People Born on October 11th Personality,Stars,Numbers

Last updated onOctober 11, 2024

Planetary Influences:Ruling planet:Venus;Second decan:Personal planet is Saturn. Virtues:Empathetic, intellectual, gentle. Vices:Extreme, self-indulgent, unyielding. Careers:Musician, charity worker, activist. Skills & Aptitudes:Concern for others, diligence, professionalism. Compatible with:February 11–16, June 10–14

Calming mediator

People Born on October 11th Personality,Stars,Numbers

People Born on October 11th Personality Reference

Very intelligent, with a gift for communicating ideas, you project enthusiasm, warmth, and personal magnetism. Although idealistic, you are usually willing to back your beliefs with actions. Naturally optimistic, with a youthful quality, you need only be responsible and apply the necessary self-discipline to bring out your wonderful potential.

With the added influence of your decanate ruler, Aquarius, you are an original and independent thinker. Combined with a spirit of enterprise and desire for freedom, you think big and are likely to campaign or fight for your convictions. Possessing charm and natural psychological skills, you have an ability to deal with people from all walks of life. Your persuasive powers and organizational ability can certainly help you in your climb to success.

With your strong Libra influence, you are a lover of beauty, nature, and the arts and have a strong need for self-expression. Many people of this birthday have an androgynous quality, being both independent and sensitive. A sense of refinement can bestow good taste and a love of luxury and comfort. When you add to your store of knowledge, your assertiveness and self-confidence increase. With your leadership potential and natural diplomatic skills, you have the ability to work cooperatively with others as part of a team. You may, however, need to avoid stress from taking on too much or being manipulative rather than dealing with people directly.

From the time you reach the age of twelve and onward, your progressed Sun moves into Scorpio. Usually you become more intense, with a growing emphasis on emotional change and a need for personal power. Another turning point occurs at the age of forty-two, when your progressed Sun moves into Sagittarius, stimulating you to widen your horizons, be more free, and seek inspiration, whether through study, personal contact, or travel. At the age of seventy-two, your progressed Sun moves into Capricorn, accenting a greater need for a practical and realistic approach to life.

Stars of People Born on October 11th


Sun: Libra

Decanate: Aquarius/uranus

Degree: 18°30’-19°30’ Libra

Mode: Mutable

Element: Air

Fixed Stars

Star’s name:Seginus

Degree position:16°38-17°20’ Libra between the years 1930 and 2000




Constellation:Gamma Bootes

Applicable days:October 9, 10, 11, 12

Star qualities:Mercury/Saturn

Description:a small yellow and white star located on the left shoulder of Bootes

Primary Star’s Influence

Seginus’s influence imparts a quick and keen mentality, many contacts, and popularity. This star indicates that you are versatile and a quick learner, but warns against an inclination to be inconsistent and make too many sudden changes.

Linked to your Sun’s degree, Seginus bestows success in business; a natural aptitude for astrology and philosophy, or an inclination toward unusual interests. Sociable and friendly, you have many friends who will come to your aid when they are needed.

• Positive:cooperative, popularity, versatility

• Negative:losses through friendships and partnerships

Secrets of People Born on October 11th

You have the magnetism to captivate and enchant people through projecting the wealth of love and emotion within you. This ability suggests an inner grace, playfulness, and a desire for love and affection. When inspired to express yourself, you can be witty, buoyant, and full of enthusiasm to help your fellow human beings or an idealistic cause. In your drive to achieve, however, you may have to watch out for becoming bossy or extreme.

You are usually good with financial matters and have the ability to gain resources for yourself or others. In your overall life plan, material security may be a big issue, as you need something solid and stable to rely on. Nevertheless, avoid the temptation of always taking the safe route rather than really challenging yourself. Despite your fears to the contrary, as long as you develop patience and perseverance, your financial affairs usually turn out to be successful in the long term.

Occupations suitable for individuals born on October 11th

Intelligent and intuitive, you are multitalented and idealistic, with a wide choice of careers. You may be drawn to the world of commerce and use your persuasive charm in sales, promotion, or negotiation. With an ability to communicate ideas in an entertaining way, you may be drawn to occupations in education or training people in business. Equally, you can be attracted to writing, the law, public service, or politics. As an idealist with a spirit of enterprise, you may want to express yourself and develop your artistic talents. This can lead you to the world of art and design or advertising and media.

Famous people who share your birthday include actor Luke Perry, musicians Art Blakey and Daryl Hall, YMCA founder Sir George Williams, choreographer Jerome Robbins, and First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt.

