People Born on October 17th Personality,Stars,Numbers

Last updated onOctober 17, 2024

Planetary Influences:Ruling planet:Venus;Third decan:Personal planets are Uranus and Mercury. Virtues:Philosophical, thoughtful, adventurous. Vices:Judgmental, critical, unfeeling. Careers:Educator, journalist, playwright. Skills & Aptitudes:Influential, convincing, truth- seeking. Compatible with:February 15–18, June 16–20

Philosophical educator

People Born on October 17th Personality,Stars,Numbers

People Born on October 17th Personality Reference

Versatile and sociable, you have an attraction for people and change that stimulates variety and excitement in your life. The influence of your birthday indicates that you are mentally quick and alert and are usually seeking new intellectual horizons to keep your inquisitive mind active. With a magnetic charm and fast wit, you can be very entertaining, although a tendency toward uncertainty or impatience can detract from your sense of purpose.

With the added influence of your decanate ruler, Gemini, you can be logical, articulate, and good at problem solving. The ability to be diplomatic yet go straight to the heart of a matter provides you with excellent communication skills. It would be wise, however, not to spoil your charms by being obstinate, calculating, or secretive. A feel for the arts may find expression through music, painting, or drama as well as a desire to surround yourself with beauty, style, and luxury.

Expressive and adaptable, you may need to develop your great mental potential through concentration and thoroughness. Being very instinctive and having a spirit of enterprise, you may work better when you think big and act upon your intuition rather than dwell in pessimism or indecision. Your desire for activity and good fortune can even extend to travel and opportunities to work abroad. With a love of luxury and the good life, you would be wise to guard against escapism or immoderation in any form.

After you reach the age of six, your progressed Sun moves into Scorpio, emphasizing over the next thirty years issues concerning your emotional power and transformation. A turning point occurs at the age of thirty-six, when your progressed Sun moves into Sagittarius, stimulating you to be more adventurous and freedom-loving or to widen your horizons. After the age of sixty-six, when your progressed Sun enters Capricorn, you become more practical, mindful, and prudent.

Stars of People Born on October 17th


Sun: Libra

Decanate: Gemini/mercury

Degree: 24°30’-25°30’ Libra

Mode: Cardinal

Element: Air

Fixed Stars

Arcturus, also called the Bear Watcher, Alchameth, or Al Simak; Spica, also called Ishtar or Arista; Foramen

Primary Star

Star’s name:Arcturus, also called the Bear Watcher; Alchameth, or Al Simak

Degree position:23° 15’-24°2’ Libra between the years 1930 and 2000




Constellation:Alpha Bootes

Applicable days:October 16, 17, 18, 19, 20

Star qualities:Mars/Jupiter and Venus/Jupiter

Description:a golden orange and yellow star located on the left knee of Bootes

Primary Star’s Influence

Arcturus imparts artistic talent and success in the world of fine arts. This star can bestow riches, honors, and acclaim, and bring prosperity. Arcturus may also bring success in foreign lands and through long journeys. This star warns against restlessness and anxious moments, which create instability in your life.

Linked to your Sun’s degree, Arcturus imparts wealth and a good reputation. This star brings success after early setbacks and grants intuitive, psychic, or healing abilities. An inclination toward the legal profession or public office may bring success. Alternatively you may find an interest in writing on philosophical, spiritual, or religious subjects. This star suggests guarding against becoming too apprehensive and discontented by learning to accept calmly the ups and downs of life and staying detached.

• Positive:religious contacts, good judgment, long voyages, glamorous

• Negative:overindulgence, overly enthusiastic, laziness, negligence

Secrets of People Born on October 17th

One side of your nature can be emotionally impulsive and restless, yet another side of you is cautious, with a desire to build for long-term security. With expensive tastes, you may need to keep yourself constructively occupied in order to fulfill your extravagant dreams. By staying positive and developing patience and tolerance, you are able to combine dynamic insight with the perseverance to achieve success.

Sensitive and intuitive, you respect those who possess knowledge or wisdom. A hidden desire for truth and integrity stimulates you to form your own philosophy in life. By being honest with yourself and avoiding hidden agendas, you gain the respect that you are seeking. An idealistic search for love and an inner need for self-expression may inspire you to write or constructively use your emotional energies for the benefit of others.

Occupations suitable for individuals born on October 17th

A need for variety and mental stimulation implies that you fare better in a job that offers change and advancement. Travel or working for export-import companies will enable you to visit other continents. As an intelligent individual with strong views, you can do whatever you put your mind to, as long as you are interested and consistent. An ability to learn things quickly implies that you have to be careful not to become bored. An excellent communicator, you may enjoy working for the news media. Alternatively, you may be interested in research and academic studies or lecturing and training. Being sociable, you may become involved in public office or social services and work in the community. Having common sense and an ability to solve problems suggests that you may take up psychology or work as an advisor or counselor.

