September 11th Radical Idealist Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onSeptember 11, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is to avoid becoming fixated on one issue

☆The way forward is to understand that a balanced workload and approach is a far more effective, rewarding and healthy way to deal with life.

The Birthday Of The Radical Idealist, The Day Of Dramatic Choice

September 11th Radical Idealist Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of September 11th Birthdays

Sun sign: Virgo

Ruling planet: Mercury, the communicator

Symbol: The Virgin

Birth date ruler: Moon, the intuitive

Tarot card: Justice (discernment)

Favorable number: 2

Lucky days: Wednesday and Monday, especially when these days fall on 2 and 11 of the month

Lucky colors: Indigo, turquoise, sea green

Birthstone: Sapphire

People born on September 11 think independently and clearly, and they will often shock or surprise others with their unconventional views. As well as being fiercely opinionated, they are also incredibly compassionate and their urge to help others may be so strong that it may take a radical form: either by passionately defending traditional views or by defiantly rebelling against them.

Whatever position they choose to defend, they will defend it passionately or take risks to prove their conviction. They can sometimes come across as extremely serious or critical, but behind this outward show of boldness and courage there is also a part of them that longs for stability or an authority figure to guide them. There may often be a silent battle or conflict going on within themselves that manifests itself in sudden mood swings of intense highs followed by intense lows.

Between the ages of eleven and forty-one there is an emphasis on relationships, and opportunities will be presented to explore their creativity. It is important that they take advantage of these because successful relationships will give them the sense of perspective they occasionally lack, and developing literary, artistic or creative interests will help them connect with their intuition, the key to their psychological growth. After the age of forty-two there is a turning point when they may undergo some kind of personal transformation, making them more self-reliant and in control.

If they can listen to their intuition rather than their conviction, become more tolerant and, most important of all, find a cause that is worthy of them, they will find that they no longer want to surprise or shock others with radical words and deeds. They want to realize their full potential and, by so doing, encourage others to do the same. In this way these determined and imaginative individuals will be making their own extraordinary mark on the world and fulfilling their destiny as the progressive revolutionaries or traditionalists of their age.

☆ On the dark side:Judgmental, controlling, inflexible

☆ At your best:Idealistic, imaginative, passionate

The lives of September 11 people usually pivot around certain vital and dramatic decisions which they are forced to make. These decisions may be thrust on them when they are still quite young, perhaps before their sixteenth year. Later, when their career or private life seems to be going smoothly, when they are well established on their path, they will be met with repeated, often unexpected, crossroads. Within a society's limits on freedom, the power to effect choice may be an individual's greatest right. This fact is not at all lost on September 11 people who know how to wield great power through the choices they make.

There is no denying that people born on this day enjoy shocking others. They pride themselves on daring to risk and also enjoy recounting their exploits later. Everything that is boring, middle-class, and mundane is rejected by them in thought and deed. Yet at the same time they have a tremendous need for the kind of stability that can only be found in a warm, loving family situation. Consequently, there is a conflict between what they like to think they are (highly unconventional) and what they all too often may be (highly conventional).

In this last respect, September 11 people can be extremely moral and judgmental.

Paradoxically, they can espouse free love on the one hand and absolute fidelity to a partner on the other, seeing no real contradiction between the two. Also they may delight in showing off their physical attributes in public while remaining quite prudish in other respects. Sexual emancipation is an important theme in their lives.

Politically, those born on this day are likely to believe in the emancipation not only of women and minority groups, but of all oppressed peoples. They despise any sort of condescending attitude on the part of power holders or politicians toward the masses and resent all false displays of caring or emotion. Above all they hate snobbery. For them, human feelings are sacred and should never be toyed with or exploited. Yet, they themselves can be quite adept at influencing others emotionally and can well be accused of being manipulative in this respect. Certainly, they know how to get their own way, by whatever means. Usually they use their sharp wits to present their case in a literal, logical and straightforward fashion which can become their trademark. Excellent managers, with organizational talents, they are able to make it abundantly clear what is required of their subordinates or co-workers with few words.

Those born on this day have a great love of children (which accompanies their need for family support) and can make excellent parents. They must, however, avoid inconsistency: being at times too critical and severe in their judgments, and at other times too permissive and lax. They are at their worst when they allow themselves to be careless with the feelings of others. Above all they must try to get a grip on their moodiness.

Power Thought:Using and trusting my intuition leads to clarity,Laugh 'til it hurts—cry 'til you laugh

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 11th day of the month are ruled by the number 2 (1 + 1=2). and by the Moon. Since those ruled by the number 2 often make good co-workers and partners, rather than leaders, this complements the orderly and conventional side of September 1 1 mentioned earlier. Imaginative and witty qualities are further enhanced in September 11 people by the influence of the Moon and of Mercury (which rules Virgo), and the former may also convey strongly reflective and passive tendencies. The number 11 lends a feeling for the physical plane (reinforcing the mental concentration and earthiness of Virgo).

