People Born on September 22nd Personality,Stars,Numbers

Last updated onSeptember 22, 2024

Planetary Influences:Ruling planets:Mercury and Venus;Third decan:Personal planet is Venus;Second cusp:Virgo with Libran tendencies. Virtues:Clever, innovative, progressive. Vices:Defensive, uncompromising, combative. Careers:Academic, researcher, emergency medical worker. Skills & Aptitudes:Determination, self-belief, dedication to work. Compatible with:January 6–10, May 21–22

Forthright communicator

People Born on September 22nd Personality,Stars,Numbers

People Born on September 22nd Personality Reference

Being on the cusp of Virgo and Libra indicates that you are fortunate enough to have the keen intellect of Virgo and the sociability of Libra. Basically practical, you can be persistent, meticulous, and precise, yet also have a competitive spirit. You are an original thinker who enjoys a good discussion or debate, but may have to guard against being too argumentative or sarcastic. Possessing the ability to be very diplomatic when necessary, however, you realize the advantages of working as part of a team.

With the added influence of your decanate ruler, Taurus, you can be articulate and shrewd, with a natural business sense. You are likely to have a pleasant voice, be charming, and have an appreciation for beauty and luxury. With your keen perceptions, you are very observant but may have to be careful of becoming overcritical. Your thirst for knowledge and sharp intellect may find you involved in many types of activities. When in the company of friends, you often enjoy friendly quips and have an unusual sense of humor.

Aware of your appearance, you like to make a good impression. For fulfillment, however, you may get the most satisfaction from manifesting your ideals or being of service to others. As you are highly intuitive, you must learn to trust your instincts.

Because your progressed Sun enters Libra in the first year of your life, you are likely to be bright and sociable as a child, with a need for harmonious surroundings. Until you reach the age of thirty, your relationships may play an important role in your life. After thirty, when your progressed Sun enters Scorpio, you experience a turning point when you start to become more emotionally self-reliant, in control, and less fearful. At the beginning of your sixties, when your progressed Sun moves into Sagittarius, you become more adventurous and philosophical, with an interest in travel, foreign people and places, or education.

Stars of People Born on September 22nd


Sun: Libra/virgo

Cusp Decanate: Libra/venus

Degree: 29°30’ Virgo-0°30’ Libra

Mode: Cardinal

Element: Air

Fixed Stars

Star’s name:Al Kaid, also called Benetnash

Degree position:25°51’-26°50’ Virgo between the years 1930 and 2000



Orb:2° 10’

Constellation:Eta Ursa Major

Applicable days:September 18, 19, 20, 21, 22

Star qualities:Moon/Mercury

Description:a blue star located in the Great Bear.

Primary Star’s Influence

Al Kaid imparts an active mind, a need for creative expression, intuitiveness, and an ability to adapt easily to new situations. You probably enjoy exchanging thoughts and ideas but may have a tendency to change your mind easily. This star indicates an aptitude for business and a fondness for power; and may grant opportunities for success, luck, and wealth.

Linked to your Sun’s degree, Al Kaid’s influence imparts a talent for business and points to success in dealing with the general public. You are inclined toward dealing with data, research, or exacting work that requires attention to detail. Al Kaid-also tends to make you restless and ambitious and, at times, ruthless in your desire to reach the top. This star also gives a talent for criticism, which should be used in a positive way.

• Positive:active mind, good grasp or perception, sympathetic, kind, work with children

• Negative:criticism, gossip, worry, sensitive, nerves, propensity for lying, impatience, moody, overcritical

Secrets of People Born on September 22nd

You respond well to love and affection and can be warmhearted, generous, and good company. However, being proud and sometimes obstinate if challenged, you may become moody or irritable and suffer from nervous tension. You often protect your extreme sensitivity with your perceptive mind, but once you have really decided something, you can be very strong- willed and determined. This staying power can help you achieve outstanding success.

Your strong need to get to the depths of issues and discover what is lying beneath the surface can make you a good psychologist or stimulate you to investigate people’s motives. As long as this does not make you suspicious, it can act as a tool for self-awareness. This insight can help you in your work and also encourages you to influence others.

Occupations suitable for individuals born on September 22nd

With your analytical skills and critical expertise, you can make an excellent editor, writer, teacher, or scientist. Equally, with your flair for working with people, you can excel as an agent, salesperson or promoter, or in public relations. Alternatively, your leadership abilities, organizational skills, and strategic planning may place you in the world of commerce, where you can make an excellent negotiator or mentally challenge yourself by being involved with large projects. Possessing a good sense of structure, you can also excel as an architect or draftsperson. With your humanitarian streak, you may be drawn to social reform or the healing world, where you can share your knowledge with others.

