People Born on October 14th Personality,Stars,Numbers

Last updated onOctober 14, 2024

Planetary Influences:Ruling planet:Venus;Third decan:Personal planets are Uranus and Mercury. Virtues:Receptive, imaginative, adventurous. Vices:Unbalanced, selfish, unrealistic. Careers:Schoolteacher, designer, healthcare worker. Skills & Aptitudes:Concern for others, inspirational qualities, leadership skills. Compatible with:February 13–18, June 13–17

Pragmatic humanist

People Born on October 14th Personality,Stars,Numbers

People Born on October 14th Personality Reference

Charming and friendly, with a sensitive and powerful mind, you possess a strong desire for love and friendship. With your natural physical vitality, you probably attract much change and diversity into your life and enjoy being active. A dislike of discord or harshness implies that you are sensitive to your environment and need beautiful and harmonious surroundings.

With the added influence of your decanate ruler, Gemini, you are expressive and inquisitive, adaptable and versatile. Articulate, with a pleasant voice, you are a good conversationalist with a persuasive manner. Being a sweet-talker, however, you may occasionally find it tempting to take the easy way out of difficult situations and tell people what they want to hear. Nevertheless, you are sociable and easygoing, have an interest in human relationships, and are usually skillful at making contacts. With a love of luxury and the good life, you would be wise to guard against social excesses or overindulgence in any form.

Appreciating color and sound, you possess innate artistic talents that you may wish to develop through music, art, or drama. Alternatively, your natural business sense can be expanded and you may find yourself particularly lucky with investments. Your keen intellect is likely to keep you interested in constantly exploring new concepts and testing your wits and intelligence. Although you may suffer from indecision, when you have set your mind on something your power and determination can be formidable.

From the age of nine, when your progressed Sun moves into Scorpio, you experience a growing emphasis concerning your desire for personal power and transformation. A turning point occurs at the age of thirty-nine, when your progressed Sun moves into Sagittarius, widening your perspective and indicating that you may wish to expand your mind through new experiences, the study of philosophy and religion, or meeting foreign people and visiting foreign places. After the age of sixty-nine, when your progressed Sun enters Capricorn, you become more pragmatic, realistic, and structured.

Stars of People Born on October 14th


Sun: Libra

Decanate: Gemini/mercury

Degree: 21°30’-22°30’ Libra

Mode: Cardinal

Element: Air

Fixed Stars

Spica, also called Ishtar or Arista; Foramen

Primary Star

Star’s name:Spica, also called Ishtar or Arista

Degree position:22°51’-23°46’ Libra between the years 1930 and 2000




Constellation:Alpha Virgo

Applicable days:October 14, 15, 16, 17, 18

Star qualities:varied: Venus/Mars or Venus/Jupiter/Mercury

Description:a brilliant white binary star located in the head of wheat in Virgo

Primary Star’s Influence

Spica is one of the predominant stars in the sky and it is of great importance. This star bestows good judgment and unexpected turns of good fortune. Spica also suggests refinement, interest in science, and love of culture and art. Honors and riches increase after your education is completed. Spica can also bring success in foreign lands, long voyages, and trading in imports and exports.

Linked to your Sun’s degree, Spica offers eminent position, good social connections, success in business undertakings, and an ability to gain from new ideas and inventions. You have good concentration, are intuitive, and possess psychic abilities. Associations with intellectual activities and big organizations can bring success. You enjoy dealing with the public and can acquire immense wealth, especially from commercial enterprises.

• Positive:economical, pragmatic, focused goals

• Negative:too extravagant, constantly changing direction, unsettled mind

Secrets of People Born on October 14th

With your extreme sensitivity and vivid imagination, you can either be a visionary or escape into fantasy. A highly intuitive side to your nature may encourage an interest in mysticism or spirituality and can prove to be a great asset in your dealings with others. However, you may have to guard against misusing your sensitivity through being deceptive or manipulative. Usually lucky, you can always get by, but by disciplining your mental potential, you can achieve outstanding results.

Having leadership skills and seeing the opportunities within any situation, you have the ability to think big and often like to take a risk. You may find most satisfaction, though, when passing on your knowledge, inspiration, or special insight to help others.

Occupations suitable for individuals born on October 14th

Receptive and charming, with a strong sense of vision, you are able to create new concepts that can assist you in careers such as style and image making or art and design. As an inquisitive in dividual with an interest in social issues, you make a good reporter, journalist, photographer, actor, or filmmaker. Your communication skills and social awareness can also inspire you to pursue a career in education. Intuitive and sensitive, you are spiritual, with insight into people’s needs. These qualities may draw you to the clergy or the medical and alternative healing professions. A flair for mixing with others also suggests that you can succeed in public office or in people-related occupations.

