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People Born on November 8th: Destiny, Future

Last updated onNovember 08, 2024

November 8th Birthday Numerology

No. 8:Sees the big picture and aims for it, linked to abundance and material wealth and uses financial success to give back to others.

November 8 VS Scorpio, 8, Original thinker

People Born on November 8th: Destiny, Future

November 8th Birthday Destiny

Your ideas may be considered too original and radical for some, but can someone really be toooriginal? You have a remarkable imagination that can sometimes alarm those around you, and as a child you may have enjoyed scaring your classmates with inventive stories. Harnessing this ability may need maturity to work for you, and whether you choose a career in research, science, public broadcasting or investigative reporting, the fact that you can think for yourself is what will make you and your body of work stand out. You know that good research requires paying attention to detail, but this comes easily to you and actually shapes your ideas. Optimistic and resourceful, you have such vitality in your approach to life that you are probably one of the few people that can burn the candle at both ends well into middle age and still appear at breakfast looking fresh and alert. A stable and grounding home life is crucial in supporting you, though, and this may take some time to get right, but this is important to you and so when you do, you will really flourish.

November 8th Birthday Future

The ambitious individuals whose birthdays fall on this day are instinctively drawn to the hub of power and prestige. With your sharp intellect and exceptional head for business and finance, you can go as far as you like in your chosen career. You are a tough, ambitious leader who can be either a loyal ally or a formidable opponent. As a boss or manager, you may be a bit over-bearing, but what you lack in diplomacy, you make up for in your willingness to work harder than anyone else.

November 8th individuals are natural born detectives. You probe and prod other people's psyches to find out what they're about, while keeping your own agenda top secret. Because of your guarded nature, you tend to build trust very slowly, and few people are admitted to your private world. You're intense and single-minded in the pursuit of your goals. No job is too difficult nor responsibility too great for you to undertake if it will help you achieve your objectives. It would be wise for you to learn to balance work with play, or you may burn yourself out in your effort to reach the top.

Close personal relationships can be more difficult for you to maintain than professional ones. You want the freedom to do as you please, yet you have great difficulty relinquishing control and extending the same independence to your mate or partner.

November 8th Birthday Tarot

King of Pentacles:Often interpreted as depicting someone self-made and successful. In your case it is self-determined, as in thinking for yourself and then acting on that original thinking. This card bodes well for your personal success and suggests that you are able to access all the internal and external resources you need to succeed.

November 8th Famous birthdays

Tara Reid(American actress); Gordon Ramsay(British chef, restauranteur and TV presenter); Mary Hart(American TV personality and actress); Born Today:

Christian Bernard (cardiac surgeon/heart transplant pioneer);Milton Bradley (game manufacturer); Angel Cordero, Jr. Gockey); Alain Delon (actor); Christie Lee Hefner (magazine publisher); Kazuo lshiguro (writer); Margaret Mitchell (writer); Patti Page (singer); Bonnie Raitt (singer/songwriter); Morley Safer (TV journalist)

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