September 10th Inspired Responsibility Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onSeptember 10, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is following your heart

☆The way forward is to understand that your needs and wants are just as important and as fascinating as those of others.

The Birthday Of Inspired Responsibility, The Day Of Private Goals

September 10th Inspired Responsibility Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of September 10th Birthdays

Sun sign: Virgo

Ruling planet: Mercury, the communicator

Symbol: The Virgin

Birth date ruler: Sun, the individual

Tarot card: The Wheel of Fortune (change)

Favorable number: 1

Lucky days: Wednesday and Sunday, especially when these days fall on 1 and 10 of the month

Lucky colors: Indigo, yellow, orange

Birthstone: Sapphire

People born on September 10 tend to have strong wills and opinions. Focused, thoughtful and concerned about the welfare of others, their ability to categorize and notice every detail means that the aura surrounding them is one of concerned but resourceful responsibility.

Gifted with versatility and inner strength, they know how to survive and use their strengths to help others become more positive and independent. They take responsibility seriously but a part of them also longs to be free; the challenge they face throughout their lives is balancing these two drives. Between the ages of twelve and forty-two the emphasis tends to be on other people, particularly their strong need to be appreciated and relied upon. They are likely to learn early in life the importance of diplomacy and of accepting other people’s weaknesses. As a result, other people tend to rely on them for a sense of stability but it is important that they don’t allow others to take advantage of them while they wait patiently in the wings. Key to their psychological growth during this period will be their ability to develop their own creativity and individuality.

After the age of forty-two there is a turning point when their personal power is likely to become enhanced and there are opportunities for them to become more self-reliant. It is important that they take advantage of these opportunities, as they have a tendency to put the needs and talents of others before their own. They need to learn that their own needs and talents are just as valuable.

In fact, throughout their lives the sooner these multi-talented and innovative, occasionally revolutionary thinkers discover a sense of self-worth, the better. This is because when they start to listen to their hearts as well as their heads, an aura of glamour will be added to the aura of stability and responsibility they already exude. This will mean that when they walk into a room other people will look up, take notice and want to hear every inspired word they say.

☆ On the dark side:Passive, unfulfilled, uninspired

☆ At your best:Capable, influential, responsible

Those born on September 10 are taken up with tradition and origins, and defining where they themselves fit into tradition in a practical and noteworthy manner. These are people who most often lead a happy, perhaps quiet life yet nurse private ambitions.

Excelling in what they do, but without drawing undue attention to themselves, is their style. Though highly dedicated, they are rarely too busy with their career to find time for their family and indeed striking a balance between work and home responsibilities can be a major preoccupation.

Those born on September 10 are fortunate if they discover an activity in youth which becomes their passion in adulthood. More often they find themselves cast adrift on the sea of life and only later choose a profession, find soulmates and build a family structure which suits their character, needs and wants. Very practical people, who rarely undercut themselves, they appear to the world as highly balanced and desirably stable individuals. They seem to have it all. and indeed can offer great peace and security to any prospective partner.

Yet they lead a secret inner life, and their passions are not so controlled. These are not people who calculate every move, but are rather periodically swept away by events around them. Drawn to unusual and interesting people, they require a great deal of stimulation to keep them feeling alive. September 10 people, although often of a conservative nature, gravitate to the strangest friends, partners and mates who reflect their own desire to be different and unusual. Occasionally a September 10 person will try to lead a highly unusual life also, but can suffer from psychological stress if he/she attempts to do so.

And handling stress is not so easy for September 10 people. When they are thrust into demanding positions in which they are being scrutinized, they can experience anxiety. Often they prefer to be the mate of a more unusual personality who is the focus of attention, while they work behind the scenes to ensure success. Sooner or later, however, they may realize that they must concentrate on their own life, and be courageous enough not only to stand on their own two feet but define themselves—not their company, family or mate—as the most important entity.

September 10 people must not allow themselves to stagnate; they should reach within and find ever more interesting areas in which they can develop and grow. If those born on this day can find happiness in their inner life, they will be better equipped to handle disturbances around them. Achieving worldly success is rarely in itself the answer for September 10 people—they are usually searching for something more elusive and profound.

Power Thought:Whatever my mind can conceive it can achieve,Consciousness is the only humanfaculty capable of understanding itself

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 10th day of the month are ruled by the number 1 (1+0=1) and by the Sun. Those ruled by the number 1 generally like to be first in what they do. The Sun tends to grant the benefits of a warm and well-developed ego. and a distinctly human, positive orientation to life. Because of Mercury's influence as Virgo's ailer. communication and swift mental activity is enhanced in September 10 people. Those ruled by the number 1 have individual and clearly defined views on most subjects; September 10 people can in fact be extremely stubborn as well as critical and suspicious.

