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People Born on March 28th: Destiny, Future

Last updated onMarch 28, 2024

March 28th Birthday Numerology

No. 1:A powerful entity and results-oriented force, all about initiating action and getting things done.

March 28 VS Aries, 1, Practical realist

People Born on March 28th: Destiny, Future

March 28th Birthday Destiny

With your ability to disengage the emotions and examine a problem or challenge in a cool, calm and collected manner, you are fantastic to have around in a crisis, making you well suited to a career in the police, the military or business, especially anything to do with finances. You are comfortable in your own skin and happy in your own company, but that somehow just makes other people want you around even more, so, from the outside, you seem to have a busy social life when sometimes all you really want is to go on a long coastal walk or kick back and listen to a classical music concert. Love is important in your life because while you come across as highly competent and self-confident, the truth is you are often secretly beset by an overwhelming sense of self-doubt and so need the support of loving friends and a devoted spouse to gently chide you through these rough patches. The more stable your home life and the more private your home, the more you can be yourself in private and take a break from feeling you have to prove your worth to everyone you meet.

March 28th Birthday Future

Like the Knight of Wands in the tarot deck, the energetic, self-motivated March 28th individual has a temperament that can only be described as "fire of fire." Those born on this date are outgoing leaders with sunny personalities and tons of initiative. A true individualist, you have faith in yourself and in your own way of doing things. With a mind that's as active as your body, you're easily bored by repetition and dull routine. You thrive on the challenges involved in initiating and carrying out new proJects.

Although extremely friendly and sociable, your March 28th birthday means you're not really a team player (except when in charge of the team). Essentially a strategist and idea person, you possess a creativity, resourcefulness, and enthu-siasm that make you an excellent manager and planner. In addition to your pioneering spirit, sharp mentality, and forward-looking idealism, you are something of the vision-ary. A courageous champion of the underdog, you boldly rush to the aid of those who cannot defend themselves.

In personal relationships, you're ardent, loving, and loyal. Family and home are important to you, but you also value your freedom and independence. In romantic situations, you sometimes enjoy the pursuit even more than the consummation. You like change and excitement. If a relationship goes too smoothly, you may get antsy. When this happens, your tendency is to stir things up in order to get the sparks flying again by deliberately (if unconsciously) creating conflict.

March 28th Birthday Tarot

Knight of Cups:Cool, calm and collected on the outside – just like the upright Knight of Cups depicted on this card – you are secretly often full of trepidation and self-doubt and so may be wary of any deep emotional involvement with anyone. Perhaps you’ve been badly hurt in love and have defaulted to picking fault with yourself to explain why you were betrayed or abandoned. But in this card, you are holding a large chalice out in front of you, which means you are ready to offer the whole of yourself up to a mate, and look at your horse – he knows instinctively how to take you forward, even when your steps on the ground would be stumbling.

March 28th Famous birthdays

Lady Gaga(American singer-songwriter); Vince Vaughn(American actor); Maxim Gorky(Russian writer and political activist); Born Today:

Dirk Bogarde (actor); Auguste Anheuser Busch, Jr. (brewer); Maxim Gorky(writer); Ken Howard (actor); Reba McEntire (singer); Edmund Muskie (U.S. senator); Raphael (artist); Rudolf Serkin (pianist); Julia Stiles (actress}; Saint Theresa of Avila (mystic); Paul Whiteman (orchestra conductor); Dianne Wiest (actress)

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