People Born on September 1st Personality,Stars,Numbers

Last updated onSeptember 01, 2024

Planetary Influences:Ruling planet:Mercury;Second decan:Personal planet is Saturn. Virtues:Organized, persuasive, engaged. Vices:Reckless, combative, pushy. Careers:Writer, actor, advertising executive. Skills & Aptitudes:Ambition, breadth of vision, excellent communication skills. Compatible with:January 11–14

Silver-tongued persuader

People Born on September 1st Personality,Stars,Numbers

People Born on September 1st Personality Reference

Independent, with a desire for prosperity, you have a birthday that suggests that you need to channel your innovative ideas into some form of accomplishment. Ambitious, you aim high and are naturally business-minded and good at commercializing your abilities. Quick at assessing people and situations, you can be creative, pioneering, and swift to see opportunities. Conscious of your appearance, you like to present a smart image that spells success.

The double impact of Virgo, which is both your planetary and decanate ruler, emphasizes your keen intellect and thirst for knowledge. This influence can also accent nervousness, so it may be necessary for you to ensure that you take regular breaks to keep calm. Communication, whether speaking or writing, is likely to be an area where you can excel, and with your precise mental approach you are likely to be articulate. With your high standards and thorough approach to work, be careful that you do not become too critical of yourself or others.

Since your potential for being financially successful is extremely high, you may only need to apply the necessary self-discipline and avoid procrastination to achieve results. Luckily, you are usually hardworking and a good planner or delegator. Although practical, you may like to take a risk when the odds are in your favor, and you want good returns for your work.

After the age of twenty-one, when your progressed Sun moves into Libra, there is an increased need for partnership and relating to others. Your sense of harmony, balance, and refinement is likely to be enhanced, with the possibility of your exploring literary, artistic, or creative interests. This continues on until the age of fifty-one, when your progressed Sun enters Scorpio. At this turning point you will probably realize the growing importance of touching deeper and more subtle aspects of your psyche as well as evaluating your own power.

Stars of People Born on September 1st


Sun: Virgo

Decanate: Virgo/mercury

Degree: 9°-10° Virgo

Mode: Mutable

Element: Earth

Fixed Stars

Star’s name:Alioth

Degree position:7°52’-8°52’ Virgo between the years 1930 and 2000



Orb:2° 10’

Constellation:Epsilon Ursa Major

Applicable days:August 29, 30, 31, September 1, 2, 3

Star qualities:Mars

Description:a blue-white star located in the tail of the Great Bear

Primary Star’s Influence

Alioth endows good judgment, a zest for life, and a love of ease and comfort. Often you are broad-minded and inclined toward liberalism. This star imparts ambition to win, a competitive nature, and a constant need for activity. Alioth also imparts a talent for criticism and suggests that it should be used constructively.

Linked to your Sun’s degree, Alioth’s influence indicates an aptitude for business, sport, government posts, and dealing with the public. It can also stimulate thoroughness and the ability to exploit every situation, but warns against irritability and overconfidence.

• Positive:genuine, frank, endurance, can overcome disappointment

• Negative:ruthlessness, egoism, destructiveness, obstinacy, overcritical

Secrets of People Born on September 1st

An inner nobility suggests that you are proud and can be quietly dramatic. Being a practical idealist, you need to be of service to others and have a strong sense of purpose, or you may become restricted by materialism. At times you may be unexpectedly modest and at others confident and opinionated. As your ideas are original and ahead of their time, you need the freedom to express yourself. When you are positive and enthusiastic about a project, you have the ability to project this and excite others.

You are likely to be a natural networker who can link people from different groups. With your own philosophy of life, you are generally optimistic and good-humored. An urge to expand gives you a faculty to survey the whole; you are capable of leadership, foresight, and intuitive wisdom. The more you trust and apply this nonrational knowing to your everyday life, the more events will naturally fall into place.

Occupations suitable for individuals born on September 1st

With your organizing abilities, love of large enterprise, and ability to delegate, you would be excellent in business as an executive, a manager, or working for yourself. These same abilities would also aid you as an administrator, producer, or politician. Your skills in interacting with others could help you excel in education, writing, sales, or the communications world. Being competitive and thorough, and wanting to do a job well, you may become a specialist in your field or be drawn to research. Your desire to lead and pioneer could take you to careers as diverse as the military or the arts. Intuition and creativity are your natural talents, and by developing and refining these skills you are guaranteed success. It is important, however, in any career to stay as independent as possible.

