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September 11th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onSeptember 11, 2024

In Tarot, the 11th card of the Major Arcana is Justice. The card with the seated woman, scales of justice in one hand, sword in the other, underlines September lVs preoccupation with a proper system of good and evil.

Sun Sign: Virgo/Mercury

Decanate: Virgo/Saturn; Numbers: 2, 2

September 11th Birthday Love Astrology

There is just a trace of the psychic in September 11, found in the most domestic of these creatures. Generally people who have this gift will not develop it sufficiently to use it continuously and confidently, but will come to rely on it as an accepted prop which helps them sort out their daily life.

It's usually men and women who live a life at home, often in the countryside who manifest the psychic talent. Those who care for animals in the fields, for the land, and for forest and water listen to songs in the wind heard by no other. Those who nurse a baby to this wind song understand that it speaks of what is past, and what or who may be to come. People who work in big cities generally can't hear a thing.

Some September 11 people who shine in the media or arts are vaguely aware of this gift, which is sometimes responsible for brilliant hunches and lucky breaks. They too try hard to listen. Their best bet is an empty art gallery or church, where the creativity and thoughts of others swirl into particularly potent atmosphere. Or failing that, a walk in the blackest early hours of the morning clears the mind and opens it to other awarenesses. Put the mind on an imaginary star-lit golden bough and you may unwind the winding path.

Otherwise, the best revelations come to he who waits with patient readiness. Some September 11 people use their psychic ability to fuel a penchant for dramatic changes of life. This creature has a strong need for conviction, be it political or religious. This goes with a love of and desire to preserve all things traditional. Both sexes often hold strong religious views and become involved in their chosen church's social life. This brings them great happiness, especially in later life when a new friend is met there.

In Love

In an intimate union, you’re tender and affectionate. Once committed to another person, you’ll do everything possible to accommodate yourself to him or her. Typically more concerned with pleasing than being pleased, you make an exceedingly thoughtful romantic partner. The shadow side of your love nature is a tendency to be hypercritical and judgmental of people, especially those closest to you. Nevertheless, you take your commitments very seriously, and you show how much you care by being generous, dependable, and responsible. While some other lovers may be more exciting than you, none is more considerate or caring.

In Bed

Although otherwise practical and sensible, in the bedroom you are a genuine romantic. Satisfying the one you adore is really what it’s all about for you. You want an intimate union that truly touches your heart. Because you also crave beauty and order in your life, you enjoy creating a pleasant atmosphere where you can love and be loved. You particularly appreciate the refined elegance of tasteful surroundings, with fresh flowers, soft lighting, and music playing in the background.


The humble potato, boiled and eaten without gravy, butter, mayonnaise or salad dressing, can bring you vitality, inner health and a slimmer body. Theres a natural tendency to Vtrgobesity with September 11, and its easier to side step it young. Potatoes also help with constipation, which somewhat afflicts these individuals. It acts as a natural broom in the intestines, sweeping out the toxins. It also has zero cholesterol, so that high blood pressure may come down on a potato intensive diet. And really, best of all, potatoes leave you with that full-up feeling. And a six ounce potato only contains 90 calories.


The temptation of a casual liaison holds little appeal for you. You want to be with a lover you trust, who cherishes and understands you and shares your high ideals. Just the thought of sharing your most precious moments with your true love fuels your romantic fantasies. The wise bedmate sets the stage for lovemaking with slow, seductive foreplay.


In Tarot, the 11th card of the Major Arcana is Justice. The card with the seated woman, scales of justice in one hand, sword in the other, underlines September lVs preoccupation with a proper system of good and evil.

Reality Check

You like gardening and making things grow. You also enjoy kids and pets, so long as they’re well behaved and don’t make a mess of your neat home.

Given your druthers, you’d probably prefer a country setting. Yet even when you’re stuck in a city, you take advantage of every opportunity to be close to nature.

September 11 Date Share

Died: Jessica Tandy, Oscar winning star of Driving Miss Daisy. Bom; Jessica Mitford, one of the famous Mitford sisters, author, socialite, social protester. Brian DePalma, film director, Scarface, The Untouchables. Herbert Lorn, Czech actor. D H Lawrence, poet, painter, novelist, controversial views about sex.

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