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People Born on September 15th: Destiny, Future

Last updated onSeptember 15, 2024

September 15th Birthday Numerology

No. 6:Empathic and nurturing, can problem-solve in an emotional and physical way, responsible and cares deeply about family and friends.

September 15 VS Virgo, 6, Compassionate idealist

People Born on September 15th: Destiny, Future

September 15th Birthday Destiny

You are probably someone who feels that they need to take care of others, especially those who cannot take care of themselves. This nurturing side may find you drawn to a career in public service, social care, politics, education, catering, charity, the law or the area of well-being. Whether you are feeding people, rehoming people, advising people or championing people, helping other people is likely to lie at the heart of what is important to you and is probably what gets you out of bed in the mornings. Often, people will be grateful to you, but there will also be those who may resent your input and so you will probably need to learn to find the balance between offering help where it is genuinely needed and keeping your nose out where it has been made clear it is not welcome. Sometimes, taking care of others becomes an effective strategy for avoiding taking care of ourselves and for ignoring our own issues. Helping others makes us feel good about ourselves, but you will be more effective and your support more sustainable when you, too, are in a good place and those you love and who love you will recognise this and encourage it.

September 15th Birthday Future

The sociable, charismatic individual celebrating a birthday on this day is happiest when everything runs smoothly, with a minin1um of stress or discord. You are a compassionate idealist with a deep sense of responsibility toward family and friends. Moreover, you truly enjoy taking care of others, particularly those who cannot care for themselves. Even when your own life is peaceful, your empathy for those around you has a way of drawing you into their problems. You need to be careful, however, or your sympathy for other people may be taken too far, leaving you open to accusations of meddling in their affairs.

The unique con1bination of intelligence and charm that characterizes those born on September 15 favors popularity and attracts opportunity. You are rational and analytical on the one hand, creative and artistic on the other. You possess both the human touch and the ability to grasp technical details. A career in the arts or the media would allow you to use the full range of your intellect and creativity. In business and the professions, you could be attracted to occupations in archi-tecture, fashion, design, catering, scientific research, medicine, law, social services, politics, or diplomacy.

In love, you're a genuine romantic, and partnership is extremely important to you. Although it may take you awhile to make a firm commitment, when you do, you expect to be in it for the long haul.

September 15th Birthday Tarot

Five of Pentacles:This card depicts a couple battling through a snowstorm, passing by the stained-glass window of a church. Burdened and bowed down, neither notices the Pentacles (resources that could be theirs) in the window. What might this tell us about labouring so independently that we miss out on help that’s available?

September 15th Famous birthdays

Tommy Lee-Jones(American actor); Oliver Stone(American director); Agatha Christie(British writer); Born Today:

Robert Benchley (writer); Agatha Christie (writer); Jackie Cooper (actor);James Fenimore Cooper (writer); Tommy Lee Jones (actor); Dan Marino (football player); Merlin Olsen (football player/sportscaster/actor); Oliver Stone (director); William Howard Taft (U.S. president); Fay Wray (actress)

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