People Born on March 14th Personality,Stars,Numbers

Last updated onMarch 14, 2024

Planetary Influences:Ruling planet:Neptune;Third decan:Personal planets are Mars and Pluto. Virtues:Open-minded, nonjudgmental, perceptive. Vices:Confused, indecisive, uncommitted. Careers:Writer, movie or theater director, humanitarian. Skills & Aptitudes:Imagination, concern for others, strong people skills. Compatible with:February 18–22, March 11–20

Perceptive empath

People Born on March 14th Personality,Stars,Numbers

People Born on March 14th Personality Reference

Although you are a receptive and sensitive Piscean, your dynamic and restless nature urges you to explore the many possibilities available to you in this lifetime. Your potential for success lies in your intelligence, versatility, and self-reliant spirit. Generous and liberal, you are attractive to others and usually popular. Your universal outlook encourages a humanitarian approach to life and stimulates your natural sense of humor.

The added influence of your Sun in the decanate of Scorpio indicates that you are a person of extremes. Idealistic and imaginative, yet pragmatic and with a strong material sense, you are an interesting mixture of opposites. Usually you are magnetic and discerning, with strong premonitions, penetrating thoughts, and psychic abilities. Although you often appear calm, frustration or disappointment can push you to express inner tensions, especially via sarcastic remarks. Being multitalented, ambitious, and a good evaluator, however, means that you have the potential for achieving your grand objectives.

Usually independent, you may resent taking orders from others. This suggests that you do not like to be in subservient positions and you fare better when using your leadership potential. How you manage your assets may at times be a cause for concern, especially if you are prone to bouts of extravagance. Decisions made in haste or on the spur of the moment can leave you financially on the spot. With calculated risks, however, your timing can be excellent, making you luckier than most people.

While you are between the ages of seven and thirty-six your progressed Sun moves through Aries. This influence suggests that you gradually become more confident and assertive, which may result in your having a strong self-orientation or a pioneering spirit. After you reach the age of thirty-seven, when your progressed Sun moves into Taurus, your need to be established and financially secure will increase, coupled with a wish for more practicality in your life. At the age of sixty-seven, when your progressed Sun moves into Gemini, you start to become more involved with communication, highlighting a need for mental stimulation or new interests.

Stars of People Born on March 14th


Sun: Pisces

Decanate: Scorpio/pluto

Degree: 22°30’-23°30°’ Pisces

Mode: Mutable

Element: Water

Fixed Stars

Star’s name: Markab

Degree position:22°29’-23°22’ Pisces between the years 1930 and 2000


Strength: ********

Orb: 1°40’

Constellation:Alpha, Pegasus

Applicable days:March 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Star qualities:Mars/Mercury

Description:a bright white star located on the wing of Pegasus

Primary Star’s Influence

Markab’s influence bestows a spirit of enterprise, powers of resolution, and a determined mind. This star imparts a love of discussion or argument, good judgment, practical skills and dexterity, and quickness at repartee. You probably have the ability to retaliate in the right manner with impressive speech and can utilize situations to your advantage.

Linked to your Sun’s degree, Markab bestows love of travel, creative and artistic talents, and success in dealing with the public. This star brings an aptitude for business and material gain, which may be achieved through the ability to think and act quickly and intuitively. You may feel stimulated to pursue an interest in higher education, spirituality, philosophy, or writing. Markab also warns against complacency and a lack of enthusiasm, which you may need to overcome.

• Positive: energetic, creative, enterprising

• Negative: fault-finding, willfulness, irritability, rashness and premature actions

Secrets of People Born on March 14th

A natural authority springs from your inner pride and sense of drama. This can take you to positions of responsibility, where you are able to use your many talents. An inherent impatience or restlessness suggests that you seek to dissolve any restrictions or limitations put on you. If your circumstances do not provide you with new opportunities or chances for advancement, you may wish to travel and explore new prospects elsewhere.

As well as possessing a good sense of values and an instinct for financial matters, you can also make an excellent fighter for a cause or ideal. Changing finances, however, may sometimes curb your aspirations, so it may be necessary to budget or plan for the future rather than go for immediate rewards. By staying as detached as possible, you avoid being too security-conscious and are able to use your universal outlook to achieve remarkable results.

Occupations suitable for individuals born on March 14th

Careers that use your sharp intellect or communication skills, such as scientist, lawyer, teacher, or writer, are likely to bring you success. With your high ideals and humanitarianism, you usually want to help in the cause of progress. With your imagination and fine mind, you enjoy exploring new ideas and knowledge that can make you more productive. Alternatively, you may be creatively inspired and express your sensitivity through art, music, or the entertainment world. A compassionate side to your nature may find expression through the healing professions or social work.

