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September 15th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onSeptember 15, 2024

In Tarot, the 15th card of the Major Arcana is The Devil, but its not all bad. Best qualities indicated are powerful sexual attraction, a passionate nature and a soaring spirit.

Sun Sign: Virgo/Mercury

Decanate: Virgo/Venus; Numbers: 6, 6

September 15th Birthday Love Astrology

They like money and they can't help spending more than they should. They like sex and it gets them into trouble. They like work and that gets them into trouble as well. In the few moments between, they worry about their health and have more pills and health books in the house than the Biggleswade poisoner who wanted to give his victims different coloured potions until he had gone through all the shades of the rainbow.

If this individual can, he and she chooses some form of work that involves travel. If they can work on planes and trains, boats and cars, then they are happy. Of course it can mean they don't get home much. But September 15 usually takes her partner to most places. Unless, of course, they are the secretive sort born on this day, in which case constant travel fits in with their desire simply not to have everybody know what they are doing or where they are. Some of these have a liking for the I'm-only-passing-through existence. Prospective partners be warned. They aren't easily reformed.

Most equate status with the amount of money they are paid and how much they are seen to spend. It doesn't do to reward them with kindness or a better title, because resentment just builds until there is a show-down. Women, in particular, who still suffer from unequal pay, object. Expect genuine trouble if this situation gets out of hand, including industrial tribunals, and not just for themselves. September 15 are on the alert for their sisters.

The trouble with sex is that these individuals often can't tell the difference between lust and love until after the main event, and when they want to walk away the other partner may hurt sufficiently badly to start sending round several hundred takeaway pizzas. But for the most part, September 15 lives a happy and long married life.

In Love

Those celebrating birthdays today are romantic idealists, prone to falling in love with love. Although you appear self-sufficient, you are definitely not a loner. It’s your critical Virgo nature that makes you seem cool and detached, even in the most intimate situations. The truth is that you find it difficult to relax and express your feelings and emotions. Although loving and caring, you can also be very demanding. Still, partnership is a high priority for you.

It may take you a while to make a real commitment, but when you do, you stick around for the long term.

In Bed

Your approach to sexuality is passive and indirect. In the bedroom and elsewhere, you have no problem attracting love and romance. Moreover, you actually prefer being courted, coaxed, and ultimately seduced to acting as the aggressor. You thoroughly enjoy all the little enticements and flirtatious games that lead to physical arousal. Always the romantic, you prefer a serene, harmonious setting for lovemaking. All your senses are heightened in a pleasant ambience that includes sexy attire, soft lighting, and beautiful music.


Some September 15 people suffer from chronic gippy tummy, probably due to the food they eat in far away places and the amount of times they consume the water from different countries. Even if it's drinking water it probably has a balance of contents sufficiently different, one place to the other, to stir up the stomach. Neroli, orange blossom oil, (Citrus bigaradia, C. vulgaris and C. aurantiumj can be helpful for diarrhoea. It has a slightly sedative effect and is also credited with aphrodisiac properties which could be extremely useful once the other problem has been sorted.


Verbal rapport is as important to you as physical compatibility. Nothing gets you going like sexually provocative talk, as long as it is not vulgar or overly explicit. Even in conversation, you’d rather dance around the sex issue than come right out and say what you’re thinking. Whispered words of love that you alone can hear are a major turn-on.


In Tarot, the 15th card of the Major Arcana is The Devil, but its not all bad. Best qualities indicated are powerful sexual attraction, a passionate nature and a soaring spirit.

Reality Check

Your fascination with the minutia of every detail makes it difficult for you to reach concrete decisions. However, once you decide what you want, you know exactly what you need to do to get it. You may be amiable, but you’re no pushover. You’ll never do anything you really don’t want to do.

September 15 Date Share

Margaret Lockwood, Hollywood glamour girl. Oliver Stone, film director, JFK, Platoon. Tommy Lee Jones, one of the best creatures to hit the screen. Agatha Christie, writer of detective stories, The Mousetrap. Jean Renoir, French film maker, The Rules of The Game. James Fenimore Cooper, writer, The Last of the Mohicans. Jessye Norman, opera singer. Cannonball Adderly, jazz alto saxophonist.

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