Famous people who share your birthday include actress Lily Tomlin, boxer Rocky Marciano, singers Gloria Estefan and Barry Gibb, former Texas governor Ann Richards, and lawyer Alan Dershowitz.

September 1st Birthday Numerology

A powerful entity and results-oriented force, all about initiating action and getting things done. The great desire to be first and autonomous is suggested by your birthdate. As a number 1, you are inclined to be individual, innovative, and courageous, with plenty of energy. The pioneering spirit indicated here encourages you to make your own decisions or strike out alone. Full of enthusiasm and original ideas, you often show others the way forward. With a number 1 birthday, you may also need to learn that the world does not revolve around you. The subinfluence of the number 9 month indicates that you are highly intuitive and sensitive. Since you are influenced by your environment, you are also receptive to others. Often broad- minded and a humanitarian, you seek fairness and justice. To others you may appear confident and resilient, but inner tensions may cause emotional ups and downs. Decisive and resourceful, you possess depth of vision, but the dreamer side of your nature is compassionate and idealistic.

• Positive:leadership, creative, progressive, forceful, optimistic, strong convictions, competitive, independent, gregarious

• Negative:overbearing, jealous, egotistical, antagonistic, lack of restraint, weak, unstable, impatient

Love & Relationships of People Born on September 1st

Since you often have strong desires and feelings, you need to communicate on a personal level. You possess charm and a charismatic personality and can easily draw friends and admirers. You are attracted to optimistic people who can inspire you with new ideas and opportunities. Your love for freedom suggests that you may prefer to be in relationships that can give you enough space to feel independent. Since you may need to take your time where love is concerned, it is advisable not to make commitments too soon.

The dream lover of someone born on September 1st

To keep you interested in loving relationships, you might want to look out for those born on the following days.

Love & friendship:Jan. 6, 10, 15, 29, 31, Feb. 4, 13, 27, 29, Mar. 2, 11, 25, 27, Apr. 9, 25, 23, 30, May 7, 21, 23, 28, June 5, 19, 21, July 3, 17, 19, 30, Aug. 1, 15, 17, 28, Sept. 13, 15, 26, Oct. 11, 13, 24, Nov. 9, 11, 22, 060, 7, 9, 20

Beneficial:Jan. 13, 15, 19, Feb. 11, 13, 17, Mar. 9, 11, 15, Apr. 7, 9, 13, May 5, 7, 11, June 3, 5, 9, July 1, 3, 7, 29, Aug. 1, 5, 27, 31, Sept. 3, 25, 29, Oct. 1, 23, 27, Nov. 21, 25, Dec. 19, 23

Fatal attractions:Feb. 28, 29, Mar. 1, May 30, June 28, July 26, Aug. 24, Sept. 22, Oct. 20, Nov. 18, Dec. 16

Challenging:Jan. 12, Feb. 10, Mar. 8, Apr. 6, May 4, June 2, Aug. 31, Sept. 29, Oct. 27, 29, 30, Nov. 25, 27, 28, Dec. 23, 25, 26, 30

Soul mates:Jan. 2, 28, Feb. 26, Mar. 24, Apr. 22, May 20, June 18, July 16, Aug. 14, Sept. 12, Oct. 10, Nov. 8, Dec. 6

September 1st Birthday Personology Summary

Their overriding ambition and single-minded focus in striving to achieve the visions that guide them are perhaps the most striking characteristics of those born on this day. The aims that propel them on their determinedly direct paths through life may be concerned with their personal betterment, or else with bringing about wide-ranging improvements for the benefit of others, but all their ventures are defined by their astuteness of perception, their enviable ability to formulate a practical progressive strategy, and their steadfast tenacity in implementing their plans of action. They also possess remarkable self-knowledge, a gift that endows them with the confidence to stand their ground in the face of adversity.

Yet because September 1 people are usually sensi- tive and blessed with immense personal appeal, when it comes to dealing with doubters, they typically prefer to charm them with regard to their visions, using their silver-tongued words, than to have to resort to the combative approach of which they are well capable. But they can at times get carried away, too.

The highly developed capacity of September 1 people verbally to influence others augurs especially well for their success in advertising, marketing, sales and retail careers, or as powerful writers, actors, sing- ers or performers of any type. Their goal orientation and independence may, however, lead them to neglect their private lives—a tendency that is particularly pronounced in the men born on this day—despite the enormous value that they place on the support offered by the bonds of strong and honest emotional relationships.

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