Famous people who share your birthday include actress Rita Hayworth, playwright Arthur Miller, daredevil Evel Knievel, journalist Jimmy Breslin, writer Nathanael West, and actor Montgomery Clift.

October 17th Birthday Numerology

Sees the big picture and aims for it, linked to abundance and material wealth and uses financial success to give back to others. With a number 17 birthday, you are shrewd, with a reserved nature and good analytical abilities. An independent thinker, you benefit from being well educated or skillful. Usually you utilize your knowledge in a specific way in order to develop your expertise, and you can achieve success or a prominent position as a specialist or researcher. Private, introspective, and detached, with a strong interest in facts and figures, you frequently present a serious and thoughtful demeanor and like to take your time. By developing your communication skills, you discover much more about yourself from others. The subinfluence of the number 10 month indicates that you are ambitious, with an idealistic and charismatic personality. Intelligent, with strong instincts and an eye for detail, you intuitively understand the problems you are facing. Although you possess common sense and are usually confident in your judgment, a tendency to be impatient or overenthusiastic suggests that you need to take your time and not act in haste.

• Positive:thoughtful, specialist, good planner, good business sense, attracts money, individual thinker, accurate, skilled researcher, scientific

• Negative:detached, stubborn, carelessness, moody, sensitive, narrow-minded, critical, worry

Love & Relationships of People Born on October 17th

Your need for variety and change is likely to spill over into your social life. Often drawn to strong people with initiative or insight, you are likely to have many opportunities for relationships. There is a danger of being secretive with your partners, so it is advisable to be as honest as possible to avoid repercussions later. Ruled by your feelings, you can, on one hand, look for stability and security, but on the other, you can also change mood and become restless, needing stimulating emotional experiences.

The dream lover of someone born on October 17th

To get both stability and excitement out of a relationship, you might like to look for those born on the following dates.

Love & friendship:Jan. 4, 13, 19, 23, 24, Feb. 11, 17, 21, Mar. 9, 15, 19, 28, 29, 30, Apr. 7, 13, 17, 26, 27, May 5, 11, 15, 24; 25, 26, 27, June 3, 9, 13, 22, 23, 24, July 1, 7, 11, 20, 21, 22, Aug. 5, 9, 18, 19, 20, Sept. 3, 7, 16, 17, 18, Oct. 1, 5, 14, 15, 16, 29, 31, Nov. 3, 12, 13, 14, 27, 29, Dec. 1, 10, 11, 12, 25, 27, 29

Beneficial:Jan. 7, 15, 20, 31, Feb. 5, 13, 18, 29, Mar. 3, 11, 16, 27, Apr. 1, 9, 14, 25, May 7, 12, 23, June 5, 10, 21, July 3, 8, 19, Aug. 1, 6, 17, 30, Sept. 4, 15, 28, Oct. 2, 13, 26, Nov. 11, 24, Dec. 9, 22

Fatal attractions:Apr. 13, 14, 15, 16

Challenging:Jan. 6, 14, 30, Feb. 4, 12, 28, Mar. 2, 10, 26, Apr. 8, 24, May 6, 22, June 4, 20, July 2, 18, Aug. 16, Sept. 14, Oct. 12, Nov. 10, Dec. 8

Soul mates:Apr. 30, May 28, June 26, July 24, Aug. 22, Sept. 20, Oct. 18, 30, Nov. 16, 28, Dec. 14, 26

October 17th Birthday Personology Summary

Inherent in the characters of those born on this day is a mixture of conflicting qualities. On the one hand, they’re perfectionists who seek to improve upon exist- ing circumstances, and on the other, sensation-seekers who are stimulated by the lure of the new. Depending on their personal make-up, these essential characteris- tics may be in equilibrium or may combine to produce either staunch and judgmental traditionalists or intel- lectually and physically reckless types. Common to all, however, will be their strength of conviction and de- sire to influence others. Blessed with powerfully per- ceptive and analytical minds, those born on this day are rarely willing to accept the conventions of others without question, but instead feel compelled to think through and reach their own conclusions. And, once convinced, they will defend or promote their view- points with vigorous tenacity.

The combination of their social orientation and independence of thought fuels those born on this day with the urge to lead by example, particularly at work. Thus although they may derive great personal satisfac- tion from their career pursuits, their ultimate intention is to further the advancement of humanity. Many are therefore suited to educational careers, while others may seek to communicate their findings by means of more subtle artistic expression, or by effecting scientific or technical innovations. Yet despite their profound desire to enlighten and instruct those around them— especially those closest to them, whose affection is so vital to their emotional balance—their nearest and dearest may either feel neglected as a result of their more global concern with others, or become the unde- serving victims of their critical pronouncements.

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