September 13th Ardent Concentration Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onSeptember 13, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is opening up emotionally

☆The way forward is to understand that emotions are not meant to be suppressed; they are meant to be listened to, accepted and managed.

The Birthday Of Ardent Concentration, The Day Of Passionate Care

September 13th Ardent Concentration Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of September 13th Birthdays

Sun sign: Virgo

Ruling planet: Mercury, the communicator

Symbol: The Virgin

Birth date ruler: Uranus, the visionary

Tarot card: Death (change)

Favorable number: 4

Lucky days: Wednesday and Sunday, especially when these days fall on 4 and 13 of the month

Lucky colors: Blue, silver, turquoise

Birthstone: Sapphire

People born on September 13 tend to dedicate themselves passionately to their work or the task in hand. Their powers of concentration are unrivalled and their determination awesome. In fact, many born on this day have the ability to confront and rise successfully above any challenge that life throws at them.

One of the reasons they are such strong individuals is their powerful selfbelief. They care greatly about being true to themselves regardless of what the current trends may be, and although their straightforward, uncomplicated but highly idiosyncratic approach can win them many admirers, it can also make them the butt of many jokes. This isn’t likely to worry them, however, because they know that sooner or later others will see that their methods were right.

Although they are very advanced when it comes to will-power and concentration, in affairs of the heart they may not be able to demonstrate the same level of commitment or passion. It is important for them to make sure they don’t suppress their emotions because it is only when they have learned to acknowledge, accept and manage their emotions that they will be able to grow psychologically. If they are unable to face their emotions, they run the risk of becoming uncompromising, controlling and ruthless. For those with such potential for creativity and sensitivity, this would be a tragedy.

Fortunately, until the age of thirty-nine there will be opportunities for them to develop and learn from close personal relationships. After the age of forty there is a turning point which puts the emphasis firmly on seeking a deeper meaning to their life and placing more emphasis on the power of personal transformation. Whatever age they are the sooner they learn to listen to their heart as passionately as they do to their heads, the sooner they will be able to devote their considerable talents to a cause that is worthy of them, lead by example and dedicate themselves to making the world a much better place.

☆ On the dark side:Driven, cold, isolated

☆ At your best:Dedicated, intense, resilient

Those born on September 13 bring their full powers to bear on the job at hand.

Blessed with a remarkable level of concentration and resilient determination, they may face great obstacles to their success, but not for a moment will the outcome be in doubt for them. Indeed some born on this day seem to believe that they have a magical ability to surmount any difficulty. Yet they are not particularly superstitious or disposed to psychical explanations for what they do. Theirs is a straight-ahead, no-nonsense approach.

The more exceptional of September 13 people can, however, handle such difficult, complex and manifold tasks, that others marvel at how they are able to accomplish what they do.

Often September 13 people strongly support certain ideas and causes, but later realize they have been a bit off track. Because of their sincerity and dedication, however, they gain the respect of others, even those who vehemently oppose them and feel that what they are doing is harmful. At a certain point in their lives those born on this day may change direction dramatically, at one stroke setting out toward new horizons. Once on this path, however, they will continue on it until the bitter (or happy) end. No one can dissuade them once they have made their mind up about something, although for the time being they may mark time for the sake of diplomacy, not wanting to cause undue upset.

Those born on this day can be quite tyrannical and inflexible within their own family or business group. Generally they will put the interests of their career or work group first, before anything else. Consequently, their family may suffer a lack of attention. It is not that September 13 people are irresponsible (quite the contrary is true) but as long as they know that family and friends are physically all right or at least able to function, they will feel free to go their own way.

September 13 people must beware of a certain ruthless streak in themselves. This is not to imply that they are guilty of hiding ulterior motives, engaging in underhanded behavior or even being excessively competitive. It is just that they can be swept away by their projects, their vision, their commitment to what they are doing to an extraordinary degree, and with little or no remorse can make a decision to compromise or completely crowd out other involvements.

Although September 13 people are highly developed in the areas of will and mental concentration, they have intense physical drives which must be satisfied as well. They have a great biological need to share their life with an understanding mate or partner who is capable of completely accepting them, along with all their foibles. They are also capable of serving this other person well, but may be torn between devotion and their own personal needs.

After separation, divorce or death of a mate. September 13 people (particularly women) will invariably strike off on their own with great energy, but may also carry on work shared with their original partner.

Power Thought:Today I will ask my heart to contribute to any decisions that I make,Running is a kind of melodic flight, accompanied by the feet beating a rhythm on the ground

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 13th day of the month are ruled by the number 4 (1+3=4), and by the planet Uranus whose influences are erratic and explosive. Since September 13 people are usually involved in such far-reaching activities, in either fantasy or reality', they must learn to keep the uranian pan of themselves under control, using their logical Mercury (Virgo) instincts. The planet Uranus is also concerned with change and with unconventional behavior, reinforcing the somewhat extreme behavior of September 13 people. Although the number 13 is considered unlucky by many people it is, rather, a powerful number which does carry the responsibility of using its power wisely or running the risk of self-destruction.