October 11th Birthday Numerology

Shows resilience and power in gentleness, often provides the role of mediator and linked to psychic abilities. The special vibration of the master number 11 birthday suggests that idealism, inspiration, and innovation are highly important to you. A blend of humility and confidence challenges you to work toward self-mastery both materially and spiritually. Through experience you learn how to deal with both sides of your nature and develop a less extremist attitude by trusting your own feelings. Usually you are highly charged and enjoy vitality, but must avoid becoming overly anxious or impractical. The subinfluence of the number 10 month indicates that you are clever and versatile. Intelligent and friendly, you need to express your own individuality and be popular in your circle of friends. If you are unsure of a project’s profitability, you may become impatient and try something new. Multitalented and idealistic, with many interests, you are rarely described as boring or dull. You need to stay focused on your aims and objectives, however, in order to achieve success. As you are often talented and freedom-loving, you benefit from exploring your creative abilities.

• Positive:balanced, focused, objective, enthusiastic, inspirational, idealistic, intelligent, outgoing, inventive, artistic, humanitarian, psychic

• Negative:superiority complex, aimless, overemotional, easily hurt, highly strung, selfish, lack of clarity, bossy

Love & Relationships of People Born on October 11th

Romantic and idealistic, you seek relationships but also possess a strong need for freedom and independence. With all your charisma and intelligence, you should have no trouble attracting friends or admirers. Nevertheless, a tendency to alternate between being an intense and passionate lover and feeling a need to be independent and free may block some of your partnership opportunities. It is important to be discriminating to avoid becoming attached to unsuitable partners, but once you commit yourself, you are willing to work hard to make a relationship work.

The dream lover of someone born on October 11th

To find that special someone who will bring happiness to your life, you might look for someone born on one of the following days.

Love & friendship:Jan. 2, 7, 19, 17, 27, Feb. 5, 8, 15, 25, Mar. 3, 6, 13, 23, Apr. 1, 4, 11, 21, May 2, 9, 19, June 7, 17, July 5, 15, 29, 31, Aug. 3, 13, 27, 29, 31, Sept. 1, 11, 25, 27, 29, Oct. 9, 23, 25, 27, Nov. 7, 21, 23, 25, Dec. 5, 19, 21, 23

Beneficial:Jan. 3, 5, 20, 25, 27, Feb. 1, 3, 18, 23, 25, Mar. 1, 16, 21, 23, Apr. 14, 19, 21, May 12, 17, 19, June 10, 15, 17, July 8, 13, 15, Aug. 6, 11, 13, Sept. 4, 9, 11, Oct. 2, 7, 9, Nov. 5, 7, Dec. 3, 5

Fatal attractions:Jan. 13, Feb. 11, Mar. 9, Apr. 6, 7, 8, 9, May 5, June 3, July 1

Challenging:Jan. 16, 24, Feb. 14, 22, Mar. 12, 20, Apr. 10, 18, May 8, 16, 31, June 6, 14, 29, July 4, 12, 27, Aug. 2, 10, 25, Sept. 8, 23, Oct. 6, 21, Nov. 4, 19, Dec. 2, 17

Soul mates:Jan. 16, Feb. 14, Mar. 12, Apr. 10, May 8, June 6, July 4, 31, Aug. 2, 29, Sept. 27, Oct. 25, Nov. 23, Dec. 21

October 11th Birthday Personology Summary

Those born on this day are positive individuals, who in many respects may be characterized as social idealists, for they are fueled by their desire to effect not only their own emotional happiness, but also that of others—be it those with whom they come into contact, wider communal groupings, or humanity as a global entity. Indeed, these twin aims are often inextricably linked, for such is the strong sense of natural justice possessed by these people, and their profound empathy with those whom they believe are being unfairly treated, that even if their own circumstances are harmonious they may nevertheless feel compelled to campaign on the behalf of the less fortunate. A similarly benevolent concern for others defines their personal and professional relationships, yet although they generally favor conciliation and cooperation over aggression and confrontation, their urge to reverse perceived injustices should not be underestimated (although it frequently is by those who misjudge their easy-going approach for weakness of will).

Balancing their altruism and clear-sighted perspi- cacity are the markedly more self-indulgent personal characteristics possessed by October 11 individuals. Their highly developed response to emotional and sensual stimuli bestows on them the tendency to immerse themselves with willing abandon in the plea- sures of the senses. Given such extreme inclinations, those born on this day have the potential to flourish across a wide spectrum of professions—as writers, musicians, athletes, philanthropists or social reform- ers, for example.

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