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People Born on October 4th: Destiny, Future

Last updated onOctober 04, 2024

October 4th Birthday Numerology

No. 4:Invested in the physical world, centred earth energy that is practical in application.

October 4 VS Libra, 4, Relaxed realist

People Born on October 4th: Destiny, Future

October 4th Birthday Destiny

Reality may sometimes be something of a brutal departure from a more romanticised view of the world we’d all like to believe in, but being such a realist means you have the valuable gift of knowing what will work and what won’t. This means you can save us all time (and possible disappointment) by identifying those goals that can actually be achieved. I’m not suggesting that you don’t dream big alongside your fellow Librans, because you can and you do, but you like to see results and will shape your dreams according to what you believe is realistic. This means you are likely to be drawn towards those professions where you can see real results based on a combination of your vision and efforts. You have a genuine interest in helping others and such a good nature that most people are happy to be in your company. And where some Librans can be hypercritical, you have a very relaxed attitude towards the fact that most of us are fallible and many of us have feet of clay. Which is all part of your realistic approach to life. In affairs of the heart, you are a loving and uplifting partner because you have a tendency to be optimistic, which your family and friends love about you.

October 4th Birthday Future

Individuals born today are strong-minded, ambitious workaholics. Despite Libra's artistic temperament, you have a serious side to your character. Since you're so sweet natured and gracious on the outside, few people are aware of your steely inner resolve. You enjoy being recognized for your accomplishments, but you also need more tangible evidence of your success in the form of material rewards. If it comes down to a choice between fame and fortune, you may decide to take the cash and let the credit go to someone else.

People with birthdays on October 4 know what they want, and one way or another they get it. However, because you place a high value on fairness and justice, you care about doing the right thing. You may want the best for yourself, but you're also sympathetic to the desires of others. Your devotion to the principles of law and order make you well suited to work in law enforcement, social services, government service, or politics. You are imaginative and creative, yet sensible enough to turn your dreams into practical realities. Many prominent individuals in entertainment and the arts were born on this date.

Relating comes naturally to you, and you may feel incomplete without the compan-ionship of a significant other. However, it takes more than just romance to hold your interest. You need someone who shares your goals and your strong sense of purpose.

October 4th Birthday Tarot

Seven of Pentacles:This card reminds us that the only place where the word ‘success’ comes before the word ‘work’ is in the dictionary. You are likely to take stock of your resources (Pentacles) and build on these, through hard work. This dedicated but realistic determination to get results and succeed comes from the investment you make in your own personal resources.

October 4th Famous birthdays

Susan Sarandon(American actress); Charlton Heston(American actor); Buster Keaton(American actor); Born Today:

Rachael Leigh Cook (actress); Rutherford B. Hayes (U.S. president); Charlton Heston (actor); Buster Keaton (actor/director); Jean-Francois Millet (artist); Lowell Nesbitt (artist); Anne Rice (writer); Damon Runyon (writer); Susan Sarandon (actress); Alicia Silverstone (actress); Alvin Toffler (futurist/writer)

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