September 14th Problem Solver Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onSeptember 14, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is to learn tact

☆The way forward is to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and think how your opinions or behavior will impact them.

The Birthday Of The Problem Solver, The Day Of The Perceptive Critic

September 14th Problem Solver Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of September 14th Birthdays

Sun sign: Virgo

Ruling planet: Mercury, the communicator

Symbol: The Virgin

Birth date ruler: Mercury, the communicator

Tarot card: Temperance (moderation)

Favorable number: 5

Lucky days: Wednesday, especially when these days fall on 5 and 14 of the month

Lucky colors: Blue, navy, green

Birthstone: Sapphire

People born on September 14 are typically the first port of call when others want to find a solution or understand a situation better. Their critical abilities, creativity and problem-solving skills are exceptional and, because they are not afraid to rock the boat, uncover the underlying causes and tell it like it is, they have a reputation for being innovative and progressive thinkers.

Compromises or half-way solutions are not in their vocabulary and their goal is always to work for improvement. Although their ability to evaluate and suggest ways to improve can make them powerful agents of change and progress, it can also earn them a number of enemies because one skill they need to fine-tune is tact. They don’t mean to offend other people; quite the opposite, as they often have the best interests of others at heart. It is just that they are so insightful, straightforward and direct that they don’t understand that sometimes people aren’t ready to hear the blunt, unadorned truth; they need it to be sugar coated or revealed subtly.

Until the age of thirty-eight there are numerous opportunities for them to become more diplomatic and tactful when relating to others, and to develop their creativity. They should take advantage of these opportunities because successful relationships with others and a flexible approach to situations and people will be the keys to their professional and personal success. After the age of thirty-nine there is a powerful turning point when they are likely to be more self-reliant. It is important at this stage that they understand the powerful influence their words and actions have on others. Listening to the silent voice of guidance in their head before they respond or react will help them interact productively and positively with others.

Whatever age they are, however, once these energetic and constructive individuals have found a cause that is worthy of them, they have the potential not just to turn things upside down but to make sure everyone—including themselves—flies high and lands the right side up.

☆ On the dark side:Confrontational, tactless, controlling

☆ At your best:Creative, influential, constructive

Those born on September 14 are very much concerned with the society in which they live. Both defenders and critics of their country and their times, they may feel it necessary to become involved not only intellectually but also actively in important projects which, as they see it, can better the human condition. Their role is to open people's eyes to the truth and in this respect to serve them.

The visually-oriented individuals born on this day are able to describe what they see in easily understood terms. When evaluating the work of others, their basic premise is that "the biggest room in the world is the room for improvement." Thus they are not shy about making concrete suggestions as to how certain aspects may be bettered. At times, however, they can be somewhat didactic and closed to viewpoints at odds with their own.

As family members, September 14 people are generally faithful and dutiful, but also highly critical in their assessment of everyday life. For them, performance counts and all the talking in the world will not replace the basic need to take care of home affairs in an efficient way. In this they will usually insist that those with whom they live take an active role, and rarely will sacrifice themselves by doing it all alone. Their problem is that they see what needs to be done immediately and often grow impatient if others are not equally quick to act.

Efficiency is an important item for September 14 people. They have an aversion to chaos and sloppiness which compels them to clean up messes and tidy up loose ends, at the very least in their thinking. Should they let things around them slide for a time because of mental preoccupation, they will surely take care of them in due order. Schedules, plans and an insistence on being on time usually characterize this day.

September 14 people seem to have opinions on most every subject. Usually, however, in a serious discussion, they are wise enough to restrict their comments to what they know best, in particular their area of expertise. They thus despise superficial and glib types who pretend to know much more than they actually do, and toward such people those born on this day can be quite hostile. In fact, the general intellectual aggressiveness of September 14 people can create a problem for them, and others, at times.

Physically, September 14 people can be comfort-loving and very much bound to regular daily habits. They enjoy food, sex and sleep enormously, needing to balance their mental orientation with a strongly earthy counterbalance. By partaking regularly of the sensuous life, rather than denying themselves and then going on binges, they guarantee the stability of long time periods of regular work which are so necessary for completing their far-reaching projects.