Famous people who share your birthday include designer Ralph Lauren, poet e.e. cummings, Quaker leader William Penn, U.S. president Dwight Eisenhower, Irish prime minister Eamon de Valera, singer Cliff Richard, actor Roger Moore, and actress Lillian Gish.

October 14th Birthday Numerology

Impulsive and restless by nature, spontaneous and likes to discover the world through the senses. Intellectual potential, pragmatism, and determination are some of the qualities associated with the number 14 birthday. Indeed, as a number 14 individual, you frequently put your work first and judge yourself and others on the basis of career achievements. Although you need stability, the restlessness indicated by the number fourteen urges you to forge ahead or take on new challenges in a constant attempt to improve your lot. This innate restlessness and constant lack of satisfaction may also inspire you to make a great many changes in your life, especially if you are not happy with your working conditions or financial status. With your perceptive mind, you respond quickly to problems and enjoy solving them. The subinfluence of the number 10 month indicates that you are intuitive and idealistic, with a friendly manner. A willingness to compromise and adapt to situations enables you to create harmony and peace. Being stubborn, on the other hand, usually creates confrontations and emotional tension. If you are not career-oriented, you will invest your time and energy in home and family.

• Positive:decisive actions, hardworking, lucky, creative, pragmatic, imaginative, industrious

• Negative:overly cautious or overly impulsive, thoughtless, stubborn

Love & Relationships of People Born on October 14th

Being friendly, you are able to mix with people from all social groups. Often attracted to people who are clever and straightforward, you need someone who can keep you mentally stimulated. Being sensitive and aware of subtle emotional changes, you can be very affectionate with your partners. There is a danger, however, that your restlessness may cause you to be bored or you may become involved in mental power games. Nevertheless, you can be very warm, tender, and loyal once you have finally settled down.

The dream lover of someone born on October 14th

For security, mental stimulation, and love, you might want to begin looking for those born on the following dates.

Love & friendship:Jan. 3, 10, 13, 20, 30, Feb. 1, 8, 11, 18, 28, Mar. 6, 9, 16, 26, Apr. 4, 7, 14, 24, May 2, 5, 12, 22, June 3, 10, 20, July 1, 8, 18, Aug. 6, 16, 30, Sept. 4, 14, 28, 30, Oct. 2, 12, 26, 28, 30, Nov. 10, 24, 26, 28, Dec. 8, 22, 24, 26

Beneficial:Jan. 12, 16, 17, 28, Feb. 10, 14, 15, 26, Mar. 8, 12, 13, 24, Apr. 6, 10, 11, 22, May 4, 8, 9, 20, 29, June 2, 6, 7, 18, 27, July 4, 5, 16, 25, Aug. 2, 3, 14, 23, Sept. 1, 12, 21, Oct. 10, 19, Nov. 8, 17, Dec. 6, 15

Fatal attractions:Mar. 31, Apr. 9, 10, 11, 12, 29, May 27, June 25, July 23, Aug. 21, Sept. 19, Oct. 17, Nov. 15, Dec. 17

Challenging:Jan. 6, 18, 22, 27, Feb. 4, 16, 20, 25, Mar. 2, 14, 18, 23, Apr. 12, 16, 21, May 10, 14, 19, June 8, 12, 17, July 6, 10, 15, Aug. 4, 8, 13, Sept. 2, 6, 11, Oct. 4, 9, Nov. 2, 7, Dec. 5

Soul mates:Mar. 28, Apr. 26, May 24, June 22, July 20, Aug. 18, Sept. 16, Oct. 14, Nov. 12, Dec. 10

October 14th Birthday Personology Summary

The personalities of many of those born on this day typically manifest a curious combination of a marked propensity for excessive behavior and a striving for order and harmony. While some October 14 people are able to maintain their personal equilibrium—albeit with a struggle—others are not, particularly when such behavioral extremes are more pronounced. Blessed with enormous intellectual curiosity, which endows them with a strong sense of adventure—and these individuals are keen travelers— those born on this day are undoubtedly independently minded. Yet they also appreciate the importance of remaining grounded within the social conventions that bind society together, and therefore recognize the need to moderate, or at least channel, their more questing tendencies and self-indulgent cravings.

When they are successful, October 14 people have the potential to make imaginative and inspirational leaders, perhaps most obviously as social or political figureheads, but also as gifted and original teachers, painters, actors or designers.

To all their endeavors they bring their enthusiasm, good humor and unusual perspective on the world, making them attractive individuals who are popular with others. In turn October 14 people often identify strongly with the social group with which they have the strongest affinity, and they will work hard to pro- mote or protect its interests. Although their preferred approach is to be easy-going, tolerant and noncom- bative, their readiness to protect those closest to them from any threat should not be underestimated.

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