People Born on June 30th Personality,Stars,Numbers

Last updated onJune 30, 2024

Planetary Influences:Ruling planet:Moon;First decan:Personal planet is Moon. Virtues:Optimistic, sensitive, imaginative. Vices:Insecure, unbalanced, temperamental. Careers:Actor, musician, dancer, personal assistant, comedian. Skills & Aptitudes:Ability to read others’ emotions, desire to please, practical skills, aptitude for teamwork. Compatible with:July 18–22

Excellent teacher

People Born on June 30th Personality,Stars,Numbers

People Born on June 30th Personality Reference

According to your birthday, your greatest power is your emotional strength. This dynamic force is, without a doubt, in search of self-expression. As a Cancerian, you are imaginative and intuitive, with a generous heart. Willing to do anything for the ones you love, you can be a devoted parent, teacher, and friend. This dynamic power, however, can also suggest that you may have to learn self-control and avoid tendencies such as emotional domination, moodiness, or frustration.

The need for love and appreciation often draws you to public life, and with your creative talents and sense of the dramatic, you will soon stand out in the crowd. Many individuals who share your birthday frequently seek positions of authority; like them, you are probably proud and dignified.

Often courageous and direct, you usually want things clear and concise. Passionate and dedicated, you are willing to make great sacrifices and work very hard if you believe in someone or something. Nevertheless, make sure that emotional investments you make are worthwhile.

After the age of twenty-two, when your progressed Sun moves into the sign of Leo, you are exposed to more opportunities to use the theatrical side of your personality. Whether at work or socially, you will be more poised and self-assured. From your early fifties, when your progressed Sun moves into Virgo, you will be more inclined to be practically motivated, becoming more discriminating and orderly.

Stars of People Born on June 30th


Sun: Cancer

Decanate: Cancer/moon

Degree: 9°-10° Cancer

Mode: Cardinal

Element: Water

Fixed Stars

Star’s name: Alhena or Al-Hena, also called the Bright Foot of Gemini Degree position:8°7’-9°7’ Cancer between the years 1930 and 2000 Magnitude:2 Strength: ******** Orb:2°10’ Constellation:Gamma Gemini Applicable days:June 28, 29, 30, July 1, 2 Star qualities:Mercury/Venus or Moon/Venus with Jupiter Description:a brilliant white star in the left foot of the southern Twin

Primary Star’s Influence

Alhena’s influence can bestow prominence in the art world and denotes a refined, lovable, and affable nature. You may be interested in spirituality or art and science. This star also indicates that you take pride in achievement, whether great or small. A love of ease and luxury is also suggested.

Linked to your Sun’s degree, this star denotes artistic inclinations, interest in the sciences, and prominence in the study of astrology or metaphysics. You have a charismatic personality and can prosper through social affairs and all dealings with the public. You are motivated by a desire for pleasure and luxury. This star is also associated with Achilles’ heel and therefore warns against foot injuries.

• Positive:tactful, the joy of living, sociability, stylish with film-star mannerisms

• Negative:lazy, overindulgent, wasteful, conceited, proud

Secrets of People Born on June 30th

As you have great dreams and high aspirations, you may also have to learn about patience and perseverance. Hard work and slow advancement can at times be, a real challenge to your dynamic personality. Fortunately, with your powers of persuasion and good sense of humor you can usually extricate yourself from difficult situations. Usually ruled by your heart, you can be passionate and loving as well as deeply protective of those you love.

Charming, with a desire for intimacy and the personal touch, you express yourself through spontaneous gestures of generosity. Nevertheless, you may have to guard against displaying your temper through emotional outbursts or being too selfish. As a good psychologist, when need be, you can be very diplomatic and detached and use your insight in a very kindly and altruistic way.

Occupations suitable for individuals born on June 30th

With your strong emotions and sense of the dramatic, you may cut a leading figure in any project or career you undertake. Your natural charm, leadership, and communication skills may draw you toward occupations such as teacher, lecturer, or writer. Alternatively, a natural humanitarianism, sympathy, and intuitive ability may lead you to counseling, or to community or charity work. Complementing your highly developed sensitivity is mental expertise, which you may choose to use in the business, science, or entertainment world.

