People Born on September 15th Personality,Stars,Numbers

Last updated onSeptember 15, 2024

Planetary Influences:Ruling planet:Mercury;Third decan:Personal planet is Venus. Virtues:Responsive, loyal, affectionate. Vices:Perfectionist, critical, avaricious. Careers:Director, company manager, researcher. Skills & Aptitudes:Dedication to work, open- mindedness, leadership potential. Compatible with:January 1–5, December 24–26

Compassionate idealist

People Born on September 15th Personality,Stars,Numbers

People Born on September 15th Personality Reference

Intelligent and friendly, you are revealed by your birthday to be a dependable individual with big plans. Loving knowledge, you are interested in many subjects but may be particularly drawn to world affairs. Since your image is usually important, in your desire to impress others you generally like the best. Direct and to the point, you can be kindhearted and generous, and although usually optimistic, you may have to overcome a tendency toward negative thinking.

With the added influence of your decanate ruler, Taurus, you are reliable and solid, with a strong need for love and affection. Since you have an appreciation of beauty and form, you can enjoy art, nature, and the good things in life. Articulate, with an ability to analyze detail, you possess creative communication skills, but you may have to guard against becoming critical or impatient. There is also a likelihood of your being quite thrifty or economical with money, yet you can be very generous with the people you love.

You are always ready to give your opinion, but sometimes your emotions can be blocked, producing frustration, shyness, or a stiff formality. Thinking too much can lead to worry, and in your desire to please you may often take on too much. When positive, however, your idealistic nature has inspired ideas and a desire to serve.

After the age of seven, when your progressed Sun moves into Libra, you have an increasing need for close personal relations and social acceptance. From this time your appreciation of beauty and harmony starts to become more enhanced, with the possibility of your exploring creative outlets. This continues until the age of thirty-seven, when your progressed Sun enters Scorpio. This is a turning point for you that will highlight a growing emphasis on emotional and spiritual regeneration as well as joint finances or corporate business activity. When you reach the age of sixty-seven, your progressed Sun enters Sagittarius, and you may start to become more interested in expanding your horizons.

Stars of People Born on September 15th


Sun: Virgo

Decanate: Taurus/venus

Degree: 22°45’-23°45’ Virgo

Mode: Mutable

Element: Earth

Fixed Stars

Star’s name:Denebola

Degree position:20°38’-21 °31’ Virgo between the years 1930 and 2000



Orb:2° 10’

Constellation:Beta Leo

Applicable days:September 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Star qualities:varied influences: Saturn/Venus/Mercury and Mars

Description:a blue star located in the Lion’s tail

Primary Star’s Influence

Denebola bestows good judgment, daring, courage, and a noble, generous nature. This star’s influence can bring about exciting events and opportunities for advancement. You may have a natural talent for clear thinking and good values, accompanied by swift action. This star also indicates that you will be responsible and active on behalf of others. Denebola, however; also carries a reminder that benefits may not necessarily be long-lasting and warns against tendencies to get angry or anxious, which can spoil relationships.

Linked to your Sun’s degree, this star imparts ingenuity and determination to acquire special skills. Rewards and honor through work are also indicated, and you may become a renowned specialist in your chosen field. Often gains and success come from work in the community and fulfilling public duties. Denebola may also impart restlessness and warns against hasty decisions that you might later regret.

• Positive:self-control, generous, inventive, responsible, honorable

•Negative:rashness, lack of responsibility, impatience

Secrets of People Born on September 15th

Staying detached and developing a positive outlook and philosophy enable you to creatively channel your strong emotions and avoid dissatisfaction. An inner sensitivity highlights the importance of having a home or harmonious setting where you can feel safe and secure, as well as suggesting an inner need for peace and quiet.

You have a strong awareness of your responsibilities and are usually conscious of wanting to pay off your debts. However, it may be necessary to ensure that you constantly challenge yourself in new areas rather than sticking with the tried and true. A possible way to express yourself may be through ideas that emphasize the importance of associating with people who are mentally stimulating. Although you enjoy helping people and usually make a good advisor, you may have to be careful of interfering; sometimes it may be best to let others learn from their own mistakes.

Occupations suitable for individuals born on September 15th

Your keen intellect and analytical skills may lead you to a career in science, research, or medicine. Equally, you can excel in education, the legal profession, or politics. Your creative communication skills could also help you succeed in writing or in business. With a sense of order, proportion, and balance, you could fare well in careers such as architect, designer, artist, or mathematician. Being a natural advisor and analyst, you could work in the world of psychology or finance. Alternatively, a humanitarian streak may lead you to social reform or charity work.

