September 12th Motivator Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onSeptember 12, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is avoiding information overload

☆The way forward is to understand that occasionally you need to take time out to be alone. Private time recharges your batteries and gives a sense of the bigger picture.

The Birthday Of The Motivator, The Day Of The Fearless Crusader

September 12th Motivator Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of September 12th Birthdays

Sun sign: Virgo

Ruling planet: Mercury, the communicator

Symbol: The Virgin

Birth date ruler: Jupiter, the speculator

Tarot card: The Hanged Man (reflection)

Favorable number: 3

Lucky days: Wednesday and Thursday, especially when these days fall on 3 and 12 of the month

Lucky colors: Blue, purple, violet

Birthstone: Sapphire

People born on September 12 have bags of charisma, energy and strong ideals. They are also blessed with a strong desire to share their knowledge with the less fortunate and to encourage others to be the best that they can be. Excellent motivators, these are the people others tend to look up to and admire.

Driven by a desire to motivate, serve and educate others, they can fight hard and long for a cause they believe in. They rarely lack courage and are unfailingly responsive to the needs of friends, family and those less fortunate than themselves. Others tend to look to them for encouragement and support, and if their leadership skills are not advanced they will align themselves with someone powerful. At some point in their lives, however, they need to determine whether their desire to encourage and boost others is rooted in a deep-seated need to control rather than inspire. If it is the former, they run the risk of becoming a dictator or being ruled by one; but if it is the latter, their potential to positively shape the thoughts and behavior of others is extraordinary.

Until the age of forty they may find that their energies are directed toward chasing popularity; as a result they may overload themselves with work and commitments. During these years they will learn a lot about their motivations through close relationships with others. After the age of forty, however, there is a powerful turning point that will highlight the importance for them of evaluating what their unique contribution to the world will be. These are the years when they are likely to be more discerning.

Whatever age they are, however, they should realize that listening to their inner voice and picking and choosing to whom and what they want to devote their considerable talents and energies is the secret of their success. Time to reflect gives them the ability to make a real and positive difference, not just to the lives of others, but to the world around them.

☆ On the dark side:Unreliable, controlling, over-eager

☆ At your best:Encouraging, optimistic, fearless

September 12 people are concerned with the literal meaning of both the written and spoken word. Not only are they interested in words, but also in language and communication of various types. It could be said that they greatly enjoy having an attentive audience.

This is not to imply that they are particularly effusive types— they understand the importance of restraint. Indeed, most born on this day are actually quiet and private people.

Overtly active and hardworking, they prefer on occasion to let their actions speak for them instead of the words which they value so highly.

Ethical issues are of the greatest importance to September 12 people and those who have public or administrative careers are not only capable of cleaning up the act of an organization or social group but also of managing to keep it running in a smooth and efficient, albeit unconventional, way. If necessary, they will fearlessly face up to challenges and difficulties of all types, convinced that the truth will win out in the end. For them truth is a god.

However, they are not in any way dreamy-eyed idealists but rather tough, critical thinkers. It is very difficult to put something over on them. Also they are extremely honest and highly resistant to bribes and influence. They prefer to remain objective in most disputes but when their passions are stirred, they will throw in their lot with the side they believe is just.

September 12 people are not always easy to get in touch with. Both in the workplace and at home they tend to hide out, surrounding themselves with all sorts of defense mechanisms which make it hard to get through to them. They may feel this is necessary, however, for they need isolation to concentrate, and keeping their mental balance is of the utmost importance to them. They can be prone to stress and even face breakdowns if their need for privacy is compromised.

Although expansive in their thoughts and projects. September 12 people are much too pragmatic and realistic to be blind optimists. There is a strongly measured, even cynical, streak running through them that despises all forms of overenthusiasm, hysterical behavior and bombast. They believe people should carry themselves naturally and simply tell it as it is.

On the others hand, those born on this day love to spice tip their own language with sizeable doses of irony and dry humor. They must be careful of making enemies of all sorts, particularly in the criminal underworld and higher political and social echelons.

The key to success for September 12 people lies in their ability to balance their mental and physical sides, harness their nervous and critical energies, and manage to periodically withdraw from their active life for well-needed rest periods. Structuring a meaningful private life, including close friends, family and permanent lovers, will be a difficult but challenging tasks for these kinetic people. They must learn how to share meaningfully and compromise if the happiness the world offers is to be theirs.

Power Thought:I simply enjoy helping others and being me,The channels between inner and outa worlds can remain open

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 12th day of the month are ruled by the number 3 (2+1=3). and by the expansive planet Jupiter. Those ruled by the number 3 frequently rise to the highest positions in their sphere. They can also be dictatorial, and the more dominant of September 12 personalities must beware of this. Those ruled by the number 3 like to be independent, so September 12 people may feel the urge to relinquish positions of authority for greater freedom. They can also just grow tired of directing others. The jupiterian nature of the number 3 lends September 12 people a highly positive, expansive and optimistic attitude in their outlook and endeavors, and in combination with Mercury (Virgo's ruler) grants integrity and honor.

September 12th Birthday Tarot Card

The 12th card of the Major Arcana is The Hanged Man. who dangles by his foot in a headdown position. Though such a position seems helpless. The Hanged Man is nevertheless spiritually powerful and deeply thoughtful. The positive attributes of this card are recognizing limitations and overcoming them, as well as simply being human; negative aspects are spiritual myopia and restrictedness

☆Luck maker:(Don’t take on too much)If you are drowning in commitments you are likely to feel drained and confused, and this will block your luck-making potential. Only take on what you know you can achieve.

Love Easily bored

You’re drawn to people born on November 22 to December 21:If you can make sure you take practical details into consideration as well as passion, this relationship has great potential.

There is a tendency for people born on September 12 to be a little detached emotionally, but with the right partner they can learn to open up and share their private world. They are friendly and intelligent, and their witty personality ensures they are never short of admirers. They can, however, easily get bored if others don’t offer them enough mental stimulation.

Health Study

People born on this day have a lively and sharp mind, and it is very important for their psychological well-being that they take courses of study where they can develop new skills or meet other people who are equally intelligent. As far as diet and lifestyle are concerned, they need to make sure they avoid or cut down on alcohol and smoking, as they may have an increased risk of heart disease. Digestive upsets are also an issue, so spicy, fatty and creamy foods should be treated with caution. Exercise is unlikely to be on the menu for them, so they need to make an extra special effort to incorporate at least 30 minutes of activity into their day. Gardening is a great form of exercise for them, as are walking, swimming and cycling. Lavender essential oil is an uplifting mood-boosting smell for them, and wearing the color yellow will help them feel more calm and in control during times of stress.

Those born on September 12 are prone to stress-related problems with their cardiovascular system and digestive organs, thus smoking and hard drinking should be avoided or eliminated if possible. Hot and spicy foods of all types should be eaten in strict moderation, and at times a bland diet, perhaps macrobiotic or vegetarian, may be helpful. Physical exercise is rarely a hot item for September 12 people, so daily walks are recommended as a minimum requirement. It must be noted that sedentary jobs can be debilitating and ultimately produce chronic physical ailments for them. Intimacy and human warmth are vitally important in helping those born on this day relax and get the sleep they so desperately need.

Career Born trainers

All careers involving education, teaching or training are well suited to these people, but they may also be drawn to careers in research, science and psychology. Their talent with words may lead them to the media and writing, as well as law and publishing. They also make excellent bankers and accountants, and their humanitarian side may draw them toward social work and politics. If they choose to develop their creativity, they may become designers, singers or musicians.

Destiny To motivate and inspire others

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to say “no” when they are feeling crowded or overloaded. Once they have learned to balance private time with responsibilities to others, their destiny is simple: to motivate and inspire others by their words or by their example.

Try to develop a decent personal life for yourself. Moderate your workaholic tendencies if you want to live longer. Don't make promises you can't keep or bite off more than you can chew Watch your health if only out of consideration to your loved ones.

Celebrities Born On September 12th

Ian Holm(British actor), Barry White(American singer-songwriter), Jennifer Hudson(American actress),

Henry Hudson (British-Dutch navigator and explorer of Arctic and Greenland, sought Northwest Passage, with son set adrift by mutinous crew). Jesse Hj)eS-Owens (US sprinter, long jumper, won five gold medals at Berlin Olympics, broke five world records at Big 1 meet in single day), H.L Mencken (journalist, writer, satirist, editor, American Language), Arthur Hays Sulzberger (publisher, New York Times founder), Alfred A. Knopf (New York publisher), George Jones (country singer, 250 albums), Maunce Chevalier (French entertainer, film actor, rags to riches), Barry White (singer, songwriter), Mana Muldaur (singer, songwriter), Scott Hamilton (jazz tenor saxophonist, composer), Louis MacNeice (Irish poet, playwnght), Ben Shahn (Jewish- Amencan social realist painter). Herbert Henry Asquith Earl of Oxford and Asquith. British prime minister), Margo St. James (prostitute union head, coyote), Han Suyin (Mrs. Elizabeth Comber, British physician, writer, The Enchantress), Frank McGee (TV journali Richard J. Gatling -entor, cotton sowing machine. Gatling macr gun), Ge Wu Jue (Chinese writer, journalist. A journalist and Her Story), Joop van Tijn (Dutch journalist, editor. Nederland), Robert Irwin (artist)

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