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People Born on October 1st: Destiny, Future

Last updated onOctober 01, 2024

October 1st Birthday Numerology

No. 1:A powerful entity and results-oriented force, all about initiating action and getting things done.

October 1 VS Libra, 1, Strong-willed idealist

People Born on October 1st: Destiny, Future

October 1st Birthday Destiny

Tucked away out of sight and hidden beneath your air of lovely Libran charm, there’s an unexpected will of steel. You hide an ambitious nature and a burning desire to succeed in life, but you may struggle with the head versus heart decision-making that can keep your scales tipped too far one way or the other. This can make you seem indecisive or, when you do suddenly make a decision, rash and impetuous. You are likely to have a deep-rooted Libran idealism and a strong sense of justice, so will happily focus on and campaign for the things you believe in. That said, your energy ebbs and flows, and so while some days you’ll put in an 18-hour work shift and leave no obstacle unconquered, other times you’ll have an inclination to switch off the alarm clock and while away the whole day apparently getting nothing done at all, but the cogs will be whirring away while you appear to idle in first gear. These seeming extremes of behaviour can catch those trying to get close to you off-guard, never entirely sure which side of you will show up. This style of maverick creativity makes you comfortable working in the media, the arts or the world of entertainment. In love, you are an affectionate and loving partner and value the support of a long and lasting union.

October 1st Birthday Future

In people born on this date, the assernveness and individuality of the number one's vibration is often at odds with Libra's spirit of teamwork and cooperation. The result is a dichotomy of independence versus depend-ence. Your head often tells you one thing, your heart another. Consequently, you may be indecisive one moment and rash and impetuous the next. Although you enjoy the tranquility and harmony of peaceful surroundings, the driving force of your nature is ambition coupled with a desire for worldly success and recognition.

Since the October 1st person appears more reasonable than he or she actually is, others are likely to be caught off guard by the surprisingly strong will hidden beneath your charming exterior. Idealism and a strong sense of justice make you a crusader for those causes you believe in. Since your energy comes in spurts, your tendency is to alternate between periods of intense activity and peaceful relaxation. Creativity, ease of self-expression, and physical dexterity draw many with birthdays on this day to career fields connected to the media, arts and entertainment, the law, politics, or athletics.

Naturally affectionate, romantic, outgoing, and sociable, your relationships are central to your life. A desirable and rewarding partner, you enjoy everything about the rituals of love and romance. Despite your innate love of freedom, you want and need the companionship of a fulfilling, lasting union.

October 1st Birthday Tarot

Eight of Cups:This card depicts the journey we must all make from being at the mercy of our emotions (childhood) to being able to regulate them (maturity). We see a traveller walking away from the eight cups (emotions) to traverse a new and uncertain landscape. Are past sorrows being left behind? Or have some very difficult feelings been conquered by learning that you don’t have to act on them every time?

October 1st Famous birthdays

Richard Harris(Irish actor); Julie Andrews(British singer and actress); Theresa May(British politician and former prime minister); Born Today:

Julie Andrews (actress/singer); Tom Bosley (actor); Jimmy Carter (U.S. president); Rod Carew (baseball player); Richard Harris (actor/singer); Vladimir Horowitz (pianist); Walter Matthau (actor); Mark McGwire (baseball player); George Peppard (actor); Randy Quaid (actor); James Whitmore (actor)

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