Famous people who share your birthday include writers Agatha Christie and James Fenimore Cooper, film directors Oliver Stone and Jean Renoir, actor Tommy Lee Jones, President and Chief Justice William Howard Taft, and opera singer Jessye Norman.

September 15th Birthday Numerology

Empathic and nurturing, can problem-solve in an emotional and physical way, responsible and cares deeply about family and friends. Usually you are quick and enthusiastic, with a charismatic personality. Your greatest assets are your strong instincts and the ability to learn through combining theory and practice. On many occasions you manage to earn while learning new skills. Often you utilize your intuitive powers and are able to recognize opportunities when they arise. With a number 15 birthday, you possess a talent for attracting money or receiving help and support from others. Successful conclusions to undertakings can become more frequent if you apply your practical skills to your original ideas and overcome your tendency to be restless or dissatisfied. The subinfluence of the number 9 month indicates that you are cautious and sensitive. By developing a realistic and sympathetic attitude, you can establish a more harmonious and congenial existence. With your foresight and progressive outlook, you can be conscientious and practical.

• Positive:willing, generous, responsible, kind, cooperative, appreciative, creative ideas

• Negative:disruptive, restless, irresponsible, self-centered, fear of change, loss of faith, worry, indecision

Love & Relationships of People Born on September 15th

Having a close relationship is important to you, but avoid becoming too dependent on your partner. Usually you are idealistic, helpful, and creative, with social charm. Since you need a soul mate and dislike being alone, it is important to avoid substituting security for love and happiness. Although caring and generous, you need to stay detached and overcome a tendency to be critical. Learning to discuss and share your feelings with your partner can help you move forward in relationships.

The dream lover of someone born on September 15th

You might find a partner who will understand your sensitivity and need for love among those born on the following dates.

Love & friendship:Jan. 1, 5, 15, 26, 29, 30, Feb. 3, 13, 24, 27, 28, Mar. 11, 22, 25, 26, Apr. 9, 20, 23, 24, May 7, 18, 21, 22, June 5, 16, 19, 20, July 3, 14, 17, 18, 31, Aug. 1, 12, 15, 16, 29, 31, Sept. 10, 13, 14, 27, 29, Oct. 8, 11, 12, 25, 27, Nov. 6, 9, 10, 23, 25, Dec. 4, 7, 8, 21, 23, 29

Beneficial:Jan. 1, 2, 10, 27, Feb. 8, 25, Mar. 6, 23, Apr. 4, 21, May 2, 19, 30, June 17, 28, July 15, 26, Aug. 13, 24, Sept. 11, 22, Oct. 9, 20, Nov. 7, 18, Dec. 5, 16

Fatal attractions:Mar. 13, 14, 15, 16

Challenging:Jan. 17, 26, Feb. 15, 24, Mar. 13, 22, Apr. 11, 20, May 9, 18, June 7, 16, July 5, 14, Aug. 3, 12, 30, Sept. 1, 10, 28, Oct. 8, 26, 29, Nov. 6, 24, 27, Dec. 4, 22, 25

Soul mates:Jan. 21, Feb. 19, Mar. 17, Apr. 15, May 13, June 11, July 9, 29, Aug. 7, 27, Sept. 5, 25, Oct. 3, 23, Nov. 1, 21, Dec. 19

September 15th Birthday Personology Summary

In many respects those born on this day can be characterized as specialists, for they are drawn to a single area of interest (their choice often having been made in childhood) and seek to become masters of their field.The subjects that typically fascinate September 15 individuals are those where the scope for exploration is boundless and where their quest for discovery can therefore lead them into previously uncharted territories. Even though they are intellectually curious, these are rarely restless or roving types. Once they have alighted upon a topic that absorbs their attention they will devote their energies exclusively to its study, probing, testing and amassing a wealth of information. Their inclinations and simultaneously imaginative and organized methods suit September 15 people for a variety of professions, from scientific research to the arts. They are gifted directors of others, who never lose sight of the wider picture or, indeed, surrender their own inherent requirement for autonomy of thought and action.

Others admire their technical expertise, as well as their determination and clarity of vision, but may be somewhat intimidated by their refusal to compromise their convictions or integrity. Although they may appear to be somewhat solitary figures, they are by no means solely oriented to their work, for they value the strong emotional bonds that they form with their fam- ily and friends. As sensual individuals, they are moved by music, the beauty of art and the flavors of gourmet cuisine. And it is primarily in order to indulge such tastes, as well to support their families, that those born on this day appreciate the material rewards that their professional success brings them.

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