Famous people who share your birthday include physicist Albert Einstein, composers Georg Telemann and Quincy Jones, actors Michael Caine and Billy Crystal, immunologist Paul Ehrlich, and actress Rita Tushingham.

March 14th Birthday Numerology

Impulsive and restless by nature, spontaneous and likes to discover the world through the senses. Intellectual potential, pragmatism, and determination are some of the qualities of the number 14 birthday. Indeed, with this birthday you frequently put your work first and judge yourself and others on the basis of career achievements. Although you need stability, the restlessness indicated by the number 14 urges you to forge ahead or take on new challenges in a constant attempt to improve your lot. This innate restlessness and constant lack of satisfaction may also inspire you to make a great many changes in your life, especially if you are not happy with your working conditions or financial status. With your perceptive mind, you respond quickly to problems and enjoy solving them. The subinfluence of the number 3 month indicates that you are sensitive, with powerful emotions. Although you are idealistic and creative, your ambition is to be productive; with extraordinary surges of energy, you are capable of achieving a great deal. An inclination to get bored easily, however, may cause you to become indecisive or spread yourself too thin. A positive environment is essential for you, as you thrive on inspiration and excitement.

• Positive: decisive actions, hardworking, lucky, creative, pragmatic, imaginative, industrious

• Negative: overly cautious or overly impulsive, unstable, thoughtless, stubborn

Love & Relationships of People Born on March 14th

Your warm heart may not be immediately obvious from your casual personality. You may be happiest when socializing with people who get you thinking or with whom you share some type of intellectual or creative activity. Although you are a good communicator, at times you may need to stay detached and avoid becoming overserious due to hidden insecurities. Fortunately, intuitive and amusing, you can ease tense situations with your unusual sense of humor or satire.

The dream lover of someone born on March 14th

For security, mental stimulation, and love, you might want to begin looking among those born on the following dates.

Love & friendship: Jan. 6, 11, 16, Feb. 4, 14, Mar. 2, 12, 28, 30, Apr. 10, 26, 28, May 3, 8, 24, 26, 30, June 1, 6, 22, 24, 28, July 4, 20, 22, 26, 31, Aug. 2, 18, 20, 24, 29, Sept. 16, 18, 22, 27, Oct. 14, 16, 20, 25, Nov. 12, 14, 18, 23, Dec. 10, 12, 16, 21

Beneficial: Jan. 9, 14, 16, Feb. 7, 12, 14, Man 5, 10, 12, Apr. 3, 8, 10, May 1, 6, 8, June 4, 6, July 2, 4, Aug. 2, Sept. 30, Oct. 28, Nov. 26, 30, Dec. 24, 28, 29

Fatal attractions: Jan. 21, Feb. 19, Mar. 17, Apr. 15, May 13, June 11, July 9, Aug. 7, Sept. 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, Oct. 3, Nov. I

Challenging: Jan. 4, 13, 28, Feb. 2, 11, 26, Mar. 9, 24, Apr. 7, 22, May 5, 20, June 3, 18, JuJy 1, 16, Aug. 14, Sept. 12, Oct. 10, 31, Nov. 8, 29, Dec. 6, 27

Soul mates: Jan. 15, 22, Feb. 13, 20, Mar. 11, 18, Apr. 9, 16, May 7, 14, June 5, 12, July 3, 10, Aug. 1, 8, Sept. 6, Oct. 4, Nov. 2

March 14th Birthday Personology Summary

Those born on March 14 frequently exasperate others by their apparent inability to make a decision and stick by it. Yet this indecisive tendency is not the result of a lack of perception or conviction—on the contrary, these sensitive individuals are extremely astute, and furthermore possess strong principles. It is just that because they have the ability to evaluate a situation and then visualize many possible future scenarios, they find it hard to decide on a single course of action when the alternatives seem equally viable or fraught with problems.

Since March 14 people are furthermore intellectu- ally open to a variety of viewpoints, as well as being profoundly intuitive when it comes to the emotions of those around them, they shrink from bigotry and intolerance and from accepting other people’s certain- ties. It is precisely their combination of open-mind- edness, empathy and abhorrence of injustice that informs their deeply humanitarian concern, and their refusal to rush to judgement.

Human company is important to these sociable peo- ple, and others are drawn to them on account of their cheerful kindness, sympathy and infectious originality. Wonderful friends, they also have potential to make exceptionally good, nonjudgemental parents, but— as in all things—may initially find it hard to commit themselves to a single partner. Professionally, they will thrive when working within small teams, although they instinctively rebel against the rigidity of large corpo- rations. The artistic sphere is especially auspicious for March 14 people, in which their powers of imagination and sensuality can be given the opportunity to flower.

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