People Born on September 8th Personality,Stars,Numbers

Last updated onSeptember 08, 2024

Planetary Influences:Ruling planet:Mercury;Second decan:Personal planet is Saturn. Virtues:Articulate, charismatic, confident. Vices:Arrogant, dismissive, stubborn. Careers:Director, reporter, politician. Skills & Aptitudes:Leadership skills, staying power, persuasive interpersonal skills. Compatible with:January 15–19

Dynamic leader

People Born on September 8th Personality,Stars,Numbers

People Born on September 8th Personality Reference

The influence of your birthday suggests that you are a creative and practical individual with an easygoing personality. Ambitious and enterprising, you possess natural business sense and an ability to present an unusual and original point of view. Although you usually appear bright and friendly, you also have a more serious side. Your strong need for self-expression may manifest itself socially or lead to writing or the arts. Your objective approach to life can be challenged by a tendency to worry or be indecisive, particularly about finances.

With the added influence of your decanate ruler, Capricorn, you have a meticulous approach to analyzing situations and can be hardworking and responsible. Since precision is important, you want to do a job well and have pride in your work. Although you possess a sharp mind that can be used for problem solving, you may need to avoid becoming too critical. With a good sense of values, you are likely to be quite economical or good at obtaining a bargain.

As you possess intuitive insight, you can be of great help in making decisions, though you may have to guard against becoming overly serious or moody. Alternatively, a desire to delve deeply into life may manifest as psychological skills, spiritual awareness, or a black-comedy sense of humor.

From childhood you are likely to be continually analyzing situations in order to understand and improve them. After the age of fourteen, however, as your progressed Sun moves into Libra for a thirty-year period, you gradually become more aware of the importance of your social relationships and partnerships. Your creative abilities are enhanced and you may be drawn to develop your musical, artistic, or literary interests. At the age of forty-four you reach another life turning point as your progressed Sun enters Scorpio. This brings a strong emphasis on your deeper need for power, intensity, and transformation. Your progressed Sun enters Sagittarius when you reach the age of seventy-four, stimulating a desire to expand your horizons, particularly through education, travel, or religion.

Stars of People Born on September 8th


Sun: Virgo

Decanate: Capricorn/saturn

Degree: 16°-17° Virgo

Mode: Mutable

Element: Earth

Fixed Stars

Star’s name:Mizar

Degree position:14°36’-15°37’ Virgo between the years 1930 and 2000



Orb:2° 10’

Constellation:Zeta Ursa Major

Applicable days:September 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

Star qualities:Mars and Saturn/Venus

Description:a white and pale emerald star located on the tail of the Great Bear

Primary Star’s Influence

Mizar imparts ambition, a pragmatic nature, creativity, and artistic talents. This star, however, can also indicate disharmony and involvement in controversial issues.

Linked to your Sun’s degree, this star indicates prominence in writing and business and success in dealing with the general public. Mizar warns against being too critical and suggests using your mental powers in creative and positive ways.

• Positive:serious, responsible, creative

• Negative:rebellious, disharmonious, selfish

Secrets of People Born on September 8th

Clever and articulate, you can communicate your ideas with enthusiasm and sincerity. A good sense of values aids you in your search for unity. You may, however, encounter a conflict between your strong need for material security and your need for self-expression. Fortunately, as you are very intelligent and aware of your responsibilities, you are likely to be a powerful opponent and a good strategist.

As you are very sensitive to discord or unpleasantness, you may find that your sense of well-being is connected to the harmony of your surroundings. Ironically, if you lose your equilibrium, you may be tempted to become verbally cutting or interfering. Nevertheless, you possess a deep desire for love and harmony that can be channeled into art, music, or helping others.

Occupations suitable for individuals born on September 8th

Possessing a shrewd business sense, you are often successful in commerce or may use your sharp mind for research or science. You may be quite technical and apply this to any career you are interested in. With your original ideas and individual approach to life, you are attracted to writing or occupations involving communication. Intelligent and articulate, you may also find fulfillment in a career such as education. Similarly, a need for self-expression may draw you to the world of entertainment or politics. Seeking variety, you may change careers, or if you stay in the same occupation, you want to develop new ideas or improve the way you operate.

