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People Born on October 12th: Destiny, Future

Last updated onOctober 12, 2024

October 12th Birthday Numerology

No. 3:Creative with the gift of imagination and an ability to communicate in writing, art or speech.

October 12 VS Libra, 3, Optimistic achiever

People Born on October 12th: Destiny, Future

October 12th Birthday Destiny

You have the charm, wit, eloquence and insightfulness to make a success of whatever career path you choose, but you are particularly good at working and communicating with other people. For this reason, you may well gravitate towards a career in teaching, the law or even local government. With an enthusiasm that others find attractive, you probably have such a wide range of interests and are so determined to get the best from life that this carries you a long way. Just like everyone else, you’ll have your share of ups and downs, but you have such a strong self-belief that you are never down for long. You are naturally resilient, funny and honourable, and people enjoy being around you. It’s really only in your more intimate relationships that this may not work quite so well for you. You will need to find the balance between your need for love and companionship, and the independence and freedom you also value. Take care to choose a life partner who balances your interests with theirs and shares similar enthusiasms.

October 12th Birthday Future

Libras born today are bright, sociable, entertaining, and enthusiastic. A quick study with an agile mind, you absorb new information with surprising ease. Self-expression is your forte, and you're a superb conversa-tionalist. Your breadth of knowledge makes it possible for you to field most questions with insightful responses and witty, off-the-cuff remarks. Your eloquence, humor, and ability to present your ideas tactfully make you a natural salesperson. You could probably get the Eskimos to buy tons of ice, but you wouldn't do it because your strong sense of values keeps you from exploiting others.

The self-confidence and optimism of the typical October 12th individual makes you to seek the best that life has to offer. Moreover, you usually find it. Adverse conditions don't get you down, because you have faith in yourself and in your ability to achieve your goals. Your charm and diplomacy combine to attract help and support in your chosen career. You are especially good at taking charge and coping with people and their problems. Many born on this date choose careers in the media, art and entertainment, business, teaching, law, government service, or politics.

The basic contradictions in your nature tend to surface in romantic relationships. You yearn for companionship, but you are independent and dislike being tied down. For the best of both worlds, you need a significant other who loves you and also respects your personal space.

October 12th Birthday Tarot

Three of Cups:This is a card of friendship, celebration and fun. The Cups in the Tarot deck represent our emotions, and in this scene we see three friends toasting to the good things in life and their friendship. This joyful card reminds us that while material things may come and go, it doesn’t really matter because what human beings really crave is connection.

October 12th Famous birthdays

Hugh Jackman(Australian actor); Luciano Pavarotti(Italian opera singer); Teresa Benedicta(Polish philosopher, saint and martyr); Born Today:

Susan Anton (supermodel/actress); Kirk Cameron (actor); Dick Gregory (comedian/activist/nutritionist); Hugh Jackman (actor); Marion Jones (track star); Tony Kubek (baseball player); Richard Alan Meier (architect); Luciano Pavarotti (opera singer); Chris Wallace (TV news correspondent)

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