September 11th Birthday Tarot Card

The 11th card of the Major Arcana is Justice, a serene seated woman holding the scales in one hand and a sword in the other. She reminds us of the order of the universe and that balance and harmony will be maintained in our lives as long as we continue on our path. The positive aspects of this card are integrity, fairness, honesty and discipline; the negative aspects are low initiative, impersonality, fear of innovation and grievances.

☆Luck maker:(How does your story end?)If something is troubling you, imagine you are writing a film script of your life. Everyone loves a happy ending, so write yours, then make it happen in your life.

Love Intelligent and perceptive

You’re drawn to people born on June 21 to July 22:You complement each other well, and if you balance emotion and logic this can be an intense and passionate union.

People born on September 11 have a tendency to live vicariously through their partners, but it is important for them to make sure that their own great deeds get the recognition they deserve. Intelligent and perceptive, they make loyal and passionate partners but can at times be inconsistent and careless when it comes to the feelings of others.

Health Put good habits into place

People born on this day need to make sure they understand the connection between healthy eating and exercise habits, and good health and feelings of well-being. This will help them pay more attention to their diet and lifestyle, which can get neglected for the demands of work or of others. They are particularly prone to food allergies and digestive upsets, and would benefit greatly by keeping a food diary to track down the culprits. Because their approach to life is often cerebral they can also become very sedentary and would benefit greatly from regular exercise, preferably in the fresh air so that they get all the mood-boosting benefits of fresh air and sunlight. It will be hard for them to stay on track with a healthy eating and exercise program, but they constantly need to remind themselves why it is important. They would also benefit from meditating and listening to their dreams, encouraging them to connect with their inner guidance or intuition. Wearing the color green stimulates feelings of balance and will help them inspire harmony in themselves and others.

September 11 people are particularly prone to difficulties with eating and digestion. Some born on this day devote a great deal of time to figuring out what is the best diet to avoid stomach and intestinal difficulties. Finicky eaters, they can nonetheless gorge themselves on foods they like. In this regard they must take particular care with sugar and alcohol. Psychologically, September 11 people have a tremendous need to nurture, and expressions of love of all kinds, often toward pets and other friendly animals, will be of great importance to their mental well-being. Exercise may not come naturally to September 1 1 people, but they must remind themselves of its importance for their health. Gravitating toward a more sedentary lifestyle may prove debilitating.

Career Born campaigners

These people will often gravitate toward politics, social reform or law, but they may also choose to exert their influence through artistic means, as artists or writers. Other career choices that might appeal include administration, finance, statistics, economics, science, teaching, and therapy.

Destiny To formulate practical strategies for improvement

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to be more tolerant. Once they are able to take everything just a little less seriously, their destiny is to formulate clear-sighted and practical strategies for progressive change or improvement.

Don t take yourself and your beliefs so seriously. Be more forgiving. Try to understand what makes others act the way they do. Beinu secretive may not be necessary. Develop your natural talents Dare to fail

Celebrities Born On September 11th

Moby(American singer-songwriter), D.H. Lawrence(British writer), Harry Connick Jr(American singer and composer),

D.H. Lawrence (British poet, novelist, Sons and Lovers, controversial Lady Chatterly's Lover aroused storm of protest, banned), O. Henry (short-story writer), Louis Joliet (French-Canadian Great Lakes explorer, priest, geographer, fur trader), Jessica Mitford (British social protest writer, Kind and Unusual Punishments), Lola Falana (singer, dancer, Las Vegas showgirl), Brian DePalma (film director, Scarface, The Untouchables), Pierre de Ronsard (French Renaissance poet, Pleiade leader), Ferdinand Marcos (Philippine dictator, ousted, died in exile), Tom Landry (Dallas football coach for twenty-nine years, two Super Bowl wins), Paul "Bear" Bryant (college football coach, thirty- eight year career, fifteen Bowl wins, took Alabama to five national titles), Franz Beckenbauer (German soccer player, world-champion coach), Arvo Part (Estonian composer), Herbert Lorn (Czech- British stage, film actor), Leo Kottke (improvisational guitarist), Darlington Hoopes (US Socialist Party leader), Edward Hanslick (Czech-Austrian 19 th c. music critic), Robert L. Crippen (US astronaut), Eva Adams (US Mint director), Minova Bhave (Indian social reformer, assumed Gandhi's mantle), Kristy McNichol (film actress)

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