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People Born on November 11th: Destiny, Future

Last updated onNovember 11, 2024

November 11th Birthday Numerology

No. 2:Shows resilience and power in gentleness, often provides the role of mediator and linked to psychic abilities.

November 11 VS Scorpio, 2, Emotional powerhouse

People Born on November 11th: Destiny, Future

November 11th Birthday Destiny

You’re probably unaware that some people can find you hard to get to know, but if you’re honest, that’s OK with you. When it comes to your career, you enjoy working in a team of like-minded individuals but are equally capable of working alone. You may choose a hands-on career in construction or build a different kind of business based on research or IT. You’re much admired for your values, including your integrity and clear-sighted determination, but even those closest to you often feel they don’t know what you’re really thinking or who you are privately. It’s not that you’re secretive exactly, just that you don’t like everyone knowing about your business, and what makes this so powerful is your ability to manage and use your emotions effectively. You’re not a particularly sombre character, and many find you very attractive, but you may have an unnerving tendency to turn your attention on and off at will, which can be confusing. It’s as well to be aware of this because your closest personal relationships are very important to you and they need their home to be a secure haven.

November 11th Birthday Future

The intense scorpions born on this day are emotional powerhouses who are determined to maintain control of their own destinies. Extremely proud and self-reliant, you remain poised on the surface even when you are seriously distressed or disappointed. In fact, you are so good at concealing your true feelings that most people haven't a clue to what is really going on beneath your composed fac;ade. As a lover, relative, friend, or business associate, you're loyal and supportive, but exceedingly demanding. However, you're so charismatic and intriguing that few are able to resist your magnetic allure.

The person whose birthday falls on November 11 is naturally defensive and suspicious of other people's intentions. You erect emotional barriers that few can cross. A born detective, you're adept at uncovering everyone else's secrets, but you prefer keeping your own safely locked away in the deepest recesses of your psyche. Despite your sensi-tivity to what others think, you're inclined to rely on yourself and your own ideas. You are strongly opinionated, and you defend your position with convoluted arguments that tend to leave your more straightforward opponents feeling totally frustrated and confused.

Deeply devoted to your family, you may be relied upon to take care of them, provide for them, and protect them from harm. Although you want love and support in return, you're hesitant when it comes to exposing your own emotional vulnerability.

November 11th Birthday Tarot

The Hermit:Don’t underestimate or dismiss the Hermit, who’s not antisocial, just discriminating about those with whom he engages. The light depicted in his hand shows an ability to help others see a situation clearly, something you probably share. Being able to communicate clearly to others is important to you in both your personal and work life.

November 11th Famous birthdays

Leonardo DiCaprio(American actor); Demi Moore(American actress); Calista Flockhart(American actress); Born Today:

Bibi Anderson (actress); Leonardo DiCaprio (actor); Calista Flockhart (actress); Demi Moore (actress); Pat O'Brien (actor); George Patton (U.S. Army general); Marc Summers (TV host); Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. (writer); Peta Wilson (actress); Jonathon Winters (comedian/actor)

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