People Born on May 27th Personality,Stars,Numbers

Last updated onMay 27, 2024

Planetary Influences:Ruling planet:Mercury;First decan:Personal planet is Mercury. Virtues:Innovative, practical, dynamic. Vices:Dominating, impersonal, inaccessible. Careers:Doctor, teacher, diplomat, performing artist. Skills & Aptitudes:Imaginative thinking, ability to understand abstract concepts, practical approaches. Compatible with:September 25–29

Progressive humanitarian

People Born on May 27th Personality,Stars,Numbers

People Born on May 27th Personality Reference

The bright, personable nature suggested by your birthday indicates that you are constantly seeking new and exciting things to keep your active mind interested. A fascination for people and change may prompt you to go exploring in your quest for variety and mental challenge. This should keep you active and may even extend to traveling the world.

Since you are in the first decanate of Gemini, you have a double influence of Mercury, the planet of communication. This points to an ability to grasp concepts very quickly, and then you want to move on. This endows you with swiftness of thought but suggests impatience. Often eloquent, you may need to develop the ability to listen rather than talk. Versatile and multitalented, you may need to develop your great mental potential through concentration and thoroughness. When curious about a subject, however, you can apply your practical and serious logic to problem solving. Although you possess depth of thought, guard against becoming too mentally rigid, as you may be stubborn, cynical, or uncommunicative as a result. Alternatively, when assertive, you have the ability to be verbally direct and often go straight to the heart of a matter.

Since you also possess a strong spirit of enterprise, you are usually enthusiastic, optimistic, and adventurous, and may possess a dynamic approach to acquiring money and satisfying your material needs. You may wish to turn the potential of your great spiritual and creative forces to writing or to making your fine ideas into something tangible.

After the age of 25, when your progressed Sun moves into Cancer, issues around emotional security, home, and family start to play a more important part in your life. This influence continues until around the age of fifty-five, when you enter a period of authority, strength, and increased sociability as your progressed Sun moves into Leo.

Stars of People Born on May 27th


Sun: Gemini

Decanate: Gemini/mercury

Degree: 5°30’-7°30’ Gemini

Mode: Mutable

Element: Air

Fixed Stars

Prima Hyadum, Ain

Primary Star

Star’s name: Prima Hyadum Degree position:4°41’-5°46’ Gemini between the years 1930 and 2000 Magnitude:4 Strength: **** Orb: 1°30’ Constellation:Gamma Taurus Applicable days:May 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 Star qualities: variedinterpretations: Saturn/Mercury or Mars/Neptune Description:an orange star, the chief star of the Hyades, which consists of 132 stars, located at the northern eye and marking the forehead of the Bull

Primary Star’s Influence

Prima Hyadum grants energy, ambition, and a desire for prestige, leading to achievement or great success. This star suggests a need for study and education in order to develop clear thinking. Prima Hyadum, however, also carries an influence that implies contradictions in fortunes or times of turbulence.

Linked to your Sun’s degree, this star imparts a talent for writing, business, sport, astrology, and success through working with the public. There is also a chance of fame and fortune and opportunities for popularity or notoriety. Prima Hyadum warns against tendencies toward greed and exploitation of others, and suggests refraining from hasty decisions, which may cause upheaval.

• Positive:writing, education, communication

• Negative:restlessness, lack of knowledge, greed

Secrets of People Born on May 27th

Although restlessness may stop you from expressing the dynamic love that is a vital part of your emotional makeup, it is important to channel any tendency to become easily bored into your own self-expression. This can keep life exciting and fast-moving, as well as stop you from wasting your enormous potential in petty diversions. Being instinctive or psychic brings you a good understanding of people, and when this is combined with your spirit of enterprise, it can ensure your success.

In addition to an inner sensitivity that may not be obvious from your bright mental front, you possess a pragmatic outlook that helps keep your feet on the ground. A love of mystery may draw you to metaphysics, and you may find interest in exploring the unknown. Through gaining knowledge and developing your own philosophy or belief system, you will be able to establish stability and feel secure within yourself. Learning to focus may also stop you from scattering your energies.

Occupations suitable for individuals born on May 27th

Since you are likely to become bored if your work is too routine, variety is an essential ingredient in any career. Your quick intelligence enables you to learn rapidly, so you need work that is mentally stimulating. Your restless nature and a desire to explore in life could lead to your changing your profession a few times before you settle on something that finally interests you. This influence can suggest the possibility of a second chance at a career later in life or that you may travel in your quest for knowledge and opportunities. Your flair for words and keen insight into people can help you in a career such as sales, writing, promotion, performing, or politics. Shrewd about material considerations, you are likely to fare well in the world of commerce.

