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September 12th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onSeptember 12, 2024

If you have to choose between manipulative charm and bullying manipulativeness, you'd probably take the pleasanter route. If you must devote yourself to reprehensible desires, at least make it as amusing as possible for others.

Sun Sign: Virgo/Mercury

Decanate: Virgo/Saturn; Numbers: 3, 3

September 12th Birthday Love Astrology

They spend much time in the pursuit of money. Yet September 12 is always missing golden opportunities to collect up the minty bits. He's the kind who lets fortunes drift through his fingers on madcap schemes. But when all seems lost and somebody else's floor is paved with the fallen gold, suddenly there's a turnabout of fortune which may favour this creature.

It's true that September 12 is money-grabbing in the worst possible way and will go in for the most cynical means of collecting it. He will spend months courting a distant elderly relative in case there is some money to cough up at the final splutter. But there's so often an up side to these actions. The elderly person will enjoy amusing companionship when she might otherwise have been lonely. And this kid is fun. There's an electromagnetic crackle wherever she goes. Days at the races, visits to stately gardens and maybe just down the pier for some cockles and a spot of palm reading all have the extra-treat feel to them and strangers will smile and start to talk to her.

The other up side to September 12 is that he's a good loser, but when he wins everybody else benefits. This little Virgopod can't resist buying everybody presents, enjoys the pleasure of actually throwing the money away. Fortunately, those who benefit when he or she is in the money are usually happy to provide emergency finances when they are not.

September 12 always has plans. They may start a touring theatrical company, convert a ruined church into a club, found a catering empire based on twenty ways with the baked apple. They think bank managers are simply money-lenders and most of these high street toughies quake in the face of another financial trapeze act, and an irresistible Virgoing over. Their plans often work, bringing happiness and quite a few pounds to all.

In Love

Inherently sociable and friendly, you like people and enjoy exchanging thoughts and ideas with everyone you meet. However, your intimate relationships can be problematic. Because you value friendship and companionship as much as love and romance, you need a partner who is your intellectual equal and challenges you mentally. You like to flirt, but you need the security of a stable union. Your mistrust of emotion can make it difficult for you to open up to others, even those close to you. If you are disillusioned, you may decide to pull up stakes and move on.

In Bed

You long for a romantic alliance that is as much a meeting of minds as a joining of hearts. When it comes to loving and relating, honest communication really matters to you. By communication, you mean more than mere words. Body language, including actions and gestures, tells you a great deal about what your partner is thinking and feeling. Physically, you’re passionate, curious, and open to experimentation. Nothing turns you off faster than boring lovemaking that has slipped into a dull routine.


Drink often goes with the gambler mentality and certainly in youth September 12 likes nothing more than to throw him or herself into a black hole of alcoholic bubbles, and emerge next morning a little dreamy but otherwise apparently unharmed. On nights such as this, our Virgo wild child can be seen drunkenly burning money just for a bety or to light someone's cigarette. There is a tendency towards addiction here, so lay off in your twenties or you won't be able to touch a glass of champagne in your sixties. A cold compress with a few peppermint drops added is remarkably effective for hangover headaches.


The clever bedmate realizes that where you’re concerned, verbal enticements are a powerful tool of seduction. A torrid phone call, email, fax, or text message from your lover generates anticipation by reminding you of the intimacy to come. Erotic phrases whispered in your ear in public tantalize you while getting all your sexual juices flowing.


If you have to choose between manipulative charm and bullying manipulativeness, you'd probably take the pleasanter route. If you must devote yourself to reprehensible desires, at least make it as amusing as possible for others.

Reality Check

Mental power is your great strength. You are bright, witty, self-expressive, and fluent in both speech and writing. However, this emphasis on intellect may come at the expense of your feelings and emotions. Actually, you’re not unfeeling, but intense emotion makes you uncomfortable. Although caring and concerned about others’ welfare, you still prefer to maintain some emotional distance.

September 12 Date Share

Died: Anthony Perkins, haunting Hollywood star of Psycho. Born: Maria Muldaur, country singer, songwriter. Maurice Chevalier, French film star, singer, ‘Thank Heaven for Uttle Girls'. Jesse Owens, Olympic gold medallist sprinter, long jumper. Louis MacNeice, Irish playwright, poet. Henry Hudson, explorer Arctic circle, sought Northwest Passage, died tragically adrift in small boat with young son.

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