Power Thought:I look beyond the behavior of others to find the light within,When Oedipus was blinded he lost his sight,but simultaneously gained insight

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 14th day of the month are ruled by the number 5 ( 1+4=5), and by the planet Mercury. Mercury represents quickness of thought and change, qualities heightened in September 14 people as Virgo is also ruled by this planet. Consequently, those born on this day must beware especially of being too intellectually demanding and expecting others to beas quick as they in changing topics and directions. Whatever hard knocks or pitfalls those ruled by the number 5 encounter in life, they usually recover quickly

September 14th Birthday Tarot Card

The 14th card of the Major Arcana is Temperance. The figure shown is a guardian angel who protects us and keeps us on an even keel. The card cautions against all forms of egotistical excess. Positively seen. Temperance modifies passions in order to allow for new truths to be learned and incorporated into one's life. Because Temperance may indicate negative qualities of passivity and ineffectiveness, September 1-4 people must resist trendiness and try to establish their own styles, techniques and systems of thought if possible and stick to them with conviction.

☆Luck maker:(Go with the flow)Lucky people understand that sometimes in life the best course of action is to go with the flow, let events unfold and trust that eventually the pieces of the puzzle will come together.

Love Independent streak

You’re drawn to people born on August 23 to September 22:You have a lot in common, and as long as you don’t chase unobtainable perfection this relationship has great potential.

People born on September 14 are attracted to unusual people, like themselves, who are not afraid to challenge the status quo or stand up and be counted. With their charm and natural optimism they often attract people who believe in them, so it is important that they don’t become too controlling in a relationship. They also have an independent streak and their relationship needs to allow them that freedom.

Health A stress-free future

People born on this day are generally careful about their health, paying attention to what they eat and how much they exercise. What they fail to understand, though, is the impact that stress can have on their health and well-being. Changing their attitude toward stress will change their life for the better and allow them to concentrate on their people skills and to develop their latent creativity. Plenty of good-quality sleep of around six to eight hours every night is highly recommended, as these people use up a lot of mental and physical energy in the day. Their need for life’s sensual pleasures should also not be ignored, and being in a close, loving relationship will help them to thrive. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color indigo will encourage them to be calm and more sensitive to the effect they have on others.

Those born on September 14 usually care enough about their bodies to want to take care of them. They will be open to regulating their diet and to physical activities from exercise to massage as long as there is an accompanying sensuous enjoyment and sense of well-being provided. Team sports or competitive one-on-one activities like tennis and squash are here particularly advised. Plenty of sleep on a regular basis is essential for these mentally oriented individuals, but their need for sex and sensual contact of various kinds should not be ignored either. Being able to receive and express love will do wonders to keep their mental apparatus on an even keel. September 14 people are urged to cook and take an interest in food, as they are likely to excel in this area.

Career Born builders

The scientific, legal and political professions are well suited to these people, but they may also be drawn to the building trade or planning. Other careers that might appeal include management, research, psychology, and education. Being multi-talented means that they need to feel genuinely enthusiastic about whatever career they choose, as they find it very hard to fake interest in something for which they don’t have a passion.

Destiny To make a substantial mark on the world

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to be more sensitive to the needs or feelings of others. Once they have found a way of influencing others without giving offence, their destiny is to make a truly original and substantial mark on the world.

Sometimes keep your opinions to yourself—they are not always appreciated. Learn to work behind the scenes Beware of arousing resentment when you push others; let things happen in their own good time. No one has a monopoly on intelligence.

Celebrities Born On September 14th

Amy Winehouse(British singer-songwriter), Mary Crosby(American actress), Sam Neil(Irish actor and director),

Margaret Sanger (New York nurse, women's birth control pioneer, founded first contraceptive clinic), Matthew Boulton (James Watt's partner, steam engine contributor), Kate Millett (feminist, writer, Sexual Politics), Ettore Sotsass (Italian architect, designer, Memphis Group founding member), Allan Bloom (philosophy professor, wnter, The Closing of the American Mind, did literal translation of Plato's Republic), Margaret Rudkin (Pepperidge Farm Bakery founder), Alberto Pedro Calderon (mathematician), Alexander Baron von Humboldt (German I 8-1 9th c. natural philosopher, South American explorer, early ecologist), Frederick A. Pile (Bntish Army officer, WWII head of anti-aircraft defense), Charles Dana Gibson (illustrator, Gibson Girl creator), Peter Markham Scott (British naturalist painter, ornithologist), Larry Brown (basketball player, UCLA and Kansas coach, 3x ABA Coach of Year), Harry Sinden (hockey coach, led Team Canada over USSR), Nicol Williamson (British stage actor), Guglielmo Ciardi (Italian painter), Michael Haydn (Austrian composer, brother of Franz Joseph), Theresa Behr (German concert singer), Larry Collins (writer, Is Pans Burning?), Clayton Moore (radio, TV actor, played The Lone Ranger). Joey Heatherton (film actress, model)

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