September 15th Specialist Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onSeptember 15, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is to transcend materialism

☆The way forward is to understand that money is not necessarily a guarantee of happiness or success. However much you possess, without a spiritual or loving center you will feel unsatisfied.

The Birthday Of The Specialist, The Day Of Mastery

September 15th Specialist Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of September 15th Birthdays

Sun sign: Virgo

Ruling planet: Mercury, the communicator

Symbol: The Virgin

Birth date ruler: Venus, the lover

Tarot card: The Devil (instinct)

Favorable number: 6

Lucky days: Wednesday and Friday, especially when these days fall on 6 and 15 of the month

Lucky colors: Indigo, pink, green

Birthstone: Sapphire

People born on September 15 put a lot of effort into succeeding. Whatever line of work they choose to devote their considerable energies to, the chances are they will specialize in it, and their ability to master their chosen skill sets them apart.

Other people tend to admire these people for their technical skills and for their depth of knowledge about their chosen field of interest. Such is their devotion to their work that they can appear solitary figures; even though friends may not be high on their list of priorities, loved ones and family certainly are. The potential for people born on this day to excel professionally is outstanding, but the key to their success will lie not in their determination or technical skills but in their ability to wait for the right opportunity to present itself. If they jump before they have fine-tuned their skills or achieved mastery, they may find that their ambition has robbed them of success; but if they bide their time, slowly building up their store of experience and knowledge, they will reach the heights for which they seem destined.

There is no denying that these people like money, and lots of it. They also tend to equate status with financial reward, which can be damaging to their creativity and their integrity, so it is important for them to resist the urge to compromise or take short cuts to the top. Until the age of thirty-seven there are opportunities for them to develop the close personal relationships they need to give them a sense of perspective. After the age of thirty-eight there is a turning point which highlights a growing emphasis on emotional and spiritual regeneration, as well as joint finances or corporate business activity.

If they have learned by then to get a grip on their ambition and materialism, these are the years when they can really come into their own and step into the role for which they seem destined—that of the respected and, in some cases, world-renowned specialist.

☆ On the dark side:Materialistic, selfish, self-indulgent

☆ At your best:Detailed, motivated, ambitious

Those born on September 15 tend to carve out an area for themselves in the world, whether modest or expansive, and then explore its possibilities to the fullest. They have an unusual ability to be specialized, thorough and at the same time aware of the big line and the broader picture. Whether fulfilling the role of professionals, artists, parents, or blue-collar workers, those born on this day seek to master what they do without being stressed or driven. Indeed, their "mastery" is a facile and flexible kind of control rather than the unyielding sort of perfectionism so often associated with the sign of Virgo.

September 15 people may appear to be shy and retiring people, right into their adolescence and even up to age thirty or so but after that period is over, watch out! They often have hidden ambitions which are ultimately revealed. Time is usually on the side of those born on this day, for they can wait for years, patiently honing their talents, gathering information or developing their ideas in order to one day make their big move.

Though September 15 people are often possessed of an ebullient personality that heartily enjoys the fullness of life, secretiveness is nonetheless characteristic of this day. At certain points September 15 people may wish to hide what they do from relatives, peers, even their mates, and at other times share it intimately and unabashedly. Most often this secretiveness is tied in with maintaining a certain image in the eyes of others. For instance, when those born on this day carry an emotional hurt or injury, they may wish to work on it privately rather than allow it to affect their social interaction.

Most September 15 people display a clear desire to earn money, often lots of it. Wealth as an end is not what motivates them, however, but the recognition of success that is associated with it. Those born on this day generally make no bones about wishing to be rewarded for their efforts and paid what they deserve. The fullness of life, the respect of position and the ability to function freely in society, hold an important if not central place in their lives.

Clearly materialism, in a variety of forms, is a great attraction for those born on this day.

More highly evolved September 15 people are able to effect a marriage of the worldly and the spiritual by simply remaining human and kind, and recognizing when they have enough.

Ultimately, to lead a balanced and meaningful life, those born on this day may need to strip down some defenses, preserve and cultivate their idealistic side and remain open to spiritual influences. September 15 people who fail to grow are likely to be increasingly drawn to luxury, comfort and the physical pleasures of the table and bed, while the more principled remain productive and find fulfillment.

Power Thought:I understand the difference between pleasure and happiness,Have the courage to want the very best for yourself

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 15th day of the month are ruled by the number 6 (1+5=6). and by the planet Venus. Those ailed by the number 6 tend to be charismatic and even inspire worship in others. In addition, since Venus lends a love of beauty and harmony to all things. September 15 people may be baffled and bewildered when matters don't unfold properly. The connection of Mercury (Virgo's ruler) and Venus lends good taste and aesthetic urges, but also presents the risk of snobhism and elitism.

