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People Born on November 28th: Destiny, Future

Last updated onNovember 28, 2024

November 28th Birthday Numerology

No. 1:A powerful entity and results-oriented force, all about initiating action and getting things done.

November 28 VS Sagittarius, 1, Savvy pioneer

People Born on November 28th: Destiny, Future

November 28th Birthday Destiny

Like many a Sagittarian, there’s a touch of the pioneer that’s likely to attract you to exploring very different routes, either around the world or to personal success. What’s equally true is that you’re probably very smart about the choices along the way, so to others there seems to be a logical progression in how you approach things. What makes you a pioneer is an ability to see possibilities where others don’t, but it’s being savvy about these that actually makes everything seem so feasible. It may take some trial and error on the road to maturity to learn how to communicate this, but when and if you do, it will greatly enhance any leadership skills you want to employ, particularly at work. Others are also likely to gain confidence from the assurance with which you deploy your innovative ideas, in such a way that they seem obvious. This sort of life journey requires an accommodating partner, and you may recognise the possibilities of a lasting relationship before the other party does. If this is the case, be smart enough to allow them the chance to catch up and you’ll be in with a chance.

November 28th Birthday Future

The fiery archers born on this day are fearless pioneers continuously on the lookout for action and excitement. You believe that challenge is the name of the game, and you don't expect things to come easily. Nevertheless, wherever you go, luck and good fortune seem to follow. Sagittarius is a dual sign and as much the home of philosophers and truth seekers as of athletes and adventurers. Consequently, you're just as likely to be found defending your intellectual ideas as competing for sports awards and trophies.

November 28th individuals have both depth of vision and the ability to swiftly grasp the essentials of any situation. You may have some difficulty coping with small details, but you can usually pass the grunt-work along to someone else. Driven to explore, create, and then act on what you've created, you are restless and in need of the type of stimulation that's best provided by new faces and places. Once a pet project is well underway, you may decide to leave it to others to finish what you started.

In intimate relationships you are passionate, affectionate, and generous. Despite being something of a romantic idealist, you probably don't take love all that seriously. You are devoted and attentive for as long as you stick around. But once your wonder-lust kicks in, you are quite capable of taking off with few regrets and no backward glances.

November 28th Birthday Tarot

Seven of Wands:You are very well supported by this card, which suggests you can hold your own against all comers, but this defensive position may not always be necessary, and you could exhaust your energy for no good reason. There may be an alternative way to make better use of your power and this is what you need to discover for yourself.

November 28th Famous birthdays

Randy Newman(American singer-songwriter); Ed Harris(American actor); Barbara Morgan(American astronaut); Born Today:

Brooks Atkinson (theater critic); Joe Dante (director); Alexander Godunov(dancer); Gigi Gryce Qazz musician); Ed Harris (actor); Morris Louis (writer); Judd Nelson (actor); Randy Newman (singer/songwriter); Scarlett Pomers (actress); Paul Shaffer (musician/ bandleader); Jon Stewart (comedian/TV show host/writer)

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