People Born on October 1st Personality,Stars,Numbers

Last updated onOctober 01, 2024

Planetary Influences:Ruling planet:Venus;Second decan:Personal planet is Saturn. Virtues:Original, loyal, disciplined. Vices:Perfectionist, obsessive, highly strung. Careers:Biologist, architect, civil engineer. Skills & Aptitudes:Dedication, responsibility, groundedness. Compatible with:February 1–4, May 30–31,June 1–4, June 22–25

Strong-willed idealist

People Born on October 1st Personality,Stars,Numbers

People Born on October 1st Personality Reference

Independent and strong-willed, you are revealed by your birthday to be a dynamic yet charming and diplomatic Libra. Being ambitious, you want to constantly improve your situation. As you possess determination, business sense, and organizational skills behind a pleasant and amiable personality, with persistence and self-discipline you are bound to succeed.

The influence of your decanate ruler, Libra, suggests that demonstrating love and affection is particularly important to you. Magnetism and refined social skills ensure that you put others at ease and guarantee your success with people. A feel for the arts may find expression through music, painting, or drama as well as a desire to surround yourself with beauty, style, and luxury.

The motivating forces of your strong nature can be a need for security and power or a desire for material success and recognition. With the ability to think big, you need to be in a position of authority. A tendency to be proud, bossy, or self-oriented, however, suggests that you do not respond well to criticism and sometimes have to learn the hard way.

Talented and quick-witted, you are usually active and productive, with a sharp and keen intelligence. You may, however, have to guard against tendencies to be too impatient or obstinate. Nevertheless, if stimulated by a worthwhile project, you have the talent, vitality, and capacity to perform outstanding achievements.

Before the age of twenty-one, you are likely to be mainly concerned with your relationships and developing your social and financial skills. At the age of twenty-two, when your progressed Sun moves into Scorpio, you reach a turning point that over the next thirty years emphasizes issues concerning personal power, change, and transformation. Another turning point occurs at the age of fifty-two, when your progressed Sun moves into Sagittarius, suggesting that you may wish to take more risks in your life or expand your mind through study and travel. You may also have more connection with foreign people and places.

Stars of People Born on October 1st


Sun: Libra

Decanate: Libra/venus

Degree: 8°30’-9°30’ Libra

Mode: Cardinal

Element: Air

Fixed Stars

Star’s name:Vindemiatrix, also known as Vindemiator or the Grapes Gatherer

Degree position:8°57’-9°57’ Libra between the years 1930 and 2000



Orb:1 °40’

Constellation:Epsilon Virgo

Applicable days:October. 1, 2, 3, 4

Star qualities:varied interpretations: Mercury/Saturn and Saturn/Venus/Mercury

Description:a bright yellow star located on the right wing of Virgo

Primary Star’s Influence

Vindemiatrix’s influence indicates that although you possess a quick mind, at times you are impulsive or indiscreet. This star bestows concentration, logical thinking, and the ability to come straight to the point. You tend to approach problems methodically and persist until you resolve them. Vindemiatrix, however, also suggests that you can be obstinate or unyielding.

Linked to your Sun’s degree, this star imparts leadership ability, pride, and a drive to accomplish and be recognized. You often conceal your cleverness and have a tendency to make insubstantial statements. This star also indicates that success comes mainly after effort, and it suggests a tendency to worry over money and failure even when there is no need to.

Secrets of People Born on October 1st

By trusting your quick and intuitive insight, you can often display a stoic wisdom gleaned from experience. As your natural leadership is revealed through self-mastery, you may not be living up to your true potential if you find yourself continually in menial positions. Dramatic and creative, your strength is in the dedication you show to a purpose or goal. It is therefore better for you to think big and aim for the top.

One of the possible hindrances to your achievement is a tendency to overtax your nervous system through being skeptical and worried. This can also isolate you from others, so you need to have faith in yourself and your abilities and make the most of your original and inventive ideas. Usually competitive and daring, you can be witty and spontaneous and thus inspire others with your talents. There is also a more hidden part of your nature that can manifest itself as a desire for solitude or self-analysis.

Occupations suitable for individuals born on October 1st

Intuitive and original, with a flair for socializing, you have a talent for mixing business and pleasure. Although you enjoy working with others, you prefer to take the lead rather than follow in others’ footsteps. With diplomacy and executive skill, you usually occupy executive positions as a manager, organizer, or supervisor. Alternatively, you may decide to be self-employed. Having an understanding of people’s needs suggests that you may choose to be of service to the public as a financial advisor or lawyer. An appreciation for beauty and the arts implies that you may run an agency or art gallery. If inspired by higher learning, you may take up theosophy, philosophy, or astrology.

