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People Born on March 11th: Destiny, Future

Last updated onMarch 11, 2024

March 11th Birthday Numerology

No. 2:Shows resilience and power in gentleness, often provides the role of mediator, and linked to psychic abilities.

March 11 VS Pisces, 2, Enthusiastic leader

People Born on March 11th: Destiny, Future

March 11th Birthday Destiny

You make it look so easy – taking your team, colleagues and collaborators along with you, many of whom find being around you so uplifting and inspiring that they would willingly work for you for free! You are brilliant at spotting and encouraging people’s full potential and don’t have a discriminatory bone in your body: with you, when it comes to recruiting to expand the team, it’s all about talent and potential. The only downside to being such a fantastic boss and one adored by all your workers, is that, sadly, this doesn’t always translate to the same success in your personal life. Facebook? Reunions? Little trips down memory lane? None of this is for you because you live and thrive in the now. Yesterday has gone, tomorrow hasn’t happened yet and you already know that all we have, which we can truly count on, is right now.

March 11th Birthday Future

Many of the gentle yet determined individuals with birthdays on March 11 sense that they have a purpose that is higher than mere existence. You too may feel that the universe has something special in store for you. If you do, it's up to you to figure out what it is. Your individual path may lead to a spiritual journey of self-discovery or a lifetime of service to society, but no matter which end of the political spectrum you're on, your beliefs may frequently be out of step with the mainstream. You're drawn to extremes and have some specific-and occasionally unrealistic-ideas about how the world can be improved.

Being born on this day makes you sensitive, versatile, and receptive to situations going on around you. Yours is a sociable, courteous nature that brings balance and harmony to all your interactions. People with problems trust you because they realize you understand their difficulties and empathize with their pain. Your knowledge of the public's wants and needs allows you to influence people's choices. Although you have an artistic temperament, you like things to be useful as well as beautiful.

In intimate relationships you're sensual and affectionate. A true romantic, you enjoy courting and being courted. During your youth, you may have a tendency to fall in and out of love quite often. However, when you find your special someone, you make a loyal and devoted partner.

March 11th Birthday Tarot

The Chariot:How perfect; you’re all go, go, go and your card depicts the mode of transport most likely to get you the most rapidly to your destination – your very own chariot, no less. And this is one drawn not by prancing horses in fine plumage but by one black and one white sphinx. What this card tells us is that you are able to walk a determined middle path between the polarities of light and dark, good and evil, and make your purposeful way through a well-lived life.

March 11th Famous birthdays

John Barrowman(Scottish actor); Jenny Packham(British fashion designer); Alex Kingston(British actress); Born Today:

Ralph Abernathy (civil rights leader/NAACP head); Douglas Adams (writer);Dorothy Gish (actress); Bobby McFerrin Qazz singer); Rupert Murdoch (media mogul); Marius Petipa (choreographer); Antonin Scalia (Supreme Court justice); Dorothy Schiff (publisher); Raoul Walsh (director); Lawrence Welk (bandleader/TV host)

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