September 10th Birthday Tarot Card

The 10th card of the Major Arcana is The Wheel of Fortune, which signifies both positive and negative reversals in fortune and suggests that there is nothing permanent except change. Those ruled by the numbers 1 and 10 focus on seizing opportunities; indeed, acting at just the right moment is the key to their success. Again. The Wheel of Fortune teaches that no success in life is permanent, nor any failure.

☆Luck maker:(Use your imagination)Lucky people understand that imagination is the key that will unlock the door to their success. You can’t accomplish anything without it first being pictured in your mind.

Love Let your hair down

You’re drawn to people born on October 23 to November 22:You both have inquiring and thoughtful minds, and this can create a stimulating and loving relationship.

Romantic partners tend to rely on people born on September 10, and although they are more than happy to play the part of the sensible one they should also let their hair down from time to time and enjoy themselves. They are attracted to exciting and unusual partners but also need the freedom to be independent in their own right.

Health All in the head?

Many of the health complaints suffered by people born on this day are stress related. If things are going well for them, they tend to enjoy good health, but hidden anxieties emerge as soon as there are upsets, which can manifest in headaches, digestive troubles or fatigue. As far as diet is concerned, they should increase their intake of fiber, fresh fruits and vegetables. Snacking little and often rather than eating three big meals will also boost their mood and energy levels. Regular exercise, preferably outdoors, will be beneficial, as will getting to sleep before midnight. In fact, sports of all kinds will be an excellent outlet for their drive and enthusiasm. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color yellow will encourage them to feel more self-confident and creative.

Usually, those born on September 10 carry a sense of good health about them, but may nonetheless hide secret worries and ailments. Most often their difficulties are of a nervous or psychological nature, or have a strong psychological basis. As long as September 10 people have their lives together, even under strain, they will tend to be in good health. But if things begin to fall apart and fail to work, all sorts of previously hidden difficulties can suddenly emerge. A disciplined exercise program may be hard for those born on this day to maintain, but they should nonetheless make an attempt. They should also take the time lor organized, balanced meals and see to it that their sleep is undisturbed.

Career Born team captains

These people are motivated by the urge to bring order and progress, making excellent managers, team captains, entrepreneurs, and leaders in whatever career they choose. They are also analytical, so may excel in research and technology as well as commerce and accountancy, but their communication skills and latent creativity may also lead them toward education, art, drama, and music.

Destiny To benefit others

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to balance responsibility to their own needs and to those of others. Once they are able to be both creative and compassionate, their destiny is to make changes or bring about direct progress that is of benefit to others.

Pay more attention to yourself—not only to your needs hut to your wants. Follow your own path and develop the talents you haw been given to the fullest. Don't judge others too harshly, nor yourself. Expand your horizons to include wider possibilities lor the future.

Celebrities Born On September 10th

Colin Firth(British actor), Guy Ritchie(British director), Karl Lagerfeld(German fashion designer),

Franz Werfel (Austrian 1 9-20th c. poet, playwnght, novelist, The Song of Bernadette), Terence O'Neill (Northern Ireland president thirty years), Arnold Palmer (golf champion, 4x Masters, 2x British, Ix US Open winner), Stephen Jay Gould (paleontologist, writer, The Panda's Thumb). Yma Sumac (Peruvian singer, exceptional vocal range in styles from mambo to opera), Roger Maris (New York Yankees baseball slugger, broke Babe Ruth's single season home-run record with sixty-one), Kari Lagerfeld (German fashion designer), Robert Wise (film director. West Side Story, The Sound of Music), Charles Kuralt (TV joumal-ist, anchor), jose Feliciano (singer, guitarist, songwriter, blind from birth), Amy Irving (film, TV actress), H.D. (Hilda Dolittle, poet), Fay Wray (film actress), Bernard Bailyn (historian, Strangers Within the Realm). Alfred E. Pride (US Navy aircraft earner pioneer), Robert B. Leighton (astronomer, physicist), Margaret Trudeau (wife of Pierre Trudeau), Roy Ayers (jazz vibraphonist. Roy Ayers Ubiquity), Mungo Park (Scottish surgeon, explorer), llya Veldman (Dutch art historian)

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