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People Born on May 25th: Destiny, Future

Last updated onMay 25, 2024

May 25th Birthday Numerology

No. 7:Very analytical and detail-oriented, likes to observe and investigate things, and has a keen, inventive eye.

May 25 VS Gemini, 7, Moral leader

People Born on May 25th: Destiny, Future

May 25th Birthday Destiny

There are no shades of grey in your world; there is right and then there is wrong. According to your moral code, we all know the difference and anyone maintaining there are any shades in between is kidding themselves, probably to try and feel better about a questionable choice they have made or are about to make. In your personal life you won’t think twice about punishing any transgression of the moral code by simply cutting off all ties and cutting the transgressor out of your life for good. In work, you’re as open-minded as the next but only to those ideas and plans that dovetail with your moral code and ethical ideology. You have great leadership skills and will happily carry the baton for your team, but you recognise there is no ‘I’ in team and nor do you want there to be. You are happy to lead all involved to success and may decide to use your skills and strong sense of honour to work for charity, as a campaigner or in politics somewhat left of centre! You have an enormous sensitivity towards the suffering of others and will do all within your power not only to champion the cause of the downhearted and downtrodden but also to actively change their circumstances for the better.

May 25th Birthday Future

Intelligence, imagination, and psychic ability are associated with this birth date. You're a study in paradox and sometimes as much a puzzle to yourself as to those who think they know you best. Cerebral and rational solar Gemini dwells mainly in a mental atmosphere of words and ideas. However, the vibration of the number twenty-five connects you to the mysteries of the subconscious. As a result, you're as likely to be interested in mysticism and the occult as you are in science and technology. You're considerably more emotional than other twins, yet your basic mistrust of emotion can cause you to suppress your feelings or rationalize them away.

People born on May 25 are many-faceted, creative communicators. No matter what the message, you have a knack for getting it across fluently and convincingly. You gather information through study, research, and an intuitive understanding of the facts. Your insight works in tandem with your analyt ical mind to blend bits of information together into a compre-hensive whole. Musical, poetic, and artistic ability are quite common among those born on this day, and you could be skilled in handicrafts, writing, dancing, or painting.

In a love relationship, you're romantic, affectionate, and thoughtful. You care deeply, but you are emotionally vulnerable and easily hurt if love turns sour. You want the grounding that partnership offers, but you fear commitment and the loss of your freedom.

May 25th Birthday Tarot

The Emperor:One of the Major Arcana cards, our Emperor sits proud on his throne and with his long, white beard appears to be the epitome of wisdom. This is a mature man who has already lived much of his life and learned to accept responsibility for his choices along the way. And, like you, he has a strong moral code and sense of natural justice and honour which others look to for guidance and the reassurance that choosing to be the ‘good guy’ is always the right choice, even when it feels like losing.

May 25th Famous birthdays

Ian McKellen(British actor); Paul Weller(British singer-songwriter); Mike Myers(Canadian actor and comedian); Born Today:

Miles Davis Uazz musician/bandleader/composer); Ralph Waldo Emerson (poet/essayist/philosopher); Anne Heche (actress); Robert Ludlum (writer); Sir Ian McKellan (actor); Mike Meyers (comedian/actor); Frank Oz (puppeteer/director); Bill "Bojangles" Robinson (dancer/actor); Beverly Sills (opera singer)

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