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People Born on September 20th: Destiny, Future

Last updated onSeptember 20, 2024

September 20th Birthday Numerology

No. 2:Shows resilience and power in gentleness, often provides the role of mediator and linked to psychic abilities.

September 20 VS Virgo, 2, Aspiring peacemaker

People Born on September 20th: Destiny, Future

September 20th Birthday Destiny

There’s likely to be an aspect of your nature that makes you shy, which might mean that trusting relationships and sharing your feelings is difficult for you in your early years. But don’t give up on this dream because there is someone out there for you; it may just take a little longer for you to find them. When you do, this partnership is likely to be a priority and the place where you share similar ideals, even a working partnership as well as a love relationship. It’s possible that you will seek out a career, even if not immediately, where you will be of service to others, which is where you might expect to find your fulfilment. Because of a likely commitment to a common cause, you may be quite a skilled peacemaker, able to understand all sides of an argument and, just as importantly, able to navigate a resolution that all parties can live with. Dispute resolution in some form is probably a skill that you will develop, bringing together your intellect and compassion. Most people you meet will find you agreeable, but woe betide those that mistake your kindness for weakness, because you are no pushover, and your bite is more than equal to that quiet bark.

September 20th Birthday Future

Virgins born on this day are devoted to the welfare of others. You have a kind, sympathetic nature

that makes you caring, considerate, and eager to

help people in need. When your compassionate nature urges you to answer the call, you do so willingly. Moreover, you're prepared to give of yourself in every sense, including financially. An excellent organizer and manager, you work hard to insure the smooth, harmonious running of the projects and enterprises you're involved in.

Those with birthdays on September 20 may be agreeable, but they are not pushovers. Rarely will you do anything you don't want to do, but you have a way of getting others to go along with your plans and ideas. As a peacemaker, your capacity for understanding all sides of an argument helps you bring the bickering factions together. You can always be counted on in an emergency. Although you may worry before and after the fact, you rarely panic during a crisis. Career areas that could be of particular interest to you include social work, psychological counseling, human resources, medicine, education, and business.

On a personal level, you can find it rather difficult to relax and express yow· deepest feelings. However, partnership has a very high priority for you. It may take you awhile to make a commitment, but when you do, you're in it for the long term.

September 20th Birthday Tarot

Justice:This is a powerful card that reflects those traits outlined above. It depicts an adjudicator sitting with a sword of the intellect in one hand and the balancing scales of a more emotional mindset in the other, weighing up the arguments presented to find in favour of peaceful resolution and fairness.

September 20th Famous birthdays

Sophia Loren(Italian actress); Kenneth Moore(British actor); Nuno Bettencourt(Portuguese guitarist and singer-songwriter); Born Today:

Red Auerbach (basketball coach); Dr. Joyce Brothers (psychologist); Sister Elizabeth Kenny (pioneer nurse); Anne Meara (comedienne/actress); Ferdinand "Jelly Roll" Morton ijazz musician/composer); Sophia Loren (actress); Fernando Rey (actor); Stevie Smith (writer); Upton Sinclair (writer/social activist); Vittorio Taviani (director)

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