Famous people who share your birthday include comedians Peter Sellers and Sid Caesar, King Richard 1 (the Lionhearted), singer Patsy Cline, composer Antonin Dvorak, Senator Claude Pepper, and Eastern Orthodox Church patriarch Dimitrios 1.

September 8th Birthday Numerology

Sees the big picture and aims for it, linked to abundance and material wealth and uses financial success to give back to others. The strength or power suggested by the number 8 birthday shows a character with strong values and sound judgment. The number 8 often indicates that you aspire to great accomplishment and possess an ambitious nature. A desire for dominance, security, and material success is also implied by this birthday. As a number 8 person, you have natural business sense and will benefit greatly from developing organizational and executive skills. You may have to learn how to administer or delegate your authority in a fair and just way. A strong need to feel secure or established urges you to make long-term plans and investments. The subinfluence of the number 9 month indicates that you are pragmatic and perceptive, with strong instincts. You like to utilize your knowledge in a creative and specific way and, with your imagination, can be original and productive.

• Positive:leadership, thoroughness, hardworking, authoritative, protective, power to heal, good judge of values

• Negative:impatient, wasteful, intolerant, miserly, restless, domineering, easily discouraged, lack of planning, controlling behavior

Love & Relationships of People Born on September 8th

Being clever, original and sociable, you have no trouble attracting friends and admirers. Although spontaneous with your feelings, you can at times alternate between being loving and sensitive and being too detached. You may be looking for a special or spiritual link with your partner that may cause you to become critical if he or she does not live up to your high ideals. Practical issues of security may also influence your relationship decisions. Your friendly charm ensures your success in all social situations.

The dream lover of someone born on September 8th

You might find emotional fulfillment and that special someone among those born on the following days.

Love & friendship:Jan. 4, 8, 22, 23, 26, Feb. 6, 20, 24, Man 4, 18, 22, Apr. 2, 16, 20, 30, May 14, 15, 18, 28, 30, June 12, 16, 26, 28, July 10, 14, 24, 26, Aug. 8, 12, 22, 24, Sept. 6, 10, 20, 22, 30, Oct. 4, 8, 18, 20, 28, Nov. 2, 6, 16, 18, 26, Dec. 4, 14, 16, 24

Beneficial:Jan. 9, 20, Feb. 7, 18, Mar. 5, 16, 29, Apr. 3, 14, 27, May 1, 12, 25, June 10, 23, July 8, 21, Aug. 6, 19, Sept. 4, 17, Oct. 2, 15, 30, Nov. 13, 28, Dec. 1, 26, 30

Fatal attractions:Jan. 27, Feb. 25, Man 6, 7, 8, 9, 23, Apr. 21, May 19, June 17, July 15, Aug. 13, Sept. 11, Oct. 9, Nov. 7, Dec. 5

Challenging:2, 10, 19, Feb. 8, 17, Man 6, 15, Apr. 4, 13, May 2, 11, June 9, July 7, 30, Aug. 5, 28, Sept. 3, 26, Oct. 1, 24, Nov. 22, Dec. 20, 30

Soul mates:Jan. 15, Feb. 13, Mar. 11, Apr. 9, May 7, June 5, July 3, Aug. 1, Oct. 29, Nov. 27, Dec. 25

September 8th Birthday Personology Summary

Their remarkable strength of conviction and fierce determination to set others on the path that they regard as being the correct one endow those born on this day with pronounced leadership potential. They are usually respected (although not necessarily regarded with affection) for both their dynamism and their fixity of purpose. While these individuals may be fueled by the desire to maintain or protect the status quo, they may be equally fired by the urge to implement change. Either way, they will have first evaluated the existing situation thoroughly, drawing upon their capacity for objective analysis in the process, and then utilized their organizational skills either to bring about improvement by modification, or to formulate an alternative. Once they have decided upon their course of action, they will promote it with uncompromising forcefulness, often demonstrating their powerful talent for communication in their quest to convince others. Such inclinations have a clear parallel with the political sphere, and many of those born on this day may become career politicians; others choosing to spread their message through other channels.

Despite their perspicacity, clarity of vision and persistence—qualities which augur well for their pro- fessional success—when it comes to their intellectual interests many of those born on this day may expe- rience troubled personal relationships, particularly if they are men. The problem is that others may not concur with their opinions and can become alienated by, and resistant to, their often stubborn attempts to persuade them otherwise; bitter confrontation is usu- ally inevitable.

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