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September 13th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onSeptember 13, 2024

Some are born with sufficient psychic powers to see a persons aura. Others need training. If you sense your own aura is muddying, try a drop of juniper oil - a psychic cleanser- on your forearms.

Sun Sign: Virgo/Mercury

Decanate: Virgo/Venus; Numbers: 4, 4

September 13th Birthday Love Astrology

There's a work addiction here. September 13 may have a more physically loving relationship with his or her computer than with any human partner. These are extremely directed stars, capable of assimilating complicated technical formulae and spotting a problem. Maybe trained engineers or scientists. Others just slide down the Milky Way to stardom because their luminous beauty, talent or the intense rainbowness of their shimmering aura makes them recognisable to the world.

This symmetry loving creature always tries to create order where there is chaos. ‘Random' isn't a word that exists in the ideas files. In office buildings this person, usually the male of the species, can get out of hand, starting to issue the absurd sorts of housewifely orders you find in Japanese and American companies, where staff are asked to wear a particular colour of suit. If somebody issues a memo that no posters are to be stuck on the wall without written permission from office 345 on floor 27b, or that taking lunchtime sandwiches at your desk is a sin, it's going to be September 13. Female executives don't go in for this because housework isn't such a novelty to them.

Bewitching, yes, but they spoil it all by examining every coffee cup that somebody else washes up. Immediately after lovemaking they start to tidy up. They practically brush their teeth between kisses. And exquisite little provocative wispy silk undie numbers will be regimented in neatly closed bedroom drawers too terrified to slide open with ease.

Because their powers of concentration are extraordinary - they can do at least three things at once - both sexes elevate this skill to almost magical dimensions. Others' impetuosity is anathema. Theirs is the right way. But Virgo consistently overdoes things, gets too tired for superhuman concentration feats. Then September 13 is puzzled and not a little shaken to find he is as others. All of them are a pushover for chocolate!

In Love

The basic nature of those born on this date (analytical, nervous, and critical) makes it difficult for them to kick back and relax. Because of pronounced workaholic tendencies, you seem considerably less interested in love and romance than you actually are. As a lover or friend, you’re loyal and dependable but anxious and overprotective of those close to you. Nevertheless, you can always be relied on to follow through on your promises. Once you learn to stop overanalyzing every move you make and heed the promptings of your feelings and emotions, you make a thoughtful, caring, considerate romantic partner.

In Bed

Most of the time, the pleasures of the senses are put on hold in favor of your work and responsibilities. Just being able to come home after a hard day and enjoy a cozy sense of togetherness in your lover’s arms makes you feel cherished and appreciated. In private, the sensual, passionate side of your nature comes out. You have plenty of sexual curiosity, and you’re always seeking new ways to excite your partner. A bedmate who also likes to experiment brings out the best in you.


The aura is said to be the life-force or magnetic field that surrounds all living things - as well as substances. The word is derived from the Greek avra, meaning breeze, because it is said to be continually in motion. Psychics describe it as a rainbow-coloured emanation, radiating two or more feet around the body, ovoid in shape. It is said to shimmer and alter in colour, depending on our health and state of mind. If September 13 gets too wound into the largely negative world or monitors others’ activities for neatness and obedience, their aura will become muddy-coloured quite quickly.


You’re so often distracted by outside influences that when you and your lover are alone together behind closed doors, you want to make the most of every sensual moment. Game for anything that is playfully erotic, you especially enjoy being coaxed, enticed, and seduced into decadence. A striptease, performed for or by you, is a surefire turn-on.


Some are born with sufficient psychic powers to see a persons aura. Others need training. If you sense your own aura is muddying, try a drop of juniper oil - a psychic cleanser- on your forearms.

Reality Check

Financially astute, you are never mean or cheap, yet you understand the true value of a dollar. You are careful with your money, and when you invest you do it wisely. In business and finance, you can sense what people want and need because you possess an intuitive understanding of cycles and trends.

September 13 Date Share

Died: Hollywood's Joe Pasternak and actor Mervyn LeRoy. Bom: John Smith, British Labour shadow cabinet leader, died young. Roald Dahl, British children's story writer, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Clara Schumann, German composer, wife to Robert. J B Priestley, novelist, playwright The Good Companions.

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