within which they find themselves, coupled with their innate intellectual capacity to rationalize the reasons behind their strong identifica- tion with those who excite their interest and empathy. The actions and convictions of June 28 people are conditioned by the situations and individuals that— for whatever reason—exert a strong influence upon their imaginations and feelings. The combination of such people-oriented sensitivity with their urge to be instruments of progress naturally equips them with a propensity toward making careers in the caring pro- fessions or other humanitarian fields, although they may sometimes choose to utilize their talents in other fields where personal interaction is a key element.

Their often irresistible tendency to follow their hearts rather than their heads can lead June 28 people to misjudge the motivations or desires of other indi- viduals. This can be especially the case when it comes to choosing a life partner. Yet once settled within a committed one-to-one relationship—as with long-standing friends and family members—they are typically steadfastly supportive and affectionate, for they sense the importance of profound emotional bonds in grounding their wilder inclinations within a stable framework.

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