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People Born on March 21st: Destiny, Future

Last updated onMarch 21, 2024

March 21st Birthday Numerology

No. 3:Creative with the gift of imagination and an ability to communicate in writing, art or speech.

March 21 VS Aries, 3, Tenacious trailblazer

People Born on March 21st: Destiny, Future

March 21st Birthday Destiny

It’s not that you don’t like words; in fact, you’re rather good with them, but, with you, actions speak louder than words and so if it’s progress you’re after, it will be speedy action that’s driving you on towards your work and life goals. Some appreciate your directness, others will find it a bit much but, with you, everyone knows exactly where they stand and why. You’ll thrive in business or the military or any field where your natural leadership tendencies and leading by example will be welcomed, but watch that nasty temper or you could find yourself spending more of your downtime on your own than you might like or find healthy. Nobody likes a nasty verbal bashing or being intimidated into submission. Take care, too, not to alienate loved ones or potential mates with that Aries fire, which tends to dominate your softer Pisces core. You won’t win true friends and influence people by bullying them, but you will earn their trust and loyalty by stopping to listen and learn. Sometimes, someone else might just have an answer you’ve not yet even thought about. And sometimes, when it comes to love, the person who’s been telling you they are right for you might just be ‘The One’.

March 21st Birthday Future

The vivacious rams celebrating birthdays on this first day of the astrological year are easily recognized by their "can-do" attitude. As one of them, you have great faith in yourself and an intense desire to always be number one. You tend to move around a great deal because you like being where the action is. At times you set such a fast pace that others find themselves struggling just to keep up. You are an up-front, outgoing free spirit, with nothing hidden behind your open, friendly manner. What people see is what they get.

Ariens born March 21 are inherently enthusiastic and brimming with youthful vitality, no matter what their chronological age. You view life as an ongoing adventure, and you're continually on the lookout for exciting new ways to implement your many plans and ideas. Yow· impulsive temperament, courage, and pioneering spirit fuel your willingness to gamble and take risks. Independent in thought and action, you are much better at giving orders than taking them. Endowed with the gift of gab, you're one of the world's great persuaders. In fact, creative self-expression and the ability to mix words with action are your specialties.

You are ardent and romantic, but you fall in and out of love quite easily. In a committed relationship, you'll stay the course unless things get really dull and boring. If you should become truly disenchanted, your inclination is to leave and never look back.

March 21st Birthday Tarot

Knight of Wands:If there was ever a card that encapsulates an incoming, fiery, Aries streak and a life based on motion and get up and go – rather than let’s sit awhile and talk some more about it – it’s this chap sitting astride a rearing stallion and brandishing a single wand of communication. What’s he telling us? Or, shouting more like? He’s telling us: ‘Come on, let’s go. There’s no time to waste!’

March 21st Famous birthdays

Gary Oldman(British actor); Russ Meyer(American director); Timothy Dalton(Welsh actor); Born Today:

Johann Sebastian Bach (composer); Matthew Broderick (actor); PeterBrook (director); Timothy Dalton (actor); J.B. J. Fourier (mathematician); Rosie O'Donnell (comedian/actress(TV host); Gary Oldman (actor); Walter Gilbert (molecular biologist); Aryton Senna da Silva (racecar driver); Florenz Ziegfeld (producer)

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