People Born on March 7th Personality,Stars,Numbers

Last updated onMarch 07, 2024

Planetary Influences:Ruling planet:Neptune;Second decan:Personal planet is Moon. Virtues:Visionary, idealistic, intellectual. Vices:Blinkered, neglectful, unwilling to compromise. Careers:Politician, lawyer, artist. Skills & Aptitudes:Intuition, determination, enthusiasm. Compatible with:March 5–10, November 1–5

Determined achiever

People Born on March 7th Personality,Stars,Numbers

People Born on March 7th Personality Reference

Imaginative, idealistic, and thoughtful, you are a creative and discriminating Piscean who is full of ideas. Although blessed with a vivid inner life, in order to achieve success and prosperity you need to find a practical purpose for your wonderful thoughts and dreams.

The added influence of your Sun in the decanate of Cancer implies that you are intuitive, with an ability to access the collective unconscious. As you usually have a wealth of feelings, you are a sensitive and kind person. When you are optimistic and positive, your caring and sympathetic nature can bring light and hope to any situation. Although you are receptive to others’ feelings, you may need to beware of fluctuating moods. If unhappy, avoid indulging in worry or fantasy. Develop your intuitive side by trusting your strong sixth sense.

Though you present a bright and confident front to the world, you conceal a more serious and deep side to your nature. Being versatile and multitalented indicates that making the right choices can be difficult. Advancement usually comes from decisive action rather than worry and indecision. It is better to invest in long-term plans and firm foundations rather than immediate returns. Although you possess great ideas, you must learn to be patient as well as listen to the advice of others. By learning to stay detached and let go of the past, you can avoid periods of being frustrated or disappointed.

While you are between the ages of fourteen and forty-three your progressed Sun moves through Aries. This influence suggests that you gradually develop your confidence and enjoy being active and assertive. After the age of forty-four, when your progressed Sun moves into Taurus, you feel an increased need for stability and financial security. You may become more emotionally stable, with a possible stronger interest in nature. At the age of seventy-four there is a turning point when your progressed Sun enters Gemini. This suggests that your curiosity grows and you start to transform your way of thinking. This also highlights your interest in communication and learning new subjects.

Stars of People Born on March 7th


Sun: Pisces

Decanate: Cancer/moon

Degree: 15°30’-16°30’ Pisces

Mode: Mutable

Element: Water

Fixed Stars

Star’s name:Achernar

Degree position:14° 17-15°11’ Pisces between the years 1930 and 2000

Magnitude: 1

Strength: **********


Constellation:Alpha Eridanus

Applicable days:March 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Star qualities:Jupiter

Description:a blue-white star located at the mouth of the river Eridani

Primary Star’s Influence

Achemar’s influence stimulates expanded vision and the ability to see the whole. You are likely to have an optimistic outlook, a love of justice, and high aspirations. This star bestows success and a flair for dealing with the general public. Achernar may also direct you toward philosophy and religion.

Linked to your Sun’s degree, this star bestows a generous, patient, and optimistic nature. This star gives prominence in higher education and a talent for writing. Rewards for outstanding work may be indicated. Achernar suggests that you can achieve success in business and dealing with the general public. If you gain fame, it is often long-lasting.

• Positive: justice, social sense, aspirations

• Negative: impressionability, escapism, speculation, misunderstandings

Secrets of People Born on March 7th

Although you are idealistic and highly intuitive, you may vacillate between faith and self-doubt. By being afraid to take risks, especially where your security is concerned, you may experience frustration or dissatisfaction with yourself and others. It is through facing your doubts and fears that you can truly find faith in yourself and discover what life has to offer you. With a positive perspective, you have the potential to inspire others with your ideals and imagination. You may need to learn to concentrate on your true goals by avoiding scattering your energies on unimportant issues or events.

Although you want to surround yourself with harmony and beauty, at a deep level many of your personal challenges may concern your attitude toward money and material considerations. You may find it difficult to accept the responsibility of your more difficult challenges. By focusing on your creative energies, you are able to achieve original and productive results. Take time to regenerate yourself by paying attention to your diet and health as well as learning to relax.

Occupations suitable for individuals born on March 7th

Sensitive yet analytical, you have a strong need for self-expression. When this is combined with your imagination and visionary sense, you may wish to pursue a career in photography, art, or film, or use your emotional impressionability in music or dance. Alternatively, you may be drawn to the caring professions, such as the medical world, teaching, social work, or charity and voluntary work. The influence of this birthday also suggests that there may be interests or work involving foreign countries. If in the business world, you can use your people skills to help you achieve success. Fluctuating circumstances in your working environment can point to changes in your career. Whatever work you choose, your keen intelligence and intuitive sense can help you to learn quickly.