Famous people who share your birthday include actress/singer Julie Andrews, U.S. president Jimmy Carter, actors Walter Matthau and Richard Harris, theosophist Annie Bessant, astrologer Marc Edmund Jones, and bank robber Bonnie Parker.

• Positive:reserved, clever; consistency, patience, methodical

• Negative:depression, worry, losses if not careful with monetary matters

October 1st Birthday Numerology

A powerful entity and results-oriented force, all about initiating action and getting things done. As a number 1 person, you are more inclined to be individual, innovative, and courageous, with plenty of energy. Often there is a need to establish a strong identity and develop assertiveness. The pioneering spirit indicated here encourages you to strike out alone. These self-starting forces’ can also stimulate you to develop executive or leadership abilities. Full of enthusiasm and fresh ideas, you can show others the way forward. With a number 1 birthday, you may also need to learn that the world does not revolve around you, and you should avoid an inclination to be self-centered or dictatorial. The subinfluence of the number 10 month indicates that as a highly intuitive individual, you express yourself through inspired thoughts and original ideas. Although you are daring and decisive, at times you can find it hard to express your inner intimate feelings. As a dramatic and ambitious person, you can make a strong impression by yourself, but success often comes when you learn to collaborate with others.

• Positive:leadership, creative, progressive, forceful, optimistic, strong convictions, competitive, independent, gregarious

• Negative:overbearing, jealous, egotistical, too proud, antagonistic, lack of restraint, selfish, weak, vacillating, impatient

Love & Relationships of People Born on October 1st

Friendly and charming, you have a desire to be popular with a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. Loyal and willing to make great sacrifices for those you love, you may nevertheless have to overcome a tendency to be manipulative or self-centered. Although love is very important to you, at times you may be indecisive and worry about your liaisons with others. A love of art and an appreciation for beauty and music suggest that you need an avenue for emotional self-expression and enjoy the company of creative people.

The dream lover of someone born on October 1st

You might find a partner who will understand your sensitivity and need for love among those born on the following dates.

Love & friendship:Jan. 1, 7, 17, 20, 30, Feb. 5, 15, 18, 28, Mar. 3, 13, 16, 29, 31, Apr. 1, 11, 14, 27, 29, May 9, 12, 22, 25, 27, June 7, 10, 23, 25, July 5, 8, 21, 23, Aug. 3, 6, 19, 21, Sept. 1, 4, 17, 19, Oct. 2, 15, 17, Nov. 13, 15, 30, Dec. 11, 13, 28

Beneficial:Jan. 15, 17, 28, Feb. 13, 15, 26, Mar. 11, 13, 24, Apr. 9, 11, 22, May 7, 9, 20, June 5, 7, 18, July 3, 5, 16, Aug. 1, 3, 14, Sept. 1, 12, Oct. 10, 29, Nov. 8, 27, Dec. 6, 25

Fatal attractions:Jan. 5, Feb. 3, Mar. 1, 27, 28, 29, 30

Challenging:Jan. 4, 5, 14, Feb. 2, 3, 12, Mar. 1, 10, Apr. 8, 30, May 6, 28, June 4, 26, July 2, 24, Aug. 22, Sept. 20, Oct. 18, Nov. 16, Dec. 14

Soul mates:Jan. 2, Mar. 29, Apr. 27, May 25, June 23, July 21, Aug. 19, Sept. 17, Oct. 15, Nov. 13, Dec. 11

October 1st Birthday Personology Summary

Those born on this day are focused individuals, the majority of whom are unquestionably ambitious. However, their goals rarely have to do with personal glory or self-aggrandizement (although most appreciate the security and comfort that comes with the attainment of financial rewards), being instead concerned with the achievement of more intellectually significant matters. By working toward their inspirational visions, they hope to not only satisfy their desire to progress as far as possible as individuals, but also to leave a lasting legacy that will benefit their peers and, perhaps, even future generations.

Some October 1 people may thus seek to aid human advancement by devoting their energies to political or humanitarian pursuits; some will capitalize on their precision and natural aptitude for the innovative pos- sibilities offered by the scientific or technical fields; and some will be attracted to exploring and pushing forward the more subtle boundaries of artistic expres- sion, with which all of those born on this day have a strong affinity. To all these endeavors they bring their dedication, tenacity and no-nonsense approach to get- ting the job done.

October 1 people may find themselves elevated to leadership positions, but while they will discharge their responsibilities to others with integrity, they may nevertheless resent being distracted from their work. A similar duality often prevails in their personal rela- tionships, for although they draw strength from the affection they receive from their loved ones, their pre- occupation with intellectual concerns may preclude their ability to reciprocate in kind.

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