Famous people born on your birthday include dancer Isadora Duncan, actors Christopher Lee and Vincent Price, and politician Henry Kissinger.

May 27th Birthday Numerology

An old soul that looks to spiritual awareness to solve life’s problems and likes to help others to do so in the same way. The number 27 birthdate indicates that you are idealistic and sensitive. Intuitive and analytical, with a fertile and creative mind, you can impress others with your original thoughts. Although at times you appear secretive, rational, or detached, in fact you may be hiding inner tensions. These may include tendencies to be impulsive, indecisive, or suspicious about forthcoming changes. In developing good communication skills, you can overcome a reluctance to express your deeper feelings. Education is essential for number 27 persons, and by developing depth of thought you become more patient and self-disciplined. The subinfluence of the number 5 month indicates that you are naturally versatile and imaginative, with strong instincts or psychic abilities. Overcome carelessness by learning to pay attention to details. Give structure to your thoughts, and think before you speak.

• Positive:versatile, imaginative, creative, resolute, bravery, good understanding, mentally capable, spiritual, inventive, mental strength

• Negative:disagreeable, quarrelsome, easily offended, argumentative, restless, nervous, mistrusting, overly emotional, highly strung, tense

Love & Relationships of People Born on May 27th

Although you are usually articulate and outspoken with your opinions, you are also sensitive and secretive and may prefer to observe and say very little about your personal relationships. This influence suggests that lack of communication may cause you tension or worry about personal relationships. By taking your time and being patient, you are able to approach each relationship as a learning experience and find whom you can grow to love and trust. New beginnings often play an important role in shaping your personal life, and with new opportunities and personal experiences come lessons in letting go of the past.

The dream lover of someone born on May 27th

To find security, trust, and love you might begin by looking for someone born on one of the following days.

Love & friendship:Jan. 4, 13, 19, 23, Feb. 11, 17, 21, Mar. 9, 15, 19, 28, 29, 30, Apr. 7, 13, 17, 26, 27, May 5, 11, 15, 24, 25, 26, June 3, 9, 13, 22, 23, 24, July 1, 7, 11, 20, 21, 22, Aug. 5, 9, 18, 19, 20, Sept. 3, 7, 16, 17, 18, Oct. 1, 5, 14, 15, 16, 29, 31, Nov. 3, 12, 13, 14, 27, 29, Dec. 1, 10, 11, 12, 25, 27, 29

Beneficial:Jan. 7, 15, 20, 27, 31, Feb. 5, 13, 18, 29, Mar. 3, 11, 16, 27, Apr. 1, 9, 14, 25, May 7, 12, 23, June 5, 10, 21, July 3, 8, 19, Aug. 1, 6, 17, 30, Sept. 4, 15, 28, Oct. 2, 13, 26, Nov. 11, 24, Dec. 9, 22

Fatal attractions:Nov. 28, 29, 30

Challenging:Jan. 6, 14, 30, Feb. 4, 12, 28, Mar. 2, 10, 26, Apr. 8, 24, May 6, 22, June 4, 20, July 2, 18, Aug. 16, Sept. 14, Oct. 12, Nov. 10, Dec. 8

Soul mates:Apr. 30, May 28, June 26, July 24, Aug. 22, Sept. 20, Oct, 18, 30, Nov. 16, 28, Dec. 14, 26

May 27th Birthday Personology Summary

Although they are incisive and imaginative thinkers who possess the enviable capacity to easily absorb the intricacies of complex abstract theories, those born on this day are not really interested in pondering undisturbed in isolation; instead they feel compelled to share the fruits of their knowledge with the wider world. These people are fueled by the desire to be of benefit to humanity as a whole, and their favored approach is to take practical action to implement their progressive ideals. Although they are sympathetic to human suffering, they manage to remain somewhat emotionally detached, perhaps instinctively recognizing that too deep a level of emotional involvement would limit their ability to be of effective help.

These characteristics in particular equip May 27 people particularly well for the medical, teaching or diplomatic professions, as well as for those artistic realms where they can express themselves freely; the only vital requirement being that there should be an opportunity to guide or care for other people.

Their confidence, as well as the infectious optimism generated by their strength of purpose, endow these individuals with great magnetism, and they are gen- erally well respected and greatly liked by those with whom their work brings them into contact. Yet their personal relationships may be less harmonious for a number of reasons, including the amount of time and attention that they devote to their work, their ten- dency to control the lives of those closest to them, and their strong self-belief, which makes it difficult for them to accept criticism.

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