September 15th Birthday Tarot Card

The 15th card of the Major Arcana, The Devil, indicates a fear/desire dynamic working where sexual attraction, irrationality and passion are concerned. The Devil holds us slave through our need for security and money; he represents our base nature grasping for security; he controls us through the irreconcilable differences which exist in our male/female nature. The positive side of this card is sexual attraction and the expression of passionate desires. But the card reminds us that although we are bound to our bodies, our spirits are free to soar.

☆Luck maker:(Be patiently optimistic)Lucky people understand that when you feel angry, impatient or desperate you can’t create luck. It also helps to believe that if things aren’t going well now, something better may lie ahead.

Love The things money can’t buy

You’re drawn to people born on September 23 to October 22:You both have enquiring and agile minds, and this relationship therefore has great potential.

Close relationships are important for people born on September 15 because without them they run the risk of losing themselves in their work. Potential partners will fall in love with their creative spirit but may find their inability to commit and absorption in work disappointing. Learning to value what money can’t buy will help them succeed, not just in love but in life.

Health Life is short

People born on this day may suffer from symptoms of stress such as stiff shoulders, headaches, an inability to relax, and having difficulty making decisions. This is because their lifestyle is hectic and they are often able to buy what they want, whenever they want. They should schedule time for themselves when they are not working, traveling or shopping. They have a large appetite so they need to watch their weight, limiting their intake of rich, gourmet foods high in unhealthy fats and sugar, and increasing their intake of healthy whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, oily fish, and legumes. Regular exercise would provide an outlet for their pent-up energy, and vigorous exercise such as jogging, hiking, dancing, and competitive sports is recommended. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color purple will encourage them to be less materialistic and think of higher things.

Those born on September 15 have to be particularly careful about their weight, so great is their appetite for life. Along with weight gain can come unwelcome stress on the cardiovascular and digestive systems, as well as on the pancreas and gall bladder. Fats and pure sugar intake must be limited to avoid catastrophe, and any overindulgence in alcohol and drugs should be curtailed immediately. In general. September 15 people should try to reign in excessive desires for sensual stimulation. Their energy is well spent on vigorous physical exercise, including aerobics, jogging and demanding competitive sports.

Career Born researchers

These people are both imaginative and organized, and this augurs well for success in a variety of professions from science to the arts. Careers they may be drawn to include medicine, education, the legal profession, and politics. Their latent creative and communication skills may also lead them to writing, business, architecture, design, psychology and finance, and their humanitarian spirit may inspire them to charity work.

Destiny To increase awareness in their chosen field of knowledge

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to balance their professional and their personal needs. Once they have got to grips with their materialism, their destiny is to increase awareness in their specialist field of knowledge.

Keep your ethical principals intact; without them you are a leaf blowing in the wind. Your patience and ability to wail will lake you a long way, Resist compromising tor financial reward Gel a grip on your physical desires; don't let the tail wag the dog.

Celebrities Born On September 15th

Tommy Lee-Jones(American actor), Oliver Stone(American director), Agatha Christie(British writer),

Agatha Christie (murder-mystery writer, The Mousetrap, created Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple), Jean Renoir (French master film director, La Grande Illusion, The Rules of the Game), William Howard Taft (US president, Supreme Court chief justice, dissolved oil and tobacco trusts, instituted Labor department), James Fenimore Cooper (novelist, The Last of the Mohicans, sailor, expelled from Yale), Bruno Walter (German-American conductor, New York Philharmonic), Jessye Norman (opera soprano), Shohei Imamura (Japanese film director, Vengeance is Mine), Julian "Cannonball" Adderly (Jazz alto saxophonist, composer, bandleader), Jackie Cooper (child film actor), Oliver Stone (screenwriter, film director, JFK, Platoon), Tommie Lee Jones (film actor), Porfirio Diaz ( 1 9th c. Mexican president, dictator), Johnny Hartman (Jazz singer), Bobby Short (singer, pianist), Dan Marino (football quarterback, AFC 4x passing leader), Gaylord Perry (baseball pitcher, AL and NL Cy Young Cannonball Adderly Award winner), Merlin Olsen (Los Angeles Rams football defensive lineman, MVP, sports commentator), Margaret Lockwood (British stage, film actress). Paul Gross (chemist), Heinrich Cornelius Agnppa von Nettesheim (German alchemist, occultist, Occulta Philosophio)

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