Famous people who share your birthday include actress Susan Hayward, singer Lena Home, boxer Mike Tyson, French author Georges Duhamel, and jazz drummer Buddy Rich.

June 30th Birthday Numerology

Creative with the gift of imagination and an ability to communicate in writing, art or speech. Friendly and warm-hearted, you enjoy socializing and can be exceptionally charismatic and loyal. Having a number 30 birthday, you possess strong feelings that need to be expressed creatively. Being in love or emotionally contented is a vital requirement, however; in your pursuit of happiness, avoid being overindulgent or impatient. Pride and ambition combined with good opportunities may see you climb to the top of your profession. With good taste and an eye for style and form, you can achieve success in all types of activities concerning art, design, and music. Among those with number 30 birthdays, many will find recognition or fame, especially musicians, actors, and entertainers. The subinfluence of the number 6 month indicates that you are idealistic and sensitive, and often you judge life according to how you feel. You are able to take ideas and expand them in your own dramatic style. Since at times you become disheartened, learn to be decisive and avoid becoming discontented by appreciating what you already achieved.

• Positive:fun-loving, loyal, friendly, talent with words, creative, generous

• Negative:lazy, obstinate, erratic, impatient, insecure, indifferent, scatters energy

Love & Relationships of People Born on June 30th

The power of love is your greatest asset, and with your romantic nature, passionate temperament, and generosity, people are attracted to your charisma and appeal. Although you are willing to make great sacrifices for the ones you love, you may have to overcome a tendency to let your feelings take control and rule your mind. By learning to give without expecting anything in return, you will achieve self-mastery through compassion.

The dream lover of someone born on June 30th

You are more likely to have success in love and friendship with people born on the following dates.

Love & friendship:Jan. 2, 28, Feb. 26, Mar. 24, Apr. 22, May 20, 29, 30, June 18, 27, 28, July 16, 25, 26, Aug. 14, 23, 24, Sept. 12, 21, 22, Oct. 10, 19, 20, 29, 31, Nov. 8, 17, 18, 27, 29, Dec. 6, 15, 16, 25, 27

Beneficial:Jan. 2, 10, 13, 16, Feb. 8, 11, 14, Man 6, 9, 12, Apr. 4, 7, 10, May 2, 5, 8, June 3, 6, July 1, 4, 30, Aug. 2, 28, 30, Sept. 26, 28, Oct. 24, 26, Nov. 22, 24, Dec. 20, 22, 30.

Fatal attractions:Oct. 31, Nov. 29, Dec. 27, 29, 30, 31

Challenging:Jan. 3, 9, 10, Feb. 1, 7, 8, Mar. 5, 6, 31, Apr. 3, 4, 29, May 1, 2, 27, June 25, July 23, Aug. 2, 21, 31, Sept. 19, 29, Oct. 17, 27, Nov. 15, 25, Dec. 13, 23

Soul mates:Jan. 5, Feb. 3, Mar. 1, May 30, June 28, July 26, Aug. 24, Sept. 22, Oct. 20, Nov. 18, Dec. 16

June 30th Birthday Personology Summary

Those born on June 30 are extremely sensitive to the responses that they arouse in others, and will therefore tailor their verbal expressions and physical actions and reactions toward their audiences, hoping to receive the acceptance and acclaim that they desire. This predilection frequently stems as much from a sense of insecurity within themselves as from their innate ability to empathize with those around them, and bestows upon them a deep-rooted wish to please and thereby feel valued and loved. And, indeed, their intuitive perspicacity and inherent ability to anticipate the needs of those around them makes them popu- lar figures, whose endearingly gratifying company is sought after by others, who furthermore appreciate the aura of optimism and fun that they exude.

Their orientation toward people, combined with their enormous sensitivity and highly developed prac- tical skills, suits those born on this day extremely well to careers as artistic performers of all kinds (but they will usually flourish in spheres in which they can inter- act with their coworkers). The intellectual foresight and technical skills signified by this day also bode well for their professional success.

It is ironic that, despite their gregarious natures, their loyalty to their friends and family and their need for satisfying interpersonal relationships, these people may find it particularly hard to form enduring one- to-one liaisons. The problem lies in the very talent that draws others to them: their chameleonlike ability to reflect others’ moods may cause them to suppress their own emotions and make their true selves diffi- cult for others to know.

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