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People Born on September 22nd: Destiny, Future

Last updated onSeptember 22, 2024

September 22nd Birthday Numerology

No. 4:Invested in the physical world, centred earth energy that is practical in application.

September 22 VS Virgo, 4, Forthright communicator

People Born on September 22nd: Destiny, Future

September 22nd Birthday Destiny

If you’re not already blogging or using some form of social media to flag up your concerns or strategic solutions, then it probably won’t be long before you find some outlet for your desire to work towards the common good. And you may have been the child running a lemonade stall for charity because you wanted to make a difference. You may find yourself working in public service as a consequence of this desire. But this might not be enough for you and finding a way to communicate your concerns to a wider audience via social media might well fit in with your ethos. As a forthright communicator (you may not know how to tone it down even if you wanted to), it’s as well to be aware that you could alienate those who have more to gain by maintaining the status quothat you might be working so hard to shatter. This means that confrontation could be a feature of your working life. Make sure this doesn’t detract from what your nearest and dearest need, and allow them to give you the unconditional support you may sometimes require in order to keep going.

September 22nd Birthday Future

Persons born on the Virgo/Libra cusp are extremely sensitive to their surroundings, and they require a harmonious environment in which to live and work. Focused and dedicated, you exhibit a practical, down-to-earth dynamic that often leads to material success and achievement. You have a sixth sense with regard to current developments, and you pride yourself on being up to date and aware of the latest trends in fashion, art, and technology. While your personal approach to change is inherently cautious, your intuitive understanding of what is worth keeping from the past and what should be discarded could prove particularly valuable in business and commerce.

Despite an ambitious nature, the September 22nd person is patient enough to wait for the best possible opportunity before making any important moves. Because of your ability to see all sides of a situation, you sometimes have difficulty coming to a concrete decision. There are actually two distinct sides to your personality . You can be charming and concerned on the one hand, yet critical and disapproving on the other.

You appear more self-sufficient than you actually are. Your critical Virgo nature makes you seem cool and detached, but your birth date on the Libra cusp means that you really want companionship. You may discover that you're not truly happy until you find someone to share your life.

September 22nd Birthday Tarot

Page of Pentacles:This card reflects the humanitarian who puts the needs of others before their own, depicting a young man holding up those resources – the pentacle – he has and will use to support others. There’s a youthful energy and selflessness in the way this is being offered, which is evident in the qualities associated with this birth date, too.

September 22nd Famous birthdays

Nick Cave(Australian singer-songwriter); Michael Faraday(British scientist); Billie Piper(British singer and actress); Born Today:

Scott Baio (actor); Shari Belafonte-Harper (singer/actress); Andrea Bocelli (opera singer); Tai Babilonia (skater); Debbie Boone (singer); Tom Felton (actor); Joan Jett (rock star); Ingemar Johansson (boxer); Tommy Lasorda (baseball manager); Paul Muni (actor); Yang Chen Ning (physicist); Erich von Stroheim (director/actor)

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