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People Born on September 18th: Destiny, Future

Last updated onSeptember 18, 2024

September 18th Birthday Numerology

No. 9:An old soul that looks to spiritual awareness to solve life’s problems and likes to help others to do so in the same way.

September 18 VS Virgo, 9, Strong-minded worker

People Born on September 18th: Destiny, Future

September 18th Birthday Destiny

You are probably interested in and want to learn about many diverse things, but far from being flighty or flippant, you have the classic Virgoan steadfastness that encourages others to look to your opinion. You probably appreciate company and beauty in many different ways, and you have an earthy sense of humour. You are unlikely to have trouble attracting lovers or friends; what might confuse people is that you also need your downtime and will retreat, like a hermit, when you need to. This need can come across as being at odds with your otherwise sociable and fun-loving nature, and can sometimes be misinterpreted, so it’s as well to be aware that this element of reserve may inadvertently offend. At work, the chances are it will be in a field that allows you to express some aspect of your refinement and good taste, even if this is only in how you dress or the attention you give to your uniform, should you need to wear one. There’s also likely to be a strong humanitarian streak running through you and in whichever field you work, you will have an eye out to protect the underdog. Those privileged enough to be allowed into your inner circle can expect an easy and relaxed relationship, in which you are happy to devote special attention to them and their needs.

September 18th Birthday Future

The individual celebrating his or her birthday today is self-sufficient, serious, and mysterious. Inher-ently secretive and suspicious of people's motives, you limit admittance to your private world to a small number of trusted associates. Ironically, the main obstacles to the privacy you covet are your prodigious talent and your ability to attain the type of worldly success that inevitably leads to celebrity status. Moreover, the harder you try to hide from the spotlight, the more public interest you seem to attract. You are considerably more emotional than others of your Sun sign. When your personal feelings come into play, your responses are usually more instinctive than logical.

Those born on September 19 are compassionate humanitarians with a tremendous capacity for under-standing the joys and sorrows of the human condition. You're actually less self-confident than you appear, and your sensitive nature makes tt difficult for you to deal with the criticism or disapproval of others. Despite your talent for overcoming difficult challenges in times of trouble, in those times when everything is going well, you may be plagued by self-doubt and nervous anxiety about the future.

Although you appear glamorous, illusive, and enigmatic on the surface, you are actually quite shy and unsure of yourself. Your public mask is little more than a ploy to hide private insecurities. It may take a great deal of tenderness, understanding, and acceptance on the other person's part to win your love and devotion.

September 18th Birthday Tarot

The Magician:There may be more than a hint of psychic ability, which you probably think of as strong intuition, in your make-up and this is something the Magician card tells us you can develop further as you travel through life. He forms a bridge between this world and ‘the Other’ and is the custodian of all the suits in the Tarot deck. Call on him when you have difficult decisions to make and remember him during times of solitude.

September 18th Famous birthdays

Tara Fitzgerald(British actress); Greta Garbo(Swedish actress); James Gandolfini(American actor and producer); Born Today:

Eddie "Rochester" Anderson (actor); Lance Armstrong (cyclist);Frankie Avalon (singer/actor); Robert Blake (actor); William Collins (artist); Agnes DeMille (dancer/choreographer); James Gandolfini (actor); Gretta Garbo (actress); Edwin McMillan (physicist); Jada Pinkett Smith (actress); Jack Warden (actor)

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