Famous people who share your birthday include composer Maurice Ravel, Dutch painter Piet Mondrian, horticulturist Luther Burbank, tennis player Ivan Lendl, photographer Lord Snowden, and actress Anna Magnani.

March 7th Birthday Numerology

Very analytical and detail-oriented, likes to observe and investigate things, and has a keen, inventive eye. Analytical and thoughtful, number 7 individuals are frequently critical and self-absorbed. With a constant need for greater self-awareness, you enjoy gathering information and may be interested in reading, writing, or spirituality. Although shrewd, you may overrationalize or get lost in detail. A tendency to be enigmatic or secretive suggests that at times you feel misunderstood. The subinfluence of the number 3 month indicates that although you are sensitive and idealistic, with a need for close personal relationships, you prefer at times to be on your own. Analytical and inquisitive, you like to ask subtle questions without letting anyone know what you really think. A tendency to be skeptical or too proud also suggests that you need to develop your communication skills in order to avoid misunderstandings. Happiest when you are extending your knowledge and broadening your horizons, you benefit from all kinds of intellectual pursuits. A seeker of wisdom, you can find inspiration in studying metaphysics, philosophy, or the healing arts.

• Positive: educated, trusting, meticulous, idealistic, honest, psychic, scientific, rational, reflective

• Negative: concealing, unfriendly, secretive, skeptical, confused, detached

Love & Relationships of People Born on March 7th

As you are likely to attract all types of people, you need to be discriminating in your choice of friends. Achieving emotional balance can prevent you from alternating between being emotionally expressive and appearing cold or withdrawn. It is particularly important that you are honest with your partners. Usually you are attracted to intelligent people with whom you can share some sort of intellectual activity. Charming and friendly, you have no problem making friends or finding lovers. With your gentle mannerisms and creative approach to life, you can enchant others.

The dream lover of someone born on March 7th

You are likely to have more luck with someone born on one of the following dates.

Love & friendship: Jan. 9, 23, 25, 27, Feb. 7, 21, 23, 25, Mar. 5, 19, 21, 23, 29, Apr. 3, 17, 19, 21, 27, 30, May 1, 15, 17, 19, 25, 28, June 13, 15, 17, 23, 26, 27, July 11, 13, 15, 21, 24, Aug. 9, 11, 13, 19, 22, Sept. 7, 9, 11, 17, 20, Oct. 5, 7, 9, 15, 18, 30, Nov. 3, 5, 7, 13, 16, 17, Dec. 1, 3, 5, 11, 14, 26

Beneficial: Jan. 2, 4, 7, 26, Feb. 2, 5, Mar. 3, Apr. 1, May 31, June 29, July 14, 27, 31, Aug. 25, 29, Sept. 23, 27, Oct. 21, 25, Nov. 6, 19, 23, Dec. 17, 21

Fatal attractions: Jan. 8, 14, Feb. 6, 12, Mar. 4, 10, Apr. 2, 8, May 6, June 4, July 2, Sept. 7, 8, 9, 10

Challenging: Jan. 6, 19, 29, Feb. 4, 17, 27, Mar. 2, 15, 25, Apr. 13, 23, May 11, 21, June 9, 19, July 7, 17, Aug. 5, 15, Sept. 3, 13, 30, Oct. 1, 11, 28, Nov. 9, 26, Dec. 7, 24, 29

Soul mates: Jan. 16, 21, Feb. 14, 19, Mar. 12, 17, Apr. 10, 15, May 8, 13, June 6, 11, July 4, 9, Aug. 2, 7, Sept. 5, Oct. 3, Nov. I

March 7th Birthday Personology Summary

Although they can be immensely practical and, as a result of their sensitivity, empathetic toward other people, those born on March 7 have a propensity to direct their interest and attention to what really fascinates them—the ideas and ideals that are products of their vivid imaginations. People with March 7 birthdays often possess the gift of extraordinary vision. They will perceptively survey their surroundings, analyze the situation’s faults and merits and formulate an ideal scenario, which they will then strive to achieve, to the best of their abilities.

Although they may be gripped by one specific aim, since March 7 people are extremely receptive to all kinds of emotional and intellectual stimuli, this per- spicuity and urge to act may be manifested in a wide range of enthusiasms. Within whichever area they ultimately choose to make their profession—be it in the arts, for which they have such a natural affinity, or in politics or sport—they will generally mount a determined and organized campaign to attain their ambitions.

There is a danger, however, given their focus on impersonal concepts, that those born on this day may allow their focus to be diverted from the very real needs of their family and friends, who will not necessarily understand these people’s frequent desire for periods of solitary reflection or their enthusiastic devotion to a cause that may seem remote. Cultivat- ing a spirit of compromise and give and take is there- fore vital in giving March 7 people the balance that will result in self-fulfillment.

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