People Born on October 3rd Personality,Stars,Numbers

Last updated onOctober 03, 2024

Planetary Influences:Ruling planet:Venus;Second decan:Personal planet is Saturn. Virtues:Strong-willed, focused, practical. Vices:Highly strung, hard to please, critical. Careers:Artist, inspirational speaker, research scientist. Skills & Aptitudes:Logical mindset, problem-solving abilities, attention to detail. Compatible with:February 3–7, June 1–6,June 22–25

Focused perfectionist

People Born on October 3rd Personality,Stars,Numbers

People Born on October 3rd Personality Reference

Creative, kindhearted, and charismatic, you are an optimistic individual with a powerful imagination and an active mind. The combination of your organizational skills, ability to think on a grand scale, and strong need to express yourself can operate positively to help you achieve your heart’s desires.

With the added influence of your decanate ruler, Libra, you love luxury and harmonious surroundings. Magnetism and refined social skills ensure your success with people. A good socializer, you are likely to be an excellent host. As you enjoy a touch of glamour, you usually look attractive and are aware of creating a good image. Appreciating beauty, color, and sound, you have innate artistic or creative talents that can be developed through singing, music, art, or drama. A possible danger to the realization of your wonderful potential may be a mixture of motivation and inertia, which could leave you stuck in a comfortable rut. Fortunately, a strong desire for the good things in life is likely to encourage you to make more of an effort.

Although not particularly aggressive for your own needs, you will fight hard to support the underdog or a meaningful cause. Inspired by many ideas, you can be determined and organized once you have set a definite goal and have a sense of purpose. Unfortunately, you may sometimes be subject to quick irritability or stubbornness, but at your best you are gracious and generous, with a good sense of humor.

Before the age of nineteen, you are likely to be mainly concerned with your relationships and developing your social and financial prospects. At the age of twenty, when your progressed Sun moves into Scorpio, you reach a turning point that starts to highlight issues concerning personal power, change, and transformation. Another turning point occurs at the age of fifty, when your progressed Sun moves into Sagittarius for a thirty-year period, suggesting that you may wish to take more risks in your life or expand your mind through study and travel. You may also have more connection with foreign people and places.

Stars of People Born on October 3rd


Sun: Libra

Decanate: Aquarius/uranus

Degree: 10°30-11°30’ Libra

Mode: Cardinal

Element: Air

Fixed Stars

Vindemiatrix, also called Vindemiator or the Grapes Gatherer; Caphir, also called Porrima

Primary Star

Star’s name:Vindemiatrix, also known as Vindemiator or the Grapes Gatherer

Degree position:8°57’-9°57’ Libra between the years 1930 and 2000




Constellation:Epsilon Virgo

Applicable days:October 1, 2, 3, 4

Star qualities:varied interpretations: Mercury/Saturn and Saturn/Venus/Mercury

Description:a bright yellow star located on the right wing of Virgo

Primary Star’s Influence

Vindemiatrix’s influence indicates that although you possess a quick mind, at times you are impulsive or indiscreet. This star bestows concentration, logical thinking, and the ability to come straight to the point. You tend to approach problems methodically and persist until you resolve them. Vindemiatrix, however; also suggests that you can be obstinate or unyielding.

Linked to your Sun’s degree, this star imparts leadership ability, pride, and a drive to accomplish and be recognized. You often conceal your cleverness and have a tendency to make insubstantial statements. This star also indicates that success comes mainly after effort and it implies a tendency to worry over money and failure even when there is no need to.

• Positive:reserved, clever; consistency, patience, methodical

• Negative:depression, worry, losses if not careful with monetary matters

Secrets of People Born on October 3rd

Although creative, imaginative, and highly intuitive, you need to strengthen your personal power through self-expression. At times worry, self-doubt, or indecision may keep you from the full demonstration of your many talents. Consequently, it is necessary for you to have a strong sense of your own aims and objectives in order to avoid losing yourself in other people or circumstances. By utilizing your broad-minded and universal approach to life, you are able to let go of situations that impede your progress.

Being sociable, with the sensitivity to put yourself in the place of others, you genuinely care about people. Unfortunately, other people around you may sometimes cause you to become disappointed or frustrated, so it is important to stay detached and cool. By keeping a positive mental attitude, you are able to combine your well-being with the physical comfort and economic security that are promised by your birthday.

Occupations suitable for individuals born on October 3rd

Dynamic and versatile, you have a charming personality and an ability to promote your ideas. The harder you work, the better the result and the greater the rewards. In the world of commerce, you can achieve success as a salesperson. Creative and gifted, you probably use your intuition to anticipate what the public wants. Fair and just, you may be drawn to practice law or politics to fight for or defend the underdog. If inspired by higher learning, you make an excellent teacher or preacher. Sociable and friendly, you may mix business and pleasure by working at a restaurant, a fashionable cafe, or a club. If interested in music and the arts, you may be drawn to performing arts, the theater, or the film and music industries.

Famous people who share your birthday include musician Lindsey Buckingham, etiquette expert Emily Post, occultist Paul Foster Case, actress Eleonora Duse, entertainer Chubby Checker, composer Steve Reich, and writers Gore Vidal and Thomas Wolfe.

October 3rd Birthday Numerology

Creative with the gift of imagination and an ability to communicate in writing, art or speech. As a number 3 individual, you are sensitive, with a need for creativity and emotional expression. Fun-loving and a good companion, you enjoy friendly social activities and many interests. Although you are versatile and expressive, with a need for different and exciting experiences, an inclination to get bored easily may cause you to become indecisive or spread yourself too thinly. Although with a number 3 birthday you are usually artistic and charming, with a good sense of humor, you may have to develop self-esteem and guard against tendencies such as worry and emotional insecurities. The subinfluence of the number 10 month indicates that you are highly intuitive and independent. Although you are multitalented and original, a love of ease and a tendency to indulge in emotional insecurity suggests that you need to learn about self-control and discipline. Usually you express your humanitarian nature by helping or supporting others in times of trouble. Magnetic and charming, with inner wisdom, you need to trust your inner feelings and learn to be patient.

• Positive:humorous, happy, friendly, productive, creative, artistic, power to wish, freedom-loving, a talent with words

• Negative:easily bored, vain, overimaginative, exaggerate, unloving, boastful, extravagant, self-indulgent, lazy, hypocritical, wasteful

Love & Relationships of People Born on October 3rd

Gregarious and friendly, you can be the life and soul of the party. With a strong sense of justice you usually take care of those you love and support your friends with encouraging words. You always remember those who have shown you kindness in the past. As you can be very loving and giving, do not allow others to become too dependent on you. You make a loyal and reliable friend and partner and, with your natural charm, are often popular with a large circle of acquaintances.

The dream lover of someone born on October 3rd

For security, mental stimulation, and love, you might want to begin looking among those born on the following dates.

Love & friendship:Jan. 5, 9, 10, 18, 19, Feb. 3, 7, 8, 16, 17, Mar. 1, 5, 14, 15, 31, Apr. 3, 4, 12, 13, 29, May 1, 10, 11, 27, 29, June 8, 9, 25, 27, July 6, 7, 23, 25, 31, Aug. 4, 5, 21, 23, 29, Sept. 2, 3, 19, 21, 27, 30, Oct. 1, 17, 19, 25, 28, Dec. 13, 15, 21, 24

Beneficial:Jan. 1, 6, 17, Feb. 4, 15, Mar. 2,13, Apr. 11, May 9, June 7, July 5, Aug. 3, Sept. 1, Oct. 31, Nov. 29, Dec. 27

Fatal attractions:Mar. 28, 30, 31, Apr. 1, 2

Challenging:Jan. 2, 16, Feb. 14, Mar. 12, Apr. 10, May 8, June 6, July 4, Aug. 2, Dec. 30

Soul mates:Jan. 11, 31, Feb. 9, 29, Mar. 7, 27, Apr. 5, 25, May 3, 23, June 1, 21, July 19, Aug. 17, Sept. 15, Oct. 13, Nov. 11, Dec. 9

October 3rd Birthday Personology Summary

The streak of perfectionism that is manifested by the majority of those born under the astrological sign of Libra is particularly pronounced in October 3 individuals, who are constantly striving to achieve the very best—both in terms of their personal activities and within the more global realm of human endeavor. Blessed with incisive perspicacity, a direct and logical intellectual approach, as well as remarkable resourcefulness in overcoming obstacles, these are people who find it easy to identify areas that are flawed or ripe for improvement and then to formulate imaginative and straightforward strategies to bring about progress. Their natural inclinations and talents equip them for professions where they can benefit others by initiating tangible advances, giving them the potential to make particularly innovative scientists or engineers, inspirational and ground-breaking artists or, indeed, pioneering figures in such socially oriented realms as government.

While October 3 people are to be admired for their energy and dedication, others may wonder why they are so unwilling to delegate tasks to others or to take satisfaction from their own achievements. The answer lies in both their active natures and their predilection for critical evaluation, which they apply as objectively to themselves as to others. Their desire to exert a benev- olent influence on the lives of those around them per- vades all their interpersonal relationships, although the importance they accord their work may result in them spending less quality time with their family and friends than they would under ideal circumstances (especially if they are men).

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