People Born on May 23rd Personality,Stars,Numbers

Last updated onMay 23, 2024

Planetary Influences:Ruling planets:Mercury and Venus;First decan:Personal planet is;Mercury;First cusp:Gemini with Taurean tendencies. Virtues:Charming, caring, incisive. Vices:Impulsive, controlling, superficial. Careers:Nurse, actor, musician, diplomat. Skills & Aptitudes:Enthusiastic outlook on life, orientation toward other people, insatiable curiosity. Compatible with:August 22, September 24–26

Naturally curious

People Born on May 23rd Personality,Stars,Numbers

People Born on May 23rd Personality Reference

Friendly and intelligent, you like to communicate your ideas and share your knowledge. You are likely to be young at heart, with an agile mind that allows you to grasp ideas very quickly. Although versatile, you may have to be careful that your desire for speed does not turn into restlessness and impatience.

With the double influence of Mercury in the first decanate of Gemini, you are interested in worldly affairs and may enjoy being on the move. Your general mental outlook is broad-minded, kind, universal, and sincere. You consider it important to tell the truth and be direct and honest with others.

Occasionally you can be prone to disturbing anxieties that can depress or discourage you. At these times it is essential to detach yourself and not become overly sensitive to ordinary misfortunes. Concentrate on your usual bright and optimistic future plans. With your charitable and altruistic approach to life, you are often in the position of supporting the underdog or helping and advising others. Although you can be thrifty and economical, you will be extremely generous with those you care for.

With your innate desire for harmony, your home base is extra important as a foundation for your security, and you may be willing to make sacrifices to keep everything safe. You may, however, also be liable to spiritual or psychic exploration’s and may have vivid dreams through your close contact with the subconscious. You need clever people around you from whom you can get mental stimulation, as you are interested in a wide range of subjects. As a clever conversationalist, you can talk about your pet subject with great enthusiasm. You may be particularly interested in philosophy, religion, literature, travel, or law.

After the age of twenty-nine, when your progressed Sun moves into Cancer, you are likely to become more sensitive and security-conscious, with a strong accent on your home life. When your progressed Sun moves into Leo, around age fifty-nine, there is a strong need for self-expression and assertiveness, which may inspire you to become more sociable and adventurous.

Stars of People Born on May 23rd


Sun: Gemini

Decanate: Gemini/mercury

Degree: 2°-3° Gemini

Mode: Mutable

Element: Air

Fixed Stars

Although your Sun’s degree is not linked to a fixed star, some of your other planets’ degrees certainly will be. By having an astrological chart calculated, you can find the exact position of the planets on your date of birth. This will tell you which of the fixed stars listed in this book are relevant to you.

Secrets of People Born on May 23rd

An inner sense of the dramatic points to a strong need to express your creativity and ideas. If this need is not fulfilled, you may become frustrated or disappointed. Having a positive philosophy in life or something to believe in ensures that you do not drift and enables you to be very focused. Discipline of your mind and abilities is a must; education, whether conventional or independent, gives you confidence, encourages you to make the most of your potential, and is a key to your success.

You find it important to be fair, to act responsibly, and to pay your debts, mainly because you have a strong sense of justice and want your surroundings to be as harmonious as possible. Just be careful that in the process of not wanting to rock the boat you do not allow situations to become too much of a predictable routine. Fortunately, you have the capacity to always want to improve yourself.

Occupations suitable for individuals born on May 23rd

A natural inclination for business combined with good organizational skills is likely to aid you in any career. With your love of knowledge and talent for communication, you could excel in teaching or be drawn to linguistics, science, or journalism. You are likely to be skilled with your hands, especially in creative and artistic pursuits. Alternatively, occupations connected with matters abroad or mixing with people could satisfy your love of variety and keep you from becoming bored. Law, counseling, or psychology could possibly provide an outlet for your talent in offering advice and information. People with this birthday may also succeed in show business or music.

Famous people who share your birthday include actress Joan Collins, hypnotist Anton Mesmer, and actor Douglas Fairbanks.

May 23rd Birthday Numerology

Impulsive and restless by nature, spontaneous and likes to discover the world through the senses. Intuition, emotional sensitivity, and creativity are some of the attributes of a person with a number 23 birthday. Usually you are versatile, passionate, and a quick thinker, with a professional attitude and a mind full of creative ideas. With the number 23 influence, you can learn new subjects easily, but may prefer practice to theory. Fond of travel, adventure, and meeting new people, you may find that restlessness implied by the number 23 urges you to try many different kinds of experiences, and you are apt to make the most of any situation. Generally friendly and fun-loving, with courage and drive, you may need an active life in order to actualize your true potential. The subinfluence of the number 5 month indicates that you are multitalented, with an ambitious and restless nature. You may need to develop your assertiveness and determination by learning to focus on a particular objective. Find your individuality through work and achievement and make your dreams a reality by converting your creative thoughts into decisive action. You need recognition and like to be appreciated for your efforts.

• Positive:loyal, responsible, love of travel, communicative, intuitive, creative, versatile, trustworthy, fame

• Negative:selfish, insecure, stubborn, uncompromising, fault finding, withdrawn, prejudiced

Love & Relationships of People Born on May 23rd

Your home life and finding a partner or soul mate are of prime importance. However, you may have to watch out for becoming overly dependent in your relationships. Although you can be loyal and affectionate, love unions may not always go according to plan. You may need to learn to adapt to changing circumstances. By developing patience, self-discipline, and detachment, you will be able to take on life’s challenges and overcome a tendency to give up too easily. If you find your true love early in life, you are likely to settle down and be more content, as you do not like to be on your own.

The dream lover of someone born on May 23rd

You might find emotional fulfillment and that special someone among those born on the following days.

Love & friendship:Jan. 1, 5, 6, 15, 26, 29, 30, Feb. 13, 24, 27, 28, Mar. 11, 22, 25, 26, 29, Apr. 9, 20, 23, 24, May 7, 18, 21, 22, June 5, 16, 19, 20, July 3, 14, 17, 18, 31, Aug. 1, 12, 15, 16, 29, 31, Sept. 10, 13, 14, 17, 27, 29, Oct. 8, 11, 12, 25, 27, Nov. 6, 9, 10, 23, 25, Dec. 4, 7, 8, 21, 23, 29

Beneficial:Jan. 1, 2, 10, 14, 27, Feb. 8, 12, 25, Mar. 6, 23, Apr. 4, 8, 21, May 2, 6, 19, 30, June 4, 17, 28, July 2, 15, 26, Aug. 13, 24, Sept. 11, 22, Oct. 9, 20, Nov. 7, 18, Dec. 5, 16

Fatal attractions:Nov. 24, 25, 26

Challenging:Jan. 17, 26, Feb. 15, 24, Mar. 13, 22, ?pr. 11, 20, May 9, 18, June 7, 16, July 5, 14, Aug. 3, 12, 30, Sept. 1, 10, 28, Oct. 8, 26, 29, Nov. 6, 24, 27, Dec. 4, 22, 25

Soul mates:Jan. 21, Feb. 19, Mar. 17, Apr. 15, May 13, June 11, July 9, 29, Aug. 7, 27, Sept. 5, 25, Oct. 3, 23, Nov. 1, 21, Dec. 19

May 23rd Birthday Personology Summary

The vibrancy, enthusiastic outlook and great personal charm exuded by those born on May 23 make them popular characters who seem to effortlessly draw others to them. These bright individuals inspire affection and admiration in equal measure. A further potent ingredient that adds to their overall appeal is their orientation toward other people, a leaning inspired by their empathy, their genuine concern for the well-being of others, their natural gregariousness and, to some extent, their desire for approval.

In addition, their insatiable curiosity instills in May 23 people the urge to discover as much as they can of life’s mysteries, and furthermore to pit their consider- able skills and efforts against any challenges that they encounter. They typically combine their sharp wits with highly imaginative minds, as well as a redoubt- able talent for practical action.

Their humanitarian bias, artistic sensibilities, acute intellectual powers, and urge to effect progress, equip them for a variety of careers, including those within the caring professions, the performing arts and also diplomacy. Whatever career they choose to pursue, however, they will usually only flourish if their work involves significant interpersonal contact.

Similarly, May 23 people will usually wish to be actively involved to the fullest extent in the lives of those closest to them and will have the outstanding ability both to enliven and provide close support to their personal relationships. They should, however, temper a certain compulsion to behave impulsively without having fully thought through the implica- tions of their actions.

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