September 13th Birthday Tarot Card

The most misunderstood card in the Tarot is the 13 lh card of the Major Arcana, Death, which very rarely is to be taken literally but signifies a letting go of the past in order to grow beyond limitations, metamorphically. Both this card and the number 4 suggest that September 13 people must guard against discouragement, disillusion, pessimism and melancholy.

☆Luck maker:(Take care of your heart)Listening to your feelings doesn’t mean you have to be guided by them. But if you aren’t in touch with your feelings, your self-esteem and luck-making potential will be low.

Love More fun

You’re drawn to people born on April 20 to May 20:You are both practical and down to earth, but can also gently teach each other about emotions.

Although people born on this day can be sociable and charming, in personal relationships they can alternate between intense passion and intense detachment, even appearing secretive or aloof at times. It is important for them to inject more fun into their relationships, and to choose a partner who is as clever and hard working as they are.

Health Face to face

People born on this day often prefer to phone, text or email friends and colleagues rather than meet with them face to face, but they will find that weaning themselves off the mobile or computer will help their relationships blossom. They are also incredibly physical people and need to find an outlet for their energy. For them, team sports are ideal. Although these people are in general blessed with good health, they are at risk of stress-related illnesses and would benefit greatly from hobbies or outside interests that can take their mind off their worries. As far as diet is concerned, they need to make sure that they don’t neglect the importance of good nutrition when their mind is focused on the task in hand. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color orange will help them get in touch with their own feelings and those of others.

Those born on September 13 will generally be blessed with high energy, drive and good health. They tend to simply burn off whatever their minds do not need and bodies cannot use. Yet even these powerful people can fall ill. They must particularly beware of stress-related ailments and diseases which have a hereditary as well as self-induced character, such as diabetes and cancer. They would do well to avoid carcinogenic materials of all types and keep their lifestyle as clean and uncomplicated as possible when it comes to food, stimulants and their environment. If September 13 people can fully relax, pursue hobbies and perhaps exercise with friends and family, then their longevity will be extended. If not. they may simplv burn out from their intense concentration and dedication to their work.

Career Born managers

These people have fine problem-solving skills and may be drawn to scientific or business careers, although their original approach may also draw them to writing, art or research. They also make great team leaders and managers, particularly in sales, promotion, public relations, politics, accountancy, real estate, and the stock market. Their love of education may draw them toward teaching or law, and sport may be an excellent outlet for their energy.

Destiny To achieve pioneering breakthroughs

The life path of people born on this day is to get in touch with their feelings and those of others. Once their hearts are more open, their destiny is to finetune their skills and achieve pioneering breakthroughs.

Be sensitive to the needs of those around you. Do not neglect your spiritual self or allow your emotional side to be suppressed. Fight your tendency to choose a difficult path. Expect a degree of compromise, but not where ultimate goals are concerned.

Celebrities Born On September 13th

Bill Monroe(American singer-songwriter), Claudette Colbert(American actress), Goran Ivanišević(Croatian tennis player),

Walter Reed (bacteriologist, pathologist, US Army surgeon, cured yellow fever), Clara Schumann (German pianist, composer, wife to Robert), Arnold Schonberg (Austrian atonal composer, twelvetone system inventor, cellist, painter, music theorist), Claudette Colbert (film, stage, TV actress), Maurice Jarre (film composer), Mel Torme (jazz singer, actor), Leonard Feather (British-American jazz critic, producer, arranger, pianist, songwriter, syndicated columnist, radio DJ, writer, Encyclopedia of Jazz), Oscar Aries Sanchez (Costa Rican president, Nobel Peace Pnze winner), Jacqueline Bisset (film actress), Robert Indiana (pop artist, painter), Bela Karolyi (Romanian- US gymnastics coach, Nadia Comeneci's trainer), Jesse L Lasky (Paramount Pictures co-founder, vaudeville cornetist), Roald Dahl (British short-story, children's writer, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory), Milton S. Hershey (chocolate manufacturer, founder of Hershey, Pennsylvania), J.B. Priestley (British essayist, playwright, novelist, The Good Companions), Sherwood Anderson (writer, Winesburg Ohio). Mayfair Boy (B' jewel thief, autobiography Mayfair Boy, robbed Carter's as a lark, three years pnson), Ernest L Boyer (educator, head Carnegie Foundation), John Smith (British Labour shadow chancellor), Chu Berry (jazz tenor saxophonist)

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