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People Born on May 18th: Destiny, Future

Last updated onMay 18, 2024

May 18th Birthday Numerology

No. 9:An old soul that looks to spiritual awareness to solve life’s problems and likes to help others to do so in the same way.

May 18 VS Taurus, 9, Fearless fighter

People Born on May 18th: Destiny, Future

May 18th Birthday Destiny

Your commitment to fairness and justice for all is such that you are never afraid to speak out where you see wrong action and to urge change for the better. And since you’re afraid of nothing, it’s probably an understatement to call you fearless. Prejudice, discrimination and any form of injustice will not be tolerated in your world view and you’ll likely be using your talents in the creative arts to make this clear to anyone prepared to listen. You can feel hurt, disappointed and despondent when others don’t jump to join your cause or seem to care much that there is so much inequity in the world. A stable and loving home life will go a long way to offsetting your struggle to understand those with less empathy, so make sure you choose a partner who is in it for the long haul with you. This shouldn’t be too hard since you’re a deeply romantic and loving partner who relishes the intimacy of a committed and close long-term partnership. You are an unusual blend of creativity, spirituality and idealism; this is a rare and special mix, so take care not to burn through all your resources by taking on the cares of the whole world but forgetting to take care of yourself!

May 18th Birthday Future

People born on this day are an interesting blend of creativity, spirituality, and idealism. Physically and mentally alert, you have quick reflexes and heightened intellectual perceptions. A compassionate humanitarian, you possess great empathy for the human condition and an intuitive understanding of other people's experiences. Your ultimate aim is to help improve the world. You are able to accomplish this in a direct way by speaking out against injustices politically, in the media, in the classroom, or from the pulpit; or you n1ay prefer to communicate your ideas in an indirect manner through your work as an artist, musician, writer, or athlete.

May 18th individuals are highly creative and imagina-tive, but they're also eminently practical and able to get things done with a minimum of fuss. A born fighter, you're not afraid of anything or anyone. You absolutely refuse to tolerate prejudice, discrimination, or inequity. Impatient, impulsive, and extremely outspoken, you can hurt your own cause if you forget to stop and think before you speak. When you are disappointed by the insensitivity of some people or the world in general, you may become temporarily despondent or withdrawn.

You need a stable personal life to offset the turbulence of your passionate crusading. A true romantic, you are a sentimental, tender, caring partner who revels in the closeness of a committed relationship. In love and friendship, you're loyal, dependable, and very responsive to the other person's needs.

May 18th Birthday Tarot

The Hermit:This card warns of those times when the challenge of getting people to care more about each other just feels impossible and overwhelming; these are the times when you will withdraw – like the Hermit – to a safe space, first to lick your wounds and then to regroup your energies ready for the second charge. Use this important time productively because the Hermit holding out his lantern to light our way in the dark has much to teach the collective. But in your heart, you already know this.

May 18th Famous birthdays

Tsar Nicholas II(Last Emperor Russia); Bertrand Russell(British polymath); Frank Capra(Italian director); Born Today:

Pierre Balmain (designer); Frank Capra (director); Perry Como (singer); Margo Fonteyn (dancer); Dwayne Hickman (actor); Reggie Jackson (baseball player); Jacob Javits (U.S. senator); John Paul II (Roman Catholic Pope); Robert Morse (actor); Pernell Roberts (actor); Brooks Robinson (baseball player); Bertrand Russell (philosopher)

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