November 30th Birthday Numerology
No. 3:Creative with the gift of imagination and an ability to communicate in writing, art or speech.
November 30 VS Sagittarius, 3, Focused analyst
You probably hide an incisive and analytical mind behind an unassuming demeanour, which means you can sometimes be overlooked in a crowd. Of course, this allows you to focus without the distraction of interaction or interruption, which sits quite comfortably with the way you like to operate. You can also come across as laidback, but in truth this is more a case of still waters running deep, because your goals are likely to be ambitious, with a methodical plan for realising them that few would even guess at. That focus could make you a natural leader, but you can be so subtle in some of your manoeuvres that it takes a while for others to discover you’re actually the boss. There’s probably a genuine concern for others that runs parallel to any leadership role you take on, which others will come to recognise and appreciate. Your ability to focus so well may be something you’ve learned, but it’s also an asset in your personal life, because being able to switch off from your work life (which may be a demanding one) when you get back to your family will foster a harmonious domestic life.
The multifaceted Sagittarian born on this date has been blessed with intelligence, eloquence, wit, charm, and enthusiasm. The sky's the limit as far as your creative potential is concerned. Your restless temperament abhors a vacuum, and it is standard operating procedure for you to do two things at the same time. Inherently inquisitive and eminently sociable, you adore traveling, meeting new people, and learning new things. You view your life as a series of experiences consisting of as many exciting adventures and stimulating conversations as possible.
November 30th individuals have engaging personali-ties and the amazing ability to talk their way into or out of any situation. You enjoy the spotlight, and popularity and acceptance come easily to you. In business, you can make your mark in sales, advertising, promotion, or travel. However, your true calling may be in the media, the law, politics, or religion. With your quick, active mind and fluent, dramatic way of expressing yourself, you might garner great acclaim as an actor, singer, writer, publisher, or teacher.
You are freedom oriented and have a relaxed attitude toward love. Relationships work best for you when you're able to establish a strong intellectual rapport. You're a kind and generous lover, but there is something of the romantic gypsy in your makeup. You might decide to stick around for a lifetime, or you could be gone tomorrow.
The World:This may reflect your more worldly ambitions, but they also incorporate your wishes for your world, and you may find you need to wait until the time is right to realise them. Once you’re sure of your place in the world, then your aims and objectives will tend to fall into place. There’s a pattern to this that you’ll soon start to see and be able to work with.
Ben Stiller(American actor); Mark Twain(American writer); Ridley Scott(British director); Born Today:
Shirley Chisholm (US. congresswoman); Winston Churchill (prime minister of England); Dick Clark (TV host/producer); Richard Crenna (actor); Robert Guillaume (actor); Abbie Hoffman (radical political activist); Billy Idol (punk rock star); David Mamet (playwright/director); Mandy Patinkin (actor/singer); Ben Stiller (actor)