Famous people who share your birthday include author Fay Weldon, Olympic horseman Capt. Mark Phillips, musician Joan Jett, scientist Michael Faraday, and baseball coach Tommy Lasorda.

September 22nd Birthday Numerology

Invested in the physical world, centred earth energy that is practical in application. With a number 22 birthdate, you are a practical, disciplined, and highly intuitive individual. This is a master number and can vibrate both as number 22 and number 4. Often honest and hardworking, with natural leadership abilities, you have a charismatic personality and a deep understanding of people. Although undemonstrative, you often show a caring, protective concern for the welfare of others. However, you never lose sight of your pragmatic or realistic stand. The subinfluence of the number 9 month indicates that you are ambitious, sensible, and cautious. Since you are also sensitive to others’ feelings, you can be understanding and caring. Endowed with energy and enthusiasm, you can achieve success through hard work and determination. With your insight and strong instincts, you use your visionary abilities and can accomplish much through creative self-expression. You may, however, need to develop a pragmatic outlook and be economically minded.

• Positive:universal, director, highly intuitive, pragmatic, practical, good with your hands, skillful, builder, good organizer, realist, problem solver, achiever

• Negative:get-rich-quick schemes, nervous, bossy, materialistic, lack of vision, lazy, egotistical, grasping, self-promoting

Love & Relationships of People Born on September 22nd

Although you can have strong views and opinions, you are keen on partnerships. Since love and companionship are so important to you, often you give in or use your diplomatic skills to keep your relationships harmonious. Outgoing and proud, with a forceful poise, you are commanding yet alluring. Always looking for your ideal partner, you believe in lasting unions and can be loyal to the partner you settle with. On occasion, when you do not get the attention or affection you need, guard against becoming insecure or jealous.

The dream lover of someone born on September 22nd

You might find a partner who will understand your sensitivity and need for love among those born on the following dates.

Love & friendship:Jan. 6, 16, 22, 26, Feb. 4, 14, 20, 24, Mar. 2, 12, 18, 22, Apr. 10, 16, 20, 30, May 8, 14, 18, 28, June 6, 12, 16, 26, July 4, 10, 14, 24, 31, Aug. 2, 8, 12, 22, 29, Sept. 6, 10, 20, 27, Oct. 4, 8, 18, 25, Nov. 2, 6, 16, 23, 30, Dec. 4, 14, 21, 28, 30

Beneficial:Jan. 6, 17, 23, 31, Feb. 4, 15, 21, 29, Mar. 2, 13, 19, 27, 30, Apr. 11, 17, 25, 28, May 9, 15, 23, 26, June 7, 13, 21, 24, July 5, 11, 19, 22, Aug. 3, 9, 17, 20, Sept. 1, 7, 15, 18, 30, Oct. 5, 13, 16, 28, Nov. 3, 11, 14, 26, Dec. 1, 9, 12, 24

Fatal attractions:Mar. 18, 19, 20, 21

Challenging:Jan. 24, Feb. 22, Mar. 20, 29, Apr. 18, 27, 29, May 6, 16, 25, 27, 30, June 14, 22, 25, 28, July 12, 21, 23, 26, Aug. 10, 19, 21, 24, Sept. 8, 17, 19, 22, Oct. 6, 15, 17, 20, Nov. 4, 13, 15, 18, Dec. 2, 11, 13, 16

Soul mates:Jan. 13, Feb. 11, Mar. 9, Apr. 7, May 5, June 3, 30, July 1, 28, Aug. 26, Sept. 24, Oct. 22, Nov. 20, Dec. 18

September 22nd Birthday Personology Summary

Those born on September 22 are typically motivated by two fundamental desires: to satisfy their intellectual thirst for stimulation and exploration; and to devote their energy to helping others. They may often combine these dual inclinations to form a single, remarkably progressive, vision, which they will promote with fierce determination.

Blessed with deeply perceptive and mercurial intel- lects, September 22 individuals are particularly adept at identifying social abuses, and devising imaginative and effective strategies with which to redress the situ- ation. Not only are they drawn to innovative concepts and theories, but they also have a highly developed sense of justice that often compels them to work for the common good. Clearly suited to scientific, public service or humanitarian work, they may also seek to inform and enlighten others by means of writing or research—for example, by blogging on a subject that is close to their heart.

Despite their general concern for the welfare of others, their typically forthright manner and uncom- promising promotion of their beliefs will inevitably alienate some people: those born on this day will therefore often be reluctantly forced to assume a confrontational stance in their desire to achieve their visions. They therefore rely on the unquestioning sup- port of personal relationships, and they reciprocate the affection of those closest to them wholeheartedly, especially if they are women. It is important that they make a conscious effort to nurture close relation- ships to counterbalance the hostile and obstructive